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A customizeable <code-mirror> element that makes a code editor powered by CodeMirror. Use it in React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, etc. Demo:


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<code-mirror> element

A customizeable <code-mirror> element that makes a code editor powered by CodeMirror.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 21 26 PM

Use it declaratively in plain HTML, or with web frameworks and libraries like Lit, Vue, Svelte, Solid.js, Angular, Ember, jQuery, React, and all others.

npm install @lume/element

Live demos

Usage Example

Use <code-mirror> to create a text editor:

		/* Override the active line background color. */
		.cm-activeLine {
			background-color: #ff660044 !important
		<h1>This is HTML content that will appear in the text editor.</h1>
		<p>This is a paragraph that you'll be able to edit.</p>

For more usage examples, see ./examples/index.html. To run the examples, clone the repo, then run npm install && npm run examples.

Install and Setup

STUB: This section needs expansion, but should be enough for anyone familiar with common build tooling in the webdev/JS ecosystem. Contributions very welcome!

CDN method (no compiler or command line knowledge needed)

Follow the guide on installing lume from CDN, but simply replace lume with code-mirror-el. The process is otherwise the same.

Here's a live example on CodePen based on those instructions.

Local install

This assumes some familiarity with command lines and JavScript build tools.

First make sure you've installed Node.js so that we have the npm package manager avaiable.

Install the code-mirror-el package using the following in a terminal:

npm install code-mirror-el

Now, import into your project and start using the element in HTML, JSX, html template tags, etc.

import 'code-mirror-el'

// Ready to use

Optionally import the classes (especially useful for type annotations in TypeScript).

import {CodeMirror, CodeMirrorContentchangedEvent} from 'code-mirror-el'

const editor = document.querySelector('#editor') as CodeMirror

editor.addEventListener('contentchanged', (event: CodeMirrorContentchangedEvent) => {
  // ...

Basic Usage

See the example on CodePen.


With Solid.js JSX

If you've configured Solid.js for use with TypeScript, then simply importing code-mirror-el will register the JSX types for use in Solid.js JSX templates.

import {createSignal} from 'solid-js'
import 'code-mirror-el' // This is all that is needed.

function SomeComponent() {
	const [content, setContent] = createSignal('...')
	return <code-mirror basic-setup language="js" content={content} theme={someTheme}></code-mirror>

With React JSX

To get type checking in React JSX templates, import the React JSX types directly, as they will not be automatic like JSX type for Solid.js. This is because React JSX types are global, so in order to not automatically pollute global JSX types for non-React users, we do not automatically register them (tisk tisk tisk, React).


React still does not yet have syntax for sending non-string data via JS properties to custom elements, so you must use a ref for that in React.

import {useState, useRef, useEffect} from 'react'
import 'code-mirror-el'
import type {} from 'code-mirror-el/src/CodeMirror.react-jsx' // Import types specifically for React

function SomeComponent() {
	const [content, setContent] = useState('...')
	const editorRef = useRef()
	useEffect(() => {
		editorRef.current.theme = someTheme
	}, [])
	return <code-mirror ref={editorRef} basic-setup language="js" content={content}></code-mirror>

<code-mirror> API



Attributes in dash-case have an equivalent camelCase JS property. F.e. the strip-indent attribute maps its value to a stripIndent property.


Any non-string or non-boolean values described below are passed to the JS property directly, not to the attribute.


When true (when the attribute exists), CM's basicSetup will be applied.


A string to set the content of the editor to.


When true (default) common indentation will be removed. Useful for example if the content property is being set with a template string and the content is indented to make the outer code more readable but the indentation is undersired in the result inside the editor. Set the attribute strip-indent="false" to disable.


When true (default) trims leading and trailing whitespace from content.


The language to use. It should be a LanguageSupport object, an empty extension (for plain text mode), or the strings "html", "js", or "text" which are shortcuts for html(), javascript(), and [], respectively. Defaults to "js".


CSS styles to apply in <code-mirror>'s ShadowRoot. Useful for overriding CM styles. Defaults to a style that hard codes the activeLine style to overcome issues with selections not being visible on the active line (vadimdemedes/thememirror#8).

The value can be

  • a string containing CSS code
  • a <style> element containing CSS code
  • a <link> element linking to a CSS file
  • a CSSStyleSheet instance


Property only. The theme extension to use. Defaults to noctisLilac.


Property only. Any additional CodeMirror Extensions can be supplied here as an array.


Readonly. The CodeMirror EditorView instance. It will be undefined until the <code-mirror> element is connected.


Readonly. Shortcut for getting the current text content as a string.


The element takes no children except for a <template> element to specify content for the editor. The content attribute/property takes precendence over this, and <template> content will only be used if content is not set (i.e. when content is an empty string, which is the default).

When language is set to "js", content is taken from a <script> child of the <template>, otherwise content is taken from the template content. See examples/index.html for examples of both.



The <code-mirror> element emits a contentchanged event (a CodeMirrorContentchangedEvent object) whenever content of the editor changes. The event has the following propeties beyond those from its base Event class:

  • view - The CodeMirror EditorView
  • content - Readonly getter that returns a string of the document content. Use sparingly if there are lots of lines (f.e. debounced).


See CodeMirror for the JavaScript API powering the underlying editor.

<code-mirror> is written with @lume/element, a custom element library with templating and reactivity powered by Solid.js. Also see,, and for APIs that are useful with @lume/element.


A customizeable <code-mirror> element that makes a code editor powered by CodeMirror. Use it in React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, etc. Demo:








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