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ASCII character sheet example (level 1 rogue)
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matomatical committed Oct 26, 2021
1 parent 88fbf45 commit 7479aa0
Showing 1 changed file with 296 additions and 0 deletions.
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions example-rogue.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
\' ',)
,` ,--. ', , /------.___________________,------\
', \ ',,V 5E CHARACTER SHEET [ RACE: Gnome (Forest Gnome) ]
_\___\____;;l________________________ [ BACKGROUND: Criminal ]
_/ ';/ CHARACTER NAME \\ [ ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good ]
//| Mimble "Nicks" Timbers \\[ CLASS: Rogue LEVEL: 1 ]
// ; ,---. , //[ EXPERIENCE POINTS: 0 ]
\\ \______________________/ _ \___,'/_// \______,-------------------.______/
\\_'/ VZ\ `' / \ `.' /
/------\ +FAR`.__,' `.__,' _.._ .------------. .-----------.
| STR: | .--------------------------. _/ \_ |/ \| |/ \|
[ (-1) ] { +2 PROFICIENCY BONUS } | 15 | | +4 | | 25 ft |
\\<''>// { } \ / |\ /| |\ /|
/------\ '--------------------------' `-.,-` '------------' '-----------'
| DEX: | .--------------------------. .-----------------------------------.
[ 18 ] { SAVING THROWS } { HIT POINTS: [**********] 9 / 9 }
[ (+4) ] { STR -1 .:"":. +6 INT X } { TEMP HIT POINTS: }
\~:><:~/ | X DEX +6 :\/20\/: +0 WIS | '-----------------------------------'
/------\ { CON +1 :/\``/\: +3 CHA } .-------------. .---------------------.
| CON: | { `._\/_.' } |/ \| |/ \|
[ 12 ] '--------------------------' | HIT DICE | | DEATH SAVES |
[ (+1) ] .--------------------------. | 1d8 | | < - - - + - - - > |
\_\()/_/ { SKILLS } |\ /| |\ death life /|
/------\ { X Acrobatics +6 (dex) } '-------------' '---------------------'
| INT: | | X Animal Handling +2 (wis) | .-----------------------------------.
[ 18 ] | Arcana +4 (int) | { ATTACKS & SPELLCASTING }
[ (+4) ] | Athletics -1 (str) | { NAME BONUS DAMAGE/TYPE }
\+/{}\+/ | X Deception +5 (cha) | | Dagger +6 1d4+4 piercing |
/------\ | History +4 (int) | | Shortbow +6 1d6+4 piercing |
| WIS: | | Insight +0 (wis) | | Rapier +6 1d8+4 piercing |
[ 11 ] | Intimidation +3 (cha) | | |
[ (+0) ] | X Investigation +6 (int) | | NAME; TIME RANGE DUR. COMPONENTS |
\+_/\_+/ | Medicine +0 (wis) | | Minor illusion (illusion cantrip) |
/------\ | Nature +4 (int) | | INT 1act 30ft 1min SM (fleece) |
| CHA: | | Perception +0 (wis) | | |
[ 16 ] | Performance +3 (cha) | | |
[ (+3) ] | Persuasion +3 (cha) | | |
\"}--{"/ | Religion +4 (int) | | |
/------\ |XX Sleight of Hand +8 (dex) | | |
| PAS. | |XX Stealth +8 (dex) | { }
[ WIS: ] { Survival +0 (wis) } { }
[ 10 ] { } '-----------------------------------'
\::[]::/ '--------------------------' /------._____________________,------\
+-------------------------------------+ [ APPEARANCE ]
| OTHER PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES | [ AGE: 45 (young adult gnome) ]
| Tools: thieves' tools, Dragonchess | [ GENDER: Male ]
| set, playing card set | [ HEIGHT: 3'5" (104cm) (Small) ]
| Weapons: hand crossbow, longsword, | [ WEIGHT: 45lb (20kg) ]
| rapier, shortsword, simple | [ EYES: Bright gold, gleaming ]
| Armor: light | [ SKIN: Tan ]
| Languages: Common, Gnomish | [ HAIR: Auburn, wild + spiky beard ]
+-------------------------------------+ \______,---------------------.______/
| Belt pouch:
| * 45 GP
| Thieves' tools
| * Small file
| * Set of lock picks
| * Small metal hand mirror
| * Narrow-bladed scissors
| * Pliers
| Clothing:
| * Dark hooded common clothes (on)
| * Trinket: an old key (on string around neck)
| Weapons & Armor:
| * Quiver
| * Arrow (20)
| * Shortbow
| * Rapier
| * Dagger (2)
| * Leather armor
| Backpack (Burglar's Pack):
| * Ball bearings (1000)
| * String (10ft)
| * Bell
| * Candle (5)
| * Crowbar
| * Hammer
| * Piton (10)
| * Hooded lantern
| * Oil (2 flasks)
| * Rations (5 days)
| * Tinderbox
| * Waterskin
| * Philter of Love
| * Weird arcane padlock
| * Common pants
| * Weird keys
| * Gold necklace (10gp)
| * Golden gem-encrusted goblet (1) (40gp)
| Strapped to backpack:
| * Hempen rope (50ft)
| Cantrips:
| * Minor Illusion (IIlusion cantrip)
| Casting Time: 1 action; Range: 30ft; Duration: 1 minute;
| Components: S, M (a bit of fleece);
| Description:
| You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the
| duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this
| spell again. If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a
| scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a lion's roar, a beating
| of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated
| throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times
| before the spell ends.
| If you create an image of an object-such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a
| small chest---it must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image can't
| create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical
| interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can
| pass through it.
| If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature
| can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence
| (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the
| illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.
| Race (Gnome):
| * Ability Score Increase: +2 INT
| * Darkvision: 60ft
| * Gnome Cunning: Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic.
| Subrace (Forest Gnome):
| * Ability Score Increase: +1 DEX
| * Natural Illusionist. You know the minor illusion cantrip. Intelligence is
| your spellcasting ability for it.
| * Speak with Small Beasts: Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate
| simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.
| Background (Criminal):
| * Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as
| your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages
| to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know
| the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can
| deliver messages for you.
| Class (Rogue):
| * Thieves' Cant: Convey secret messages hidden in normal conversation.
| Level 1:
| * Expertise: double proficiency bonus for sleight of hand and stealth skills
| * Sneak Attack: 1d6 extra damage on attack where you have advantage, or
| another enemy of creature is within 5 ft (and no disadvantage). (use
| once/turn).
| Personality traits:
| * Pickpocket: "I once stole a walking man's trousers"
| * "The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything
| valuable (or where such things could be hidden)."
| Ideals:
| * Redemption: "There's a spark of good in everyone."
| Bonds:
| * "I owe a debt to a powerful thieves' guild master, and I intend to pay it
| back"
| Flaws:
| * Kleptomaniac: "I can't fight the urge to steal given the opportunity, even
| from my friends. As a practiced rogue, 'opportunity' is not hard to come
| by."
| Childhood (0-25yo):
| * My kleptomania has given me an uncontrollable compulsion to steal random
| things since I was a child. Back then I even felt compelled to steal things
| which were useless to me such as junk, clothing, books, excess food.
| * Due to my behaviour, I became an outcast in my home village (a hidden forest
| gnome grove). I didn't have many friends, but one day I met a young fox cub
| in the forest.
| * As I grew older my behaviour continued to burden my family and neighbours
| (I would even compulsively steal from them). Since I couldn't shake the
| habit so I resolved to distance myself from my loved ones for their sake. I
| left the village and travelled to a nearby city and tried to make it on my
| own.
| * By this time, the fox cub I had met as a child had become a beloved pet and
| loyal companion. I named her "Nexivian". Sometimes she even helped me in my
| undeharnded endeavours---she is naturally sly and has the curious ability to
| change the colour of her fur at will, which provides incredible
| camouflage. She would often retrieve target items while I provided some kind
| of distraction. However, Nex has always had a different concept of value
| compared to my own, and always gets distracted by a possible hunt for food.
| Thieves' Guild (25-45yo):
| * Anyway---back to the story. In the big city, I tried to live honestly but I
| could not help myself from falling back into my stealing ways. Eventually, I
| made the mistake of robbing a member of the local thieves' guild. I was
| easily captured, and interrogated about my links with rival thieves' guild
| factions. Even though I had no such connections, I feared the worst.
| * Once it was clear that I wasn't a threat, the leader of the thieves' guild
| (a mature, fiery-haired gnome woman named "Red") decided to induct me into
| the group. She sensed my potential as a pickpocket, noting that my Forest
| Gnome traits suited the profession perfectly.
| * The guild's name was "Underim", making its home in the sewer tunnels under
| the sprawling city's streets. I came to refer to it, affectionately, as
| "The Rimbly".
| * I trained under several proficient rogues for many years, developing my
| sleight of hand, stealth, and deception especially. I even learned to 'hone'
| my kleptomania somewhat (though not to control it completely). I learned to
| focus my urges towards targets that would bring me personal gain. The
| strength of my compulsions became proportional to my perceived value of the
| target. This helped me avoid strong urges for stealing useless junk, but
| high-value targets now cause me uncontrollable cravings for theft.
| * To say that this is troublesome is to vastly understate the problem. I am
| compelled to steal, or at least to attempt to steal, even when the chances
| of success are vanishing or non-existant, or when the owners of the targets
| I acquire are my friends or colleagues.
| * In fact, recently, my compulsion caused me to steal a priceless treasure
| from Red, the very master who took me in all those years ago. I had stolen
| from the guild before; they understood my condition, so usually they would
| just reclaim whatever I had taken. This time, however, the treasure was
| stolen from me before it could be reclaimed.
| * As a result, I owe an un-payable debt to Red. She has given me a chance to
| find the treasure or some equally valuable replacement, and so I have left
| the city in search of adventure and the riches that it alone can bring. And
| that brings us to the beginning of the story.
| Other notes:
| * Gnomes are Lawful Good by nature. I, too, started that way, but after a
| childhood where abiding by the law was impossible, I gradually drifted to
| Neutral Good. I still dealt with the guilt associated with my behaviour
| until, in the lawless environment of The Rimbly, I managed to rationalise it
| to myself by questioning the foundational societal concept of 'ownership'
| itself. Needless to say, my alignment is now Chaotic Good as a result. My
| rejection of the concept of 'ownership' goes both ways: I will 'liberate'
| possessions from others no faster than I will be generous with my own
| trappings, even those which I have recently taken. I will also see no
| problem with 'redistributing' items and equipment amongst people as I see
| the need.
| * Gnomes hold many names in their own society. I had many myself, though I
| have forgotten many of them long since leaving my childhood home. At The
| Rimbly I embraced the nickname "Nicknack", and now I go by a shorter version
| ("Nicks"). From my distant childhood I only remember two names: I was called
| "Mimbly Timbly" by my childhood friends, and "Lusterdust" by my family.
| * I awoke after some foreboding but fading dreams inside a small room at the
| Yatta tavern. I made quick work of the nearby rooms (except for one ornate
| chest---I pocketed the lock but it trembled so I decided to come back later
| to see if anything valuable was inside).
| * I tried to recruit a topless half-orc to help me with the chest (meat shield)
| but he was otherwise occupied with three human girls. I stole some pants and
| jewellery from the tavern's occupants downstairs, as they cheered on some
| poor elven drunkard guzzling a cauldron of tequila.
| * Outside I met a tiefling druid called Rayvwen, as I snacked on some fruit
| with Nex. Nex took a liking to the stranger, and I recruited him to
| investigate the mysterious chest with me.
| * We found the room occupied, but a wizardly-looking fellow soon stormed out.
| we snuck in and opened the chest, only to find a rabid rabbit inside. It
| jumped Rayvwen and I failed to calm it down, and then the wizard was back.
| Rayvwen didn't rat me out, and we convinced him we had just entered the room
| to investigate a scream. The wizard muttered something hurriedly and left
| with the rabbit and the chest, but I kept the lock.
| * The next day I was summoned by town guards to meet a Sargeant Frank
| Exposition who recruited me, Rayvwen, the topless half-orc (Shauthor) and
| drunken Elf-wizard (Naboo) on a quest to investigate the recent murder of
| town Mayor Royam.
| * We began by investigating the mayor's room, which still contained his
| corpse. We noticed that the Mayor's mouth was blistered inside, that he
| wasn't wearing any rings (but had marks indicating that he usually did), and
| that it appeared he had scribed a 'H' into the bedpost near his hand, before
| the writing trailed off. Otherwise, I observed that nearly everything of
| value had been removed from the room...
| * There was an unsuspicious ornate goblet, but also a serving tray that seemed
| to indicate that the goblet had been part of a pair. Compelled to keep the
| goblet, I waited until the others were distracted and then pocketed it.
| Rayvwen noticed its pair in the bushes below the window. We were 50ft above
| the ground in the tower, but I was able to lower Nex down the wall with my
| 50ft rope to retrieve it. Shauthor noticed a smell of Fire Genasi Piss, and
| then I pocketed the goblet's pair too.
| * We proceeded to interrogate the Mayor's widow, what was her name? And then
| the treasurer, Alanor, who had been promoted to acting mayor after Royam's
| death. The treasurer showed us his valuable signet ring, and I had to try to
| snatch it after we were finished talking to him. I shook his hand and
| successfully removed the ring, but I knew he had noticed after I turned to
| walk away. As he called the guards I turned around and offered him the ring
| back, with a cool smile: 'oh, your ring seems to have slipped into my hand'.
| Lucky for us, he bought it, but unlucky for me, I now have a taste for
| rare signet rings...
| * The companions resolved to investigate some trader, a lead from the
| treasurer, next. On our way to the docks we pased some town guards extorting
| a local bakery. While the others entered the bakery to investigate, I
| slipped away with my eye on the sack of gold pieces the guards were
| flaunting. I trailed them back to the great hall where I waltzed through the
| doors, only to see them give the money straight to Alanor. Interesting, he
| hadn't mentioned a local protection racket during our previous conversation.
| * I followed the soldiers to their barracks and listened into their dorm, but
| learned nothing interesting.
| * When I met back up with the companions, they had agreed to barter one of the
| Mayor's ornate goblets to the trader in exchange for information. We went
| back to the trader's stall, and I reluctantly parted with one of the
| goblets full intending on getting it back somehow. Unfortunately, the
| information did not prove especially helpful. More unfortunately, the
| trader's companions looked like my kind of people... rogues, or at least
| thieves, and they left me no opportunity to snatch back the goblet.
| * Oh well, owning the goblet was fun while it lasted, but I will find more
| valuable treasures if I hang around these folks long enough, I'm sure of it.
| I have a good feeling about this.
* *

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