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Galata is a JupyterLab UI Testing Framework that provides:


Getting Started

The galata repo contains an example test project that you can use to start writing UI test suites. Simply launch JupyterLab and run the test script after building the example project.

Launch JupyterLab

jupyter lab --expose-app-in-browser --no-browser --ServerApp.token='' --ServerApp.password='' --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf='True'

Build and run test project

# clone Galata repo
git clone

# cd into galata-example project
cd galata/packages/galata-example

# install dependencies

# build
yarn run build

# run test suites using `test` script which calls `galata` CLI script
yarn run test

Galata should generate console output similar to following

 PASS  tests/test.test.ts (6.485s)
  A Test Suite
    ✓ A test (3ms)

You can edit the test suite file galata-example/tests/test.test.ts or add more test suites to the galata-example/tests directory. You can pass additional command-line options to Galata by appending them to the yarn run test command such as yarn run test -- --no-headless.

Additional test suite examples are available in galata/tests. They contain examples of creating notebooks, uploading notebooks to JupyterLab, running notebooks and taking screenshots.

Architectural Overview

Galata loads JupyterLab in headless browser and interacts with it using playwright library. Since playwright can be quite low level for a lot of users and JupyterLab code-base knowledge is required to interact with JupyterLab UI, Galata provides a high level API that makes interacting with JupyterLab UI much easier. Galata is designed to be used with jest. It customizes jest environment configuration to manage JupyterLab runtime automatically so that users can focus on only writing their test cases.


Galata is compatible with JupyterLab 3. It communicates with the JupyterLab using the jupyterlab: JupyterFrontEnd object exposed to browser window (window.jupyterlab). The jupyterlab: JupyterFrontEnd object is accessible when JupyterLab is launched with --expose-app-in-browser flag.


Galata package is versioned with the same major, minor and patch versions as the JupyterLab it is made for. For example, if Galata is based on JupyterLab 3.0.1, a valid Galata version is 3.0.1-1 to 3.0.1-n. This version matching is enforced before Galata packages are published, for consistency.


Install dependencies and build

yarn run build

For tests to be run, a JupyterLab instance must be up and running. Launch it without credentials. Tests expect to connect JupyterLab from localhost:8888 by default. If a different URL is to be used, it can be specified using Galata's --jlab-base-url command line argument. If your tests are modifying files (upload / rename / delete), or taking captures that include file explorer then it is suggested to launch JupyterLab from inside an empty directory.

jupyter lab --expose-app-in-browser --no-browser --ServerApp.token='' --ServerApp.password='' --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf='True'

Galata uses headless browser to launch JupyterLab and runs tests in. Browser can be launched by Galata automatically. Galata can also connect to Browser via a remote debugging URL. It can be specified using --browser-url.

Running tests

There are two projects in this mono-repo. galata core project and galata-example project which is a boilerplate project that shows how galata can be integrated into a node project. Both of these projects contain some test suites that serve as unit tests and examples. You can run them using lerna run test or yarn run test in each project's root directory. It is suggested to run tests in each projects directory as below. Otherwise you need to run lerna run test --stream to see detailed result of each test in a test suite.

cd packages/galata
yarn run test


Galata can be configured by using command line arguments or using galata-config.json file. Full list of config options can be accessed using galata --help (or ./node_modules/.bin/galata --help for a local installation). An example of config files is at packages/galata/galata-config.json

Command-line Options

Galata provides a command-line interface (galata) to manage tests, references and execute additional tasks. Below is the list of these command-line arguments that can be passed to galata with detailed information on each.


  1. Argument values can be set using a space between name and value, or an equal sign in-between. For example: galata --result-server true is same as galata --result-server=true.
  2. For boolean typed arguments, a value of true doesn't need to be specified and they can be negated by adding no- as prefix. For example: galata --result-server is same as galata --result-server true. Also, galata --no-result-server is same as galata --result-server false.


$ galata <test_files> <options>

<test_files>: Optional. Regular expression pattern to match test files to run. Has the same properties as --test-path-pattern option described below.

<options>: Optional. List of arguments as described below.


  • --browser-type: Browser type to use for running tests

    Galata can run tests in three different type of browsers: chromium, firefox and webkit.

    Default: 'chromium'

  • --browser-path: Browser executable path

    Browser executable path to use when launching a browser, instead of using browser installed by playwright. Browser type must match the type of browser being launched from this path.

    Default: ''

  • --browser-url: Browser remote debugging URL

    If specified, Galata connects to Browser using this URL, instead of launching a new Browser instance. Browser type must match the type of browser being connected with this URL.

    Default: ''

  • --test-path-pattern: Regular expression pattern to match test files to run.

    Default: ^.*/tests/.*[ts,js]$ which resolves all .ts and .js test suite files under tests directory, including sub-directories.

  • --jlab-base-url: JupyterLab base URL

    Base URL to access JupyterLab.

    Default: http://localhost:8888

  • --jlab-token: JupyterLab authentication token

    Authentication token to use when connecting to JupyterLab

    Default: ''

  • --jest-config: jest configuration file

    Path to configuration file for jest. If specified, it should contain the preset as preset: './node_modules/@jupyterlab/galata/jest.config.js' (relative path to Galata's jest.config.js) so that default Galata jest configuration is applied first.

    Default: ''

  • --jest-path: jest executable path

    Path to jest executable.

    Default: ./node_modules/.bin/jest

  • --headless: Flag to enable browser headless mode

    Can be negated using --no-headless

    Default: true

  • --page-width: Browser page width in pixels

    Default: 1024

  • --page-height: Browser page height in pixels

    Default: 768

  • --include: Test suites to include

    Comma separated list of test suite names to include in run. Suffix .test.ts can be omitted. E.g. test1,test2 or test1.test.ts,test2.test.ts. If specified, only test suites in this list are run. Cannot be combined with --exclude, and if both specified, --exclude is ignored.

    Default: [], which will include all test suites

  • --exclude: Test suites to exclude

    Comma separated list of test suite names exclude in run. Suffix .test.ts can be omitted. E.g. test1,test2 or test1.test.ts,test2.test.ts. If specified, test suites in this list are excluded from run. Cannot be combined with --include.

    Default: [], which will not exclude any test suites

  • --skip-visual-regression: Flag to skip visual regression tests

    If set to true, any image capture comparison will pass without comparing. This feature can be used for debugging purposes or when reference files are not available. Can be negated using --no-skip-visual-regression

    Default: false

  • --skip-html-regression: Flag to skip HTML regression tests

    If set to true, any HTML capture comparison will pass without comparing. This feature can be used for debugging purposes or when reference files are not available. Can be negated using --no-skip-html-regression

    Default: false

  • --discard-matched-captures: Delete test captures when matching with reference

    If set to true, image and HTML captures that were used in a comparison are deleted when there is no difference with the reference file. This flag provides an optimization by deleting captures which don't produce any diff. Can be negated using --no-discard-matched-captures

    Default: true

  • --output-dir: Result output directory

    Directory to output test results. Each galata run produces several test output files including test captures and report files. They are stored in {output-dir}/{test-id} directory

    Default: ./test-output

  • --test-id: Custom test id to use

    If specified, test run is given this test-id. It controls directory where test result files are stored within output-dir (they are stored in {output-dir}/{test-id}), and it is presented in test result report. By default, test-id is auto generated from current date time.

    Default: Current date time in yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-ss format.

  • --reference-dir: Reference output directory

    Directory which contains reference image and HTML files. Images are expected to be in {reference-dir}/screenshots and HTML files are expected to be in {reference-dir}/html

    Default: ./reference-output

  • --result-server: Launch result file server when tests finished

    If set to true, launches an HTTP file server at http://localhost:8080. Can be negated using --no-result-server.

    Default: false

  • --open-report: Open result report

    If set to true, opens the test result report URL at http://localhost:8080/report/index.html using system's default browser. Only has effect when --result-server is toggled. Can be negated using --no-open-report.

    Default: true

  • --image-match-threshold: Image matching threshold

    Sets the image match threshold used during captured image's comparison with reference image. This parameter is passed to pixelmatch library that is used as the comparison tool. It can be a value between 0 and 1, higher values allowing more tolerance in image comparison.

    Default: 0.1

  • --slow-mo: Slow down UI operations by the specified ms

    If specified, playwright operations are slowed down by the specified milliseconds. Can be used for debugging tests.

    Default: 0

  • --launch-result-server: Launch result file server for a test

    Launches result server for a previously run test, so that test result output and report can be accessed from a URL. By default opens test result report as well. When its value is set to latest it finds the latest run test in {output-dir} by sorting them by name. This way of sorting works well if test-ids are set using the default logic of date time based id format. A test id can be set as the value of this argument (--launch-result-server {test-id}), and in that case result server will be serving test output for that particular test's results. Skips test execution.

    Default: latest

  • --update-references: Update reference files from a test's output

    Updates reference files using a previous run's output files. It doesn't remove existing reference files, but replaces if a reference file with same name exists. Images from {test-id}/screenshots are copied into {reference-dir}/screenshots and HTML files from {test-id}/html are copied into {reference-dir}/html. A test id can be set as the value of this argument (--update-references {test-id}). Default value is latest and same logic is used as described in --launch-result-server to find the latest test run. Skips test execution.

    Default: latest

  • --delete-references: Flag to delete all reference files

    Deletes all reference files in {reference-dir}. Skips test execution.

    Default: false

  • --help: Show usage information

    Shows usage information with list of all command-line options. Skips test execution.

  • --version: Show version information

    Shows version information of command-line tool. Skips test execution.


    $ galata --jlab-base-url http://localhost:8888
    $ galata --browser-url http://localhost:9222 --jlab-base-url http://localhost:8888
    $ galata ./ui-tests/*.test.ts
    $ galata --exclude contents
    $ galata --include notebook,contents
    $ galata --include [notebook,contents]
    $ galata --launch-result-server
    $ galata --launch-result-server --no-open-report
    $ galata --delete-references
    $ galata --update-references 2020-08-22_14-01-30

Reference Image Captures

When doing visual regression tests, it is important to use reference images that were generated in the same environment. Otherwise, even though the same browser is used for testing, there might be minor differences in image renderings generated that could cause visual regression tests to fail.

When adding a new visual regression test, first make sure your tests pass locally on your development environment, with a reference image generated in your dev environment. You can use images captured by Galata as reference images. They will be saved as part of test output, under test-output/<test-id>/screenshots. However, you shouldn't push these references images generated in your development environment to github. Instead, have the new regression tests run and fail by GitHub Actions first, then download the artifacts from GitHub and use the captures generated in GitHub testing environment as the reference images and push those in a separate commit.

Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct

This repository is a Jupyter project and follows the Jupyter Community Guides and Code of Conduct.

About Galata Name

Galata framework is named after Galata Tower in Istanbul. Centuries ago, Galata Tower was used to spot fires in the city. Tower was also used as astronomical observatory in the past.


Development of this project began under Bloomberg organization by Mehmet Bektas, then it was transferred to JupyterLab organization. We gratefully acknowledge Bloomberg for the generous contribution and supporting open-source software community.


JupyterLab UI Testing Framework







No packages published


  • JavaScript 71.5%
  • TypeScript 22.0%
  • EJS 4.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 1.2%
  • Other 1.0%