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A plugin for Leaflet to have a bounce animation when adding a Marker to a map


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BounceMarker for Leaflet

This little plugin for Leaflet will make a Marker bounce when you add it on a map on whenever you want it to.

Watch the demo.


Things may break in master, so please don't use this in production. Tags should be preferred for used in production.

Last stable: v1.2.3



bounce(options, endCallback)

Make a marker bounce at anytime you wish.


Stop the animation and place the marker at its destination.


Add a Marker to {map} and optionaly make it bounce.


Stop any animation running and remove the Marker from {map}.


bounceOnAddOptions : Object

User defined options


Callback run at the end of the whole animation.

bounce(options, endCallback)

Make a marker bounce at anytime you wish.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options bounceOnAddOptions user defined options
endCallback bounceOnAddCallback run at end of animation


marker = new L.Marker([48.85, 2.35], {bounceOnAdd: true}).addTo(map);
marker.on('click', function () {
    marker.bounce({duration: 500, height: 100});

stopBounce() ⇒ void

Stop the animation and place the marker at its destination.

Kind: global function


Add a Marker to {map} and optionaly make it bounce.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
map L.Map Leaflet map to add the marker to


L.marker([48.85, 2.35],
    bounceOnAdd: true,


Stop any animation running and remove the Marker from {map}.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
map L.Map Leaflet map to add the marker to

bounceOnAddOptions : Object

User defined options

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[bounceOnAddOptions.duration] Number 1000 Animation's duration in ms.
[bounceOnAddOptions.height] Number topY Height (in pixel) from which the marker is "dropped".
[bounceOnAddOptions.loop] Number 1 Number of times the animation should play. -1 is a special value for infinite loop.

bounceOnAddCallback ⇒ void

Callback run at the end of the whole animation.

Kind: global typedef