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Laurent MICHEL edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 10 revisions

The vodml-lite-mapping vs the current proposal

This alternative mapping syntax keeps the same basics as the current proposal:

  • The mapping is located in a <VODML> block, child of <VOTABLE>.
  • The mapping elements reflect the model structure.
  • The <VODML> block starts with a list of implemented models.
  • There is one <TEMPLATES> per mapped <TABLE>.
  • There is one <GLOBALS> block containing data shared by the whole mapping.

There are however significant differences:

  • This mapping syntax support directive for the clients which are not part of the model (e.g. aggregation request or data filters).
  • The mapping as an explicit entry point, telling to the client what is the VOTable content.
  • Processing this alternate syntax require for the client to apply rules not states in the VOTable itself.

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