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Zalando Tech’s guidelines for building new applications and managing legacy systems.

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Zalando Tech's Rules of Play

####The Rules, Briefly As part of Radical Agility, implemented by Zalando's technology team in March 2015, we have adopted this set of "Rules of Play":

  • microservices
  • API First
  • REST
  • Cloud
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

This document focuses primarily on services, as the principles for interoperating between services are quite mature and stable. Note: A service is an application, but not all applications are services. For example, a frontend is not a service. Its requirements are fundamentally harder to meet because of aesthetic and user experience concerns. And the fast-moving set of technologies around the browser bring less maturity and more complexity.

Starting from Scratch

We strive to build applications that are:

  • resilient
  • extensible
  • maintainable
  • with quality built-in and
  • scalable to adjust to demand.

These properties lead to architectural principles that guide the choices we have to make.


We prefer loosely coupled services. They are more resilient when it comes to remote dependency failures. We aim to develop autonomous isolated services that can be independently deployed and that are centered around defined business capabilities. ###How to build a loosely-coupled system ####Asynchronous communication Synchronous calls to remote systems can lead to threads in waiting state until the call times out. This can completely paralyze a system, as more and more threads move into that state until the system can no longer react to new requests. Further, synchronous calls are blocking and prevent the thread from doing anything else.

We reduce the impact of remote failures by calling them asynchronously. We achieve this by choosing an event-driven architecture based on queues (typically wrapped by REST interfaces). Communication with other systems becomes non-blocking. While functionality might be compromised, the system continues working. ####Service Degradation We react to remote dependency failures by degrading a service until the remote dependency is working again. This means that your system must be aware of remote dependency health. It needs to detect failure and also notice when an external dependency becomes healthy again. ####Use Low-Tech Coupling Low-tech coupling reduces issues resulting from changes in communicating systems, and can reduce complexity and dependencies. An example of low-tech coupling is service discovery via DNS. Communication should be done over interoperable protocols like HTTP instead of, for example, RMI. ####REST and JSON Because of their weak type system, we prefer REST-based APIs with JSON payloads to SOAP and its strong type system. We prefer systems to be truly RESTful (including HATEOS), not just JSON RPC, because the goals of REST match ours: to build interoperating distributed systems that can be evolved in parallel by different teams while continuing to work.

REST makes it possible to evolve APIs safely and without breaking them, and it brings high-level simplicity across all our APIs.

The API Guild provides structure around the details of our API strategy. ###How to structure your services Build services around business entities with state and behavior—for examples, “orders,” “payments,” or “prices.” In REST terms, these are “resources.”
####Service size A service should be big enough to offer a valid business capability, but small enough to be handled by a team that can be fed by two pizzas (Amazon’s Two-Pizza Team rule)—i.e., from two to 12 people. In practice, a Two-Pizza Team may be able to own and run a large number of small services, or a smaller number of larger services.

All things considered, we prefer smaller services written in expressive programming languages with minimal code whenever possible. ####Service Layers A service typically includes several layers of the tech stack—entrypoint, business logic and data storage—and offers a clean API as an integration point. Teams have a lot of freedom to choose the technology they use to create a service, though we have internal resources that provide structure to technology choices. ####Autonomy A service:

  • should be as autonomous as possible.
  • should run in its own process and be independently deployable.
  • should start up and be resilient when its dependencies are not available.
  • should not share its data storage or code repository with any other service, so that changes do not affect other systems. should not share libraries with other services, unless those libraries are open-source. Shared internal dependencies lead to a large-scale complexity over time. We prefer to stop this practice immediately.
  • should not provide a client library. The core API and its data model are expressed as REST and JSON.

####APIs Our APIs form the purest expression of what our systems do. But API design is hard work and takes time. We prefer peer-reviewed, API First APIs designed and developed outside code (using Swagger, for example), to avoid the complexity and cost of making big changes. We prefer ongoing documentation to be generated from the code itself.

Our APIs need to last for a long time, so they must evolve in certain ways. Our APIs should all be similar in tone; we establish and agree to standards for how to do this. We will host API documentation for all our APIs in a central, searchable place. Documentation should always provide examples.

Our APIs should obey Postel's Law—aka "the Robustness Principle": Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept.

####Some Good Reads:

####SaaS Build your services so that it’s possible to offer them as a SaaS solution to third parties. In fact, consider any other system a third party with regards to API structure, resilience and service level. This is easier to do than it was a few years ago: AWS pushes us this way, the Internet model scales, and our security model is geared toward allowing our services to be on the open Internet.

We want to offers services in ways we never imagined or expected. This is part of being a platform. In some cases, this means being multi-tenant from the start.

####Security Always use SSL and make sure the caller of your service is authenticated and authorized.

###General guidelines ####Stateless When possible, be stateless. If you can’t, keep state separate from application logic. For example, use a separate database instead of, say, writing to a file.

####Immutable Strive for immutability whenever possible. This is a key concept from Effective Java, and languages like Scala and Clojure have stronger support for this than Java. (See Does Scala == Effective Java?)

Immutability tends to result in fewer bugs and makes it easier to prove a program correct. Immutable things are automatically thread-safe, with no synchronization required.

####Idempotent Whenever possible and reasonable, make service endpoints idempotent so that an operation produces the same results whether it’s executed just once or multiple times.

In distributed systems, things fail in different ways. When a client sees a failure, it might be because the core call has failed; the failure might have occurred in the network late in the process. It’s helpful if a client can try again, even for stateful operations. This can have significant impacts: For example, it might mean that the client should generate a unique id when putting new data into a service endpoint, rather than relying on the service to do it. This might imply that the calling client needs to be able to generate a UUID.

###Development Some general guidelines for how we think a development team should work.

####Agile > Process We don’t care if you use Scrum, Kanban or any other form of agile process. Just be agile. Don’t focus on the process, focus on the outcome.

Unfortunately, some process is required to satisfy our audit requirements. Our goal is to keep this as minimal as possible. We have some off-the-shelf processes you can use, or you can invent your own. If you invent your own, you might have to explain it to an auditor at some point—so write it down.

####Projects When it comes to auditing, “projects” enable us to report what we do for tax purposes. Not many engineers are too interested in auditing, but getting this right can save a lot of money.

We prefer that all or most work is done around some kind of conceptual “project.” A project should have some kind of purpose or goal. If it’s customer-facing, it should have some minimal business justification for why we are doing it. Assembling this information is typically the role of a product owner, but sometimes engineers need to do this themselves.

Having a first-class, cross-team notion of “project” is nice for a lot of reasons. It ultimately helps us to build automation that makes the overhead around auditing and controlling processes as minimal as possible.

####Ticketing We suggest using a ticketing system. Which one you use doesn’t matter, just pick one: JIRA, GitHub, etc. Postcards on the wall probably aren’t enough: Ticket information needs to be captured and stored for later.

Tickets should refer to the project that covers the work done. Checkin comments should refer to tickets.

####No Micromanagement If you feel like you’re being micromanaged, push back. We don’t do that here. On the other hand, it’s fine to ask for detailed support. When you ask for it, it’s not micromanagement, and sometimes it’s fine to ask. But it shouldn’t ever come as unwanted.

The team—not the Delivery Lead—decides on who builds what and how it’s done.

####Peer Review Don’t wait until you’re done to ask for code review: It’s the best way to catch defects early. Create a pull request at the start of your work, not at the end. This pulls people into an ongoing conversation about your code, from Day One.

Code review is expensive in some ways, so get the most out of it. Reviewing code is a great way to learn about style, get help with idioms, and grow as a programmer and reviewer.

Code review can be hard when the culture around it isn’t supportive and constructive. It takes practice to learn how to accept code reviews without getting defensive, and to review code without focusing on trivial things. Don’t bike shed.

Peer review gets easier when you have a good attitude about it. Everybody around you is smart, and you are smart. We’re all smart in different ways.

Depending on the team and its codebases, it might be required that at least one person reviews code before it goes live. This is especially true for systems that touch customer or financial data. In general, though, we don’t want to focus about when code review is or isn’t required: The system works best when people decide on their own that code review is valuable, and seek it out.

Architectural decisions should be made as a team, and the team should ask for help if it’s unsure. Ask your Delivery Lead, People Lead, and/or Engineering Head, or even experts from other teams (if it makes sense). Embrace open discussions and alternate opinions.

####Quality Quality is related to mindset, and it’s part of engineering. Systems that support multi-billion-Euro companies must be engineered for high quality. Usually this means:

  • writing unit tests early on mocking external systems so you can test against them while they’re not running, and also so that you can simulate various - failure scenarios from the service and the network between it
  • striving for automation

Automate testing whenever possible. It’s not always possible, but life is almost always better if you invest in automated tests of your code. (See Martin Fowler's Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture.)

We’re not going to require you to test your code, but expect your peers to challenge you if you don’t. For the most part, a dedicated QA team is a thing of the past. You and your team are responsible for your code’s behavior: There’s no other safety net.

Years ago, we didn’t build systems this way. Now we must. Fortunately, the tooling is pretty amazing.

####Continuous Delivery Strive for very short release cycles, optimally deploying daily; automating the delivery pipeline makes this possible. Small releases tend to have fewer bugs. Use canary testing for your new deployments to identify problems early.

Best practices for Continuous Delivery and Jenkins-as-a-Service are available for voluntary usage.

####Source Code Management We support Stash and GitHub as SCM to check in your code. You might want to use local git hooks for checking references to specifications in commit messages or checks.

####Documentation Document the architecture of your APIs and applications. Make it clear, concise, and current. Use inline documentation for more complex code fragments.

####Open Source We encourage an “Open Source First” approach to software development. Here is a detailed guide to open-sourcing projects at Zalando.

###Deployment ####Cloud vs. On-Premise We recommend using AWS for new projects to more easily take advantage of immutable instances, canary testing and autoscaling. It’s your call, though; we will continue to support our own infrastructure.

####Docker Our deployment platform is Docker. ensures traceability of changes by using a standard way of deploying with Docker, and provides a convenient and audit-compliant Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for multiple autonomous teams on top of AWS.

We know that Docker won’t last forever, and if you need to go beyond Docker, it’s possible. Have a good reason for going off piste, expect more work to make it happen, and don’t expect another team to support you.

####Monitoring and Logging We provide AppDynamics for every service. It includes monitoring as well as log management.

We also use ZMON, our own open-source monitoring solution, to track business KPIs and other metrics.

###Managing legacy In transitioning to a microservices architecture, we must maintain and transform our legacy applications. Take following guidelines into account.

####Reduce focus on sprocs Sprocs are stored procedures. For us they have been a crucial component for scaling PostgreSQL horizontally. They are not, however, the right solution for every database problem.

Sprocs bring a lot of power, but also introduce a lot of complexity—particularly around testing, maintainability, refactoring, and transparency. Sometimes this is worth it, particularly when we have to shard. But this approach should be used only if circumstances genuinely warrant it.

####New functionality becomes a new service When introducing new functionality, think of designing it as a new service instead of adding it to an existing legacy application. This allows you to leverage new technologies.

####Wrap it with Docker Use Docker to package your application. will help you to deploy your Docker images to the existing infrastructure.

####Migration to AWS Move legacy code to AWS whenever possible. Sometimes it will seem hard, but others here have done it. Ask for help.

###Closing Words ####The Joy of Programming The authors love code. Building simple systems that work efficiently and quickly brings us joy. Seeing these systems interoperate cleanly and harmoniously gives us pleasure. We do this because we love it. If we didn’t have to work, we’d probably still do this. And we know we’re not alone.

Building software systems can produce substantial existential pleasure. When the conditions are just right, programming is a reliable path to Flow: a state almost beyond pleasure. We want to get there, and stay there, and we want you to join us there. We hope these principles help.


Zalando Tech’s guidelines for building new applications and managing legacy systems.






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