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Bridge between an E3/DC S10 home power station and an MQTT broker based on the RSCP protocol


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RSCP2MQTT - Bridge between an E3/DC S10 device and an MQTT broker

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This software module connects a home power station from E3/DC to an MQTT broker. It uses the RSCP interface of the S10 device.

The solution is based on the RSCP sample application provided by E3/DC and was developed and tested with a Raspberry Pi and a Linux PC (x86_64).

The tool fetches the data cyclically from the S10 and publishes it to the MQTT broker under certain topics.

Supported topic areas are:

  • Energy topics for today
  • Current power values
  • Autarky and self-consumption
  • Battery status
  • Energy management (EMS) power settings
  • Data from yesterday and the current week, month and year
  • Values of the power meter (PM)
  • Values of the photovoltaic inverter (PVI)
  • Values of the emergency power supply (EP)
  • Values of the wallbox (WB)

For continuous provision of values, you can configure several topics that are published in each cycle. Default: Only modified values will be published.

New Features

  • E3/DC wallbox topics
  • InfluxDB support
  • Topics for temperatures (battery, PVI)


  • An MQTT broker in your environment
  • rscp2mqtt needs the library libmosquitto. For installation please enter:
sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev

If you like to transfer data to InfluxDB install the libcurl library:

sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev

Cloning the Repository

sudo apt-get install git # if necessary
git clone
cd rscp2mqtt


To build a program version without InfluxDB use:


To build a program version including InfluxDB support use:



sudo mkdir -p /opt/rscp2mqtt
sudo chown pi:pi /opt/rscp2mqtt/

Adjust user and group (pi:pi) if you use another user.

Please copy rscp2mqtt and the config file into the directory /opt/rscp2mqtt

cp -a rscp2mqtt /opt/rscp2mqtt
cp config.template /opt/rscp2mqtt/.config

Configuration & Test

Please change to the directory /opt/rscp2mqtt and edit .config to adjust to your configuration:

cd /opt/rscp2mqtt
nano .config
// IP address of the E3/DC S10 device
// Port of the E3/DC S10 device, default is 5033
// E3/DC account
// AES password
// Target MQTT broker
// Default port is 1883
// MQTT user / password authentication necessary? Depends on the MQTT broker configuration.
// if true, then enter here
// MQTT parameters
// log file
// Interval requesting the E3/DC S10 device in seconds (1..10)
// enable PVI requests, default is true
// number of available PV strings(trackers), default is 2
// enable PM requests, default is true
// Auto refresh, default is false
// Disable MQTT publish support (dryrun mode)
// Wallbox, default is false
// topics to be published in each cycle (regular expressions)

Find InfluxDB configurations in InfluxDB.

The parameter FORCE_PUB can occur several times. You can use it to define topics that will be published in each cycle, even if the values do not change. To check the definition, look at the log output after the program start.

Start the program:


If everything works properly, you will see something like this:

E3DC system user: <your E3DC user>
MQTT broker localhost:1883 qos = 0 retain = false
Fetching data every second.

Connecting to server
Connected successfully

Request authentication at 2022-01-08 09:59:55 (1641632395)
RSCP authentitication level 10

Connecting to broker localhost:1883
Connected successfully

Request cyclic data at 2022-01-08 09:59:56 (1641632396)
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/solar/power< payload >2663<
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/battery/power< payload >1953<
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/home/power< payload >665<
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/grid/power< payload >-45<
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/addon/power< payload >0<
MQTT: publish topic >e3dc/coupling/mode< payload >3<

Check the configuration if the connections are not established.

If you use the Mosquitto tools you can subscribe the topics with (here without user / password)

mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -t 'e3dc/#' -v

Stop rscp2mqtt with Crtl-C and start it in the background.

Daemon Mode

Start the program in daemon mode:

./rscp2mqtt -d

If you like to start rscp2mqtt during the system start, use /etc/rc.local. Add the following line before exit 0.

(cd /opt/rscp2mqtt ; /usr/bin/sudo -H -u pi /opt/rscp2mqtt/rscp2mqtt -d)

Adjust the user (pi) if you use another user.

The daemon can be terminated with

pkill rscp2mqtt

Alternatively, rscp2mqtt can be managed by systemd. To do this, copy the file rscp2mqtt.service to the systemd directory:

sudo cp -a rscp2mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/

Configure the service sudo nano rscp2mqtt.service (adjust user 'User=pi'), if needed.

Register the service and start it with:

sudo systemctl start rscp2mqtt
sudo systemctl enable rscp2mqtt

Be careful that the program runs only once.


If stdout is redirected to another process or rscp2mqtt is started with option -s (silent mode), only the log information is passed (issue #10).

Device Control

rscp2mqtt subscribes to the root topic "e3dc/set/#" and forwards incoming requests to the S10 home power station. In this way, the unit can be controlled and changes made to its configuration.

Battery Charging

Start battery charging manually (payload is the energy [Wh] to charge)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/manual_charge" -m 1000

Weather Regulation

Set weather regulation (true/false)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/weather_regulation" -m true

Power Limits

Set limits for battery charging and discharging (true/false)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_limits" -m true

Set the charging and discharging power limits in [W]

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/max_charge_power" -m 2300
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/max_discharge_power" -m 4500

Emergency Power

Set battery reserve for emergency power

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "e3dc/set/reserve/energy" -m 1500 # in [Wh]
# or
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "e3dc/set/reserve/percent" -m 10 # in [%]

Power Management

Control the power management with "e3dc/set/power_mode":

The functionality can be used to intervene in the regulation of the power management. Caution: This function can be used to bypass a set feed-in reduction. Use this functionality at your own risk.

Automatic / normal mode

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_mode" -m "auto"

Idle mode (number of cycles)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_mode" -m "idle:60"

Discharge mode (power in [W], number of cycles)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_mode" -m "discharge:2000:60"

Charge mode (power in [W], number of cycles)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_mode" -m "charge:2000:60"

Grid charge mode (power in [W], number of cycles)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/power_mode" -m "grid_charge:2000:60"

After the time has elapsed (number of cycles multiplied by the configured interval) plus a few seconds, the system automatically returns to normal mode.

Turn on the functionality in the configuration file .config, add/change the following line:


Wallbox Control

Set solar or mix mode with the current in [A] (6..32 Ampere)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/wallbox/control" -m "solar:16"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/wallbox/control" -m "mix:8"

Stop charging

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/wallbox/control" -m "stop"

Set battery to car mode (true/1/false/0)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/wallbox/battery_to_car" -m true

Set battery before car mode (true/1/false/0)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/wallbox/battery_before_car" -m true

System Commands

Post all topics and payloads to the MQTT broker again

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/force" -m 1

Log all topics and payloads to the log file

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/log" -m 1

Set a new refresh interval (1..10 seconds)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/interval" -m 2

Set PM requests on or off (true/false)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "e3dc/set/requests/pm" -m true

Set PVI requests on or off (true/false)

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "e3dc/set/requests/pvi" -m true

Used Libraries and Licenses

  • The RSCP example application comes from E3/DC. According to E3/DC it can be distributed under the following conditions: The authors or copyright holders, and in special E3/DC can not be held responsible for any damage caused by the software. Usage of the software is at your own risk. It may not be issued in copyright terms as a separate work.
  • License of AES is included in the AES code files
  • Eclipse Mosquitto ( with EPL-2.0
  • libcurl (


Bridge between an E3/DC S10 home power station and an MQTT broker based on the RSCP protocol









  • C++ 76.2%
  • C 23.3%
  • Other 0.5%