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Do Better ImageNet Models Transfer Better?

Hi! We provide simple Tensorflow 2.0 implementations for paper "Do Better Imagnet models Transfer Better?". There are 3 transfer-learning tasks in this implementations.

  • As fixed extractors

    L2-regularized Logistic Regression + L-BFGS without data augmentation

  • Fine-tuned from ImageNet initialization
  • Trained from random initialization

How to use


pip install tensorflow-datasets
conda install tensorflow-gpu

You can install tensorflow-gpu & datasets!

Parameter Setting

You need to change the parameters according to the data set in or Implementation.ipynb. (NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES, IMG_SHAPE, NUM_CLASSES). You can use 2 models & 6 datasets in this implementation or more.

BS_PER_GPU = 64  # Batchsize = 4x64
TASK=2  # Task 1 : Logistic Regression, Task2 : Transfer learning, Task3 : Random Initialization(Scratch Training)
MODEL = "mobilenet_v2"  # mobilenet_v1, mobilenet_v2
DATASET = "cifar10"  # food101, cifar10, cifar100, sun397, oxford_flowers102, caltech101
learning_rate = 0.01

Model Summary

Parameter Features Image Size Top-1acc / Retrained Top-1acc / Paper
MobileNet v1 3.2M 1024 224 72.4 70.4
MobileNet v2 2.2M 1280 224 71.6 72.0



The higher the accuracy in ImageNet, the higher the performance in transfer learning.

Dataset Metric Classes Size(train/test)
food101 top-1 101 75750/25250
cifar10 top-1 10 50000/10000
cifar100 top-1 100 50000/10000
sun397 top-1 397 19850/19850
oxford_flowers102 mean acc 102 2040/6149
caltech101 mean acc 102 3060/6084

Task 1. Logistic Regression.

Dataset mobilenet v1 mobilenet v2
food101 win!
cifar10 win!
cifar100 win!
sun397 win!
oxford_flowers102 win!
caltech101 win!

Task 2. Fine-Tuned

Dataset mobilenet v1 mobilenet v2
food101 win!
cifar10 win!
cifar100 win!
sun397 win!
oxford_flowers102 win!
caltech101 win!

Task 3. Trained from Random Initialization

Dataset mobilenet v1 mobilenet v2
food101 win!
cifar10 win!
cifar100 win!
sun397 win!
oxford_flowers102 win!
caltech101 win!

My Result.

1. Tensorflow 2.0


  • Preprocessing - (Scale to [-1, 1])
  • Dropout
  • Data Augmentation
  • Optimizer - SGD (Momentum 0.9, Nestrov True, Weight Decay 1e-6)
  • Batchsize - 256
  • Image Size - 224 x 224 (except cifar10, 100 - 32 x 32)
  • Epoch : 200 (~10000 iterations)

Mobilenet v1 vs v2 - acc

Dataset Task1 v1 Task1 v2 Task2 v1 Task2 v2 Task3 v1 Task3 v2
food101 - - - - - -
cifar10 0.2185 0.2868 0.8257 0.8164 0.7788 0.7635
cifar100 0.0561 0.0936 0.5752 0.5414 0.3015 0.2861
sun397 - - - - - -
oxford_flowers102 - - 0.5572 0.5250 - -
caltech101 - - 0.8664 0.8616 0.5303 0.5408

Statistical Methods - log odds

Dataset Task1 v1 Task1 v2 Task2 v1 Task2 v2 Task3 v1 Task3 v2
food101 - - - - - -
cifar10 -1.2744 -0.9109 1.5554 1.4921 1.2586 1.1719
cifar100 -2.8224 -2.2704 0.3030 0.1659 -0.8401 -0.9144
sun397 - - - - - -
oxford_flowers102 - - 0.2298 0.1000 - -
caltech101 - - 1.8694 1.8286 0.1213 0.1635

2. Pytorch


  • Preprocessing - (Scale to [0, 1])
  • Dropout
  • Data Augmentation
  • Optimizer - SGD (Momentum 0.9, Nestrov True, Weight Decay 1e-6)
  • Batchsize - 64
  • Image Size - 224 x 224
  • Epoch : 100 (~10000 iterations)

Mobilenet v1 vs v2 - acc

Dataset Task1 v1 Task1 v2 Task2 v1 Task2 v2 Task3 v1 Task3 v2
food101 - - - - - -
cifar10 - - - 0.9200 0.8910 0.8670
cifar100 - - - 0.8800 0.6600 0.7100
sun397 - - - - - -
oxford_flowers102 - - - - - -
caltech101 - - - - - -


Do Better ImageNet Models Transfer Better?







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