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Terraform Provider Plugin for Netbox

This repository holds a external plugin for a Terraform provider to manage resources within Netbox, an open source IP address management system. Using the go API client for DigitalOcean's NetBox IPAM and DCIM service Go-Netbox.

Good example: Example

About Netbox

Netbox is an open source IP address management system written in Python. Through our Go integration provided by [Go-Netbox3], we will integrate it into Terraform, allowing for the management and lookup of sections, VLANs, subnets and IP addresses, entirely withing Terraform.


See the Plugin Basics page of the Terraform docs to see how to plunk this into your config. Check the releases page of this repo to get releases for Linux, OS X, and Windows.


After installation, to use the plugin, simply use any of its resources or data sources (such as netbox_prefixes, netbox_vlans or netbox_prefixes_available_ips in a Terraform configuration.

Credentials can be supplied via configuration variables to the netbox provider instance, or via environment variables. These are documented in the next section.

You can see the following example below for a simple usage example that reserves the first available IP address in a subnet. This address could then be passed along to the configuration for a VM, say, for example, a vsphere_virtual_machine resource.

provider "netbox" {
  app_id = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"
  endpoint = ""

data "netbox_prefixes" "prefixes" {
  prefixes_id = 1

resource "netbox_prefixes_available_ips" "next_address" {
	prefixes_id = "${data.netbox_prefixes.prefixes.prefixes_id}"
	description = "IP requisitado via Terraform 20180827"

Plugin Options

The options for the plugin are as follows:

  • app_id - The API application ID, configured in the NETBOX panel. This application ID should have read/write access if you are planning to use the resources, but read-only access should be sufficient if you are only using the data sources. Caan also be supplied by the NETBOX_APP_ID environment variable.
  • endpoint - The server, protocol and port to access the NETBOX API, such as Can also be supplied by the NETBOX_ENDPOINT_ADDR environment variable.

Data Sources

The following data sources are supplied by this plugin:

The netbox_prefixes Data Source

The netbox_prefixes cadastred on netbox


data "netbox_prefixes" "prefixes" {
  prefixes_id = 1

Example With description:

data "netbox_prefixes" "prefixes" {
  prefixes_id = 1

output "prefix_description" {
  value = "${data.netbox_prefixes.prefixes.description}"

Example With vlan id - vid:

data "netbox_prefix" "search_by_vid" {
  vlan = {
    vid = 16

output "vlan_description" {
  value = "${}"
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • address_id - The ID of the IP address in the NETBOX database.
  • description - The description of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.

⚠️ NOTE: description, hostname, and custom_field_filter fields return the first match found without any warnings.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return the first address it sees in the subnet.

Arguments are processed in the following order of precedence:

  • address_id
  • ip_address
  • subnet_id, and either one of description, hostname, or custom_field_filter
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • description - The description provided to this IP address.

The netbox_vlans Data Source

The netbox_vlans data source allows you to search for vlans_by_id


data "netbox_vlans" "search_by_vid" {
  vid = 16

output "vlans_description" {
  value = "${data.netbox_vlans.search_by_vid.description}"
data "netbox_vlans" "search_by_name" {
  name = "Vlan16"

output "vlans_description" {
  value = "${data.netbox_vlans.search_by_name.description}"


Copyright 2018 BB, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.