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json4jsoup: JSON parser for jsoup (Java HTML Parser)

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

See for downloads and the full API documentation, cookbook.

json4jsoup is a powerful JSON RFC 4627, 7158, RFC 7159 parser for jsoup. It can consume almost every text as JSON and convert it internally to an XML-tree.

All JSON elements are converted one-to-one into three XML tags (obj, arr, val), XML comment section, (very rare and with many details) "unk" tag and two main attributes (id, class).

Compatible with all versions of jsoup since 1.12.1. No extra dependencies!


I am here: src\test\resources/example.json **/
{projects: [
		project_name = 'Google Gson',
		'url': "",
		"rating": 4.956,
		"contributors": [{
				first_name: Jesse,,,, ' last  name ': "'Wilson ' ",
				"home_page": ""
		"project_name" => jsoup

		"url": "";,;,;

		'contributors': [
				"first_name" = "Jonathan", "last_name" => "Hedley",
"home_page": ""
			},{///2nd OBJ in Array
				"first_name": "Andrej", "last_name": "Fink";;; " home
     page ": "
  magicprinc ";


Document doc = Jsoup.parse(exampleJson, "UTF-8", "", JsonTreeBuilder.jsonParser());
assert "Fink".equals("#contributors obj:eq(1) #last_name").text());
assert "jsoup".equals("#projects #project_name.str.unquoted").text());
assertEquals("<arr><val class=\"bool\">true</val><val class=\"bool\">true</val></arr>", JsonTreeBuilder.jsonToXml("[true, true]"));

**internal XML tree 1 (with class metadata) **

I am here: src\test\resources/example.json *-->
 <arr id="projects">
   <val id="project_name" class="apos quoted str"> Google Gson </val>
   <val id="url" class="quot quoted str"> </val>
   <val id="rating" class="unquoted num"> 4.956 </val>
   <arr id="contributors">
     <val id="first_name" class="unquoted str"> Jesse </val>
     <val id=" last  name " class="quot quoted str"> 'Wilson '  </val>
     <val id="home_page" class="quot quoted str"> </val>
   <val id="project_name" class="unquoted str"> jsoup </val>
   <val id="url" class="quot quoted str"> </val>
   <val id="rating" class="unquoted num"> 5e10 </val>
   <arr id="contributors">
     <val id="first_name" class="quot quoted str"> Jonathan </val>
     <val id="last_name" class="quot quoted str"> Hedley </val>
     <val id="home_page" class="quot quoted str"> </val>
     <!--/2nd OBJ in Array-->
     <val id="first_name" class="quot quoted str"> Andrej </val>
     <val id="last_name" class="quot quoted str"> Fink </val>
     <val id=" home
     page " class="quot quoted str">
  magicprinc  </val>


Document doc = Jsoup.parse(exampleJson, "UTF-8", "", JsonTreeBuilder.jsonParser(false));//no extra info in attrs

**internal XML tree 2 (no metadata) **

I am here: src\test\resources/example.json *-->
<obj><arr id="projects">
   <val id="project_name">Google Gson</val>
   <val id="url"></val>
   <val id="rating">4.956</val>
   <arr id="contributors">
     <val id="first_name">Jesse</val>
     <val id=" last  name ">'Wilson ' </val>
     <val id="home_page"></val>
   <val id="project_name">jsoup</val>
   <val id="url"></val>
   <val id="rating">5e10</val>
   <arr id="contributors">
     <val id="first_name">Jonathan</val>
     <val id="last_name">Hedley</val><val id="home_page"></val>
    <obj><!--/2nd OBJ in Array-->
     <val id="first_name">Andrej</val>
     <val id="last_name">Fink</val><val id=" home
     page ">
  magicprinc </val>

More examples are available in 135 unit-tests in org.jsoup.parser.JsonTreeBuilderTest.

Simple example: ExampleTest


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.magicprinc:jsoup.json:1.17.1'