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PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL


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Physics-based CartPole and Quadrotor Gym environments (using PyBullet) with symbolic a priori dynamics (using CasADi) for learning-based control, and model-free and model-based reinforcement learning (RL).

These environments include (and evaluate) symbolic safety constraints and implement input, parameter, and dynamics disturbances to test the robustness and generalizability of control approaches. [PDF]

problem illustration

         title={Safe Learning in Robotics: From Learning-Based Control to Safe Reinforcement Learning}, 
         author={Lukas Brunke and Melissa Greeff and Adam W. Hall and Zhaocong Yuan and Siqi Zhou and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},
         journal = {Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems},
         url = {}}

Install on Ubuntu/macOS

(optional) Create and access a Python 3.7 environment using conda

$ conda create -n safe python=3.7                                  # Create environment (named 'safe' here)
$ conda activate safe                                              # Activate environment 'safe'

Clone and install the safe-control-gym repository

$ git clone       # Clone repository
$ cd safe-control-gym                                              # Enter the repository
$ pip install -e .                                                 # Install the repository


Overview of safe-control-gym's API:

block diagram

      title={safe-control-gym: a Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-based Control and Reinforcement Learning}, 
      author={Zhaocong Yuan and Adam W. Hall and Siqi Zhou and Lukas Brunke and Melissa Greeff and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},

Getting Started

Familiarize with APIs and environments with the scripts in examples/

$ cd ./examples/                                                   # Navigate to the examples folder
$ python3  --overrides tracking.yaml                   # PID trajectory tracking with the 2D quadcopter
$ python3 --system cartpole --overrides verbose_api.yaml  #  Printout of the extened safe-control-gym APIs

Systems Variables and 2D Quadrotor Lemniscate Trajectory Tracking

systems trajectory

Verbose API Example

List of Implemented Controllers

Re-create the Results in "Safe Learning in Robotics" [arXiv link]

To stay in touch, get involved or ask questions, please open an issue on GitHub or contact us via e-mail ({jacopo.panerati, zhaocong.yuan, adam.hall, siqi.zhou, lukas.brunke, melissa.greeff}

Figure 6—Robust GP-MPC [1]

$ cd ../experiments/annual_reviews/figure6/                        # Navigate to the experiment folder
$ chmod +x                                          # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                                 # Run the script (ca. 2')

This will use the models in safe-control-gym/experiments/figure6/trained_gp_model/ to generate


To also re-train the GP models from scratch (ca. 30' on a laptop)

$ chmod +x                              # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                     # Run the script (ca. 30')

Note: this will backup and overwrite safe-control-gym/experiments/figure6/trained_gp_model/

Figure 7—Safe RL Exploration [2]

$ cd ../figure7/                                                   # Navigate to the experiment folder
$ chmod +x                                          # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                                 # Run the script (ca. 5'')

This will use the data in safe-control-gym/experiments/figure7/ to generate


To also re-train all the controllers/agents (warning: >24hrs on a laptop, if necessary, run each one of the loops in the Bash script—PPO, PPO with reward shaping, and the Safe Explorer—separately)

$ chmod +x                              # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                     # Run the script (>24hrs)

Note: this script will (over)write the results in safe-control-gym/experiments/figure7/safe_exp_results/; if you do not run the re-training to completion, delete the partial results rm -r -f ./safe_exp_results/ before running ./ again.

Figure 8—Model Predictive Safety Certification [3]

(required) Obtain MOSEK's license (free for academia). Once you have received (via e-mail) and downloaded the license to your own ~/Downloads folder, install it by executing

$ mkdir ~/mosek                                                    # Create MOSEK license folder in your home '~'
$ mv ~/Downloads/mosek.lic ~/mosek/                                # Copy the downloaded MOSEK license to '~/mosek/'

Then run

$ cd ../figure8/                                                   # Navigate to the experiment folder
$ chmod +x                                          # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                                 # Run the script (ca. 1')

This will use the unsafe (pre-trained) PPO controller/agent in folder safe-control-gym/experiments/figure8/unsafe_ppo_model/ to generate


mpsc-2 mpsc-3

To also re-train the unsafe PPO controller/agent (ca. 2' on a laptop)

$ chmod +x                              # Make the script executable, if needed
$ ./                                     # Run the script (ca. 2')

Note: this script will (over)write the model in safe-control-gym/experiments/figure8/unsafe_ppo_model/


Related Open-source Projects

University of Toronto's Dynamic Systems Lab / Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence


PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL







No packages published


  • Python 99.3%
  • Shell 0.7%