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飞书,点这里 | Larksuite(Overseas)

  • 如果使用的是飞书,请看 飞书,点这里 ,飞书与Larksuite使用的域名不一样,引用的文档地址也是不同的。(If you are using FeiShu, please see 飞书,点这里 , Feishu and larksuite use different domain names and reference different document addresses.)

LarkSuite open api SDK


  • Larksuite open platform facilitates the integration of enterprise applications and larksuite, making collaboration and management more efficient.

  • Larksuite development interface SDK, convenient call server API and subscribe server events, such as: Message & group, address book, calendar, docs and others can visit larksuite open platform document ,Take a look at [REFERENCE].

Problem feedback

If you encounter any problems during usage, please let us know by submitting Github Issues. We will deal with these Issues and get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Upgrade the package first, if you still have problems, please submit Issues

Run environment

  • Golang 1.5+


go get[email protected]

Explanation of terms

  • Larksuite: the overseas name of lark, which mainly provides services for overseas enterprises and has an independent domain name address .
  • Development documents: reference to the open interface of the open platform developers must see, and can use search to query documents efficiently . more information .
  • Developer background: the management background for developers to develop applications, more introduction .
  • Cutome APP: the application can only be installed and used in the enterprise,more introduction .
  • Marketplace App:The app will be displayed in App Directory Display, each enterprise can choose to install.

App type

Quick use

Call API

Example of using "Custom App" to access send text message API

  • Since the SDK has encapsulated the app_access_token、tenant_access_token So when calling the business API, you don't need to get the app_access_token、tenant_access_token. If the business interface needs to use user_access_token, which needs to be set(request.SetUserAccessToken("user_access_token")), Please refer to -> How to build a request(Request)
  • Some of the old API do not have a direct SDK to use. They can use the native mode.
package main

import (

func main() {
	// Configuration of "Custom App", parameter description:
	// AppID、AppSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
	// EncryptKey、VerificationToken:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Encrypt Key、Verification Token)
	appSettings := core.NewInternalAppSettings(
		core.SetAppCredentials("AppID", "AppSecret"),           // Required
		core.SetAppEventKey("VerificationToken", "EncryptKey"), // Not required. Required for event、card subscription

	// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). More optional configurations are as follows: core.NewConfig()
	conf := core.NewConfig(core.DomainLarkSuite, appSettings, core.SetLoggerLevel(core.LoggerLevelError))

	// The content of the sent message
	body := map[string]interface{}{
		"open_id":  "user open id",
		"msg_type": "text",
		"content": map[string]interface{}{
			"text": "test send message",
	// The result of the request to send a message
	ret := make(map[string]interface{})
	// Build request
	req := request.NewRequestWithNative("/open-apis/message/v4/send", "POST", request.AccessTokenTypeTenant, body, &ret)
	// The context of the request
	coreCtx := core.WrapContext(context.Background())
	// Send request 
	err := api.Send(coreCtx, conf, req)
	// Print the requestId of the request
	// Print the response status of the request
	// Error handling of request
	if err != nil {
		e := err.(*response.Error)
	// Print the result of the request

Subscribe to events

  • Subscribe to events , to understand the process and precautions of subscribing to events.
  • For more use examples, please refer to sample/event(including: use in combination with gin)

Example of using "Custom App" to subscribe App First Enabled event.

  • For some old events, there is no SDK that can be used directly. You can use the native mode
package main

import (
	eventhttpserver ""

func main() {

	// Configuration of "Custom App", parameter description:
	// AppID、AppSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
	// EncryptKey、VerificationToken:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Encrypt Key、Verification Token)
	appSettings := core.NewInternalAppSettings(
		core.SetAppCredentials("AppID", "AppSecret"),           // Required
		core.SetAppEventKey("VerificationToken", "EncryptKey"), // Not required. Required for event、card subscription

	// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). More optional configurations are as follows: core.NewConfig()
	conf := core.NewConfig(core.DomainLarkSuite, appSettings, core.SetLoggerLevel(core.LoggerLevelError))

	// Set the application event callback to be enabled for the first time
	event.SetTypeCallback(conf, "app_open", func(ctx *core.Context, e map[string]interface{}) error {
		// Print the request ID of the request
		// Print event
		return nil

	// Start the httpserver, "Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions", setting Request URL: https://domain/webhook/event
	eventhttpserver.Register("/webhook/event", conf)
	err := http.ListenAndServe(":8089", nil)
	if err != nil {

Processing message card callbacks

Example of using "Custom App" to handling message card callback.

package main

import (
	cardhttpserver ""

func main() {

	// Configuration of "Custom App", parameter description:
	// AppID、AppSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
	// EncryptKey、VerificationToken:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Encrypt Key、Verification Token)
	appSettings := core.NewInternalAppSettings(
		core.SetAppCredentials("AppID", "AppSecret"),           // Required
		core.SetAppEventKey("VerificationToken", "EncryptKey"), // Not required. Required for event、card subscription

	// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). More optional configurations are as follows: core.NewConfig()
	conf := core.NewConfig(core.DomainLarkSuite, appSettings, core.SetLoggerLevel(core.LoggerLevelError))

	// Set the handler of the message card
	// Return value: can be nil, JSON string of new message card
	card.SetHandler(conf, func(ctx *core.Context, c *model.Card) (interface{}, error) {
		// Print message card
		return "{\"config\":{\"wide_screen_mode\":true},\"i18n_elements\":{\"zh_cn\":[{\"tag\":\"div\",\"text\":{\"tag\":\"lark_md\",\"content\":\"[Larksuitegolang]( instant communication, calendar, audio and video conference, cloud document, cloud disk, workbench and other functions into one to make organizations and individuals more efficient and enjoyable.\"}}]}}", nil

	// Start the httpserver, "Developer Console" -> "Features" -> "Bot", setting Message Card Request URL: https://domain/webhook/card
	cardhttpserver.Register("/webhook/card", conf)
	err := http.ListenAndServe(":8089", nil)
	if err != nil {

How to build app settings(AppSettings)

import (

// To prevent application information leakage, in the configuration environment variables, the variables (4) are described as follows:
// APP_ID: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID)
// APP_Secret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App Secret)
// VERIFICATION_Token: VerificationToken、EncryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token)
// ENCRYPT_Key: VerificationToken、EncryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Encrypt Key)
// HELP_DESK_ID: Help desk setting -> ID
// HELP_DESK_TOKEN: Help desk setting -> Token
// The configuration of "Custom App" is obtained through environment variables
appSettings := core.GetInternalAppSettingsByEnv()
// The configuration of "Marketplace App" is obtained through environment variables
appSettings := core.GetISVAppSettingsByEnv()

// Parameter Description:
// AppID、AppSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
// VerificationToken、EncryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token、Encrypt Key)
// HelpDeskID、HelpDeskToken:Help desk setting -> ID、Token
// The configuration of "Custom App"
appSettings := core.NewInternalAppSettings(
core.SetAppCredentials("AppID", "AppSecret"), // Required
core.SetAppEventKey("VerificationToken", "EncryptKey"), // Not required. Required for event、card subscription
core.SetHelpDeskCredentials("HelpDeskID", "HelpDeskToken"), // Not required. Required to access the service desk API
// The configuration of "Marketplace App"
appSettings := core.NewISVAppSettings(
core.SetAppCredentials("AppID", "AppSecret"), // Required
core.SetAppEventKey("VerificationToken", "EncryptKey"), // Not required. Required for event、card subscription
core.SetHelpDeskCredentials("HelpDeskID", "HelpDeskToken"), // Not required. Required to access the service desk API

How to build overall configuration(Config)

  • Visit Larksuite, Feishu or others
  • App settings
  • The implementation of logger is used to output the logs generated in the process of SDK processing, which is convenient for troubleshooting.
  • The implementation of store is used to save the access credentials (app/tenant_access_token), temporary voucher ( app_ticket)
    • Redis is recommended. Please see the example code: sample/config/redis_store.go
      • It can reduce the times of obtaining access credentials and prevent the frequency limit of calling access credentials interface.
      • "Marketplace App", accept open platform distributed app_ticket will be saved to the storage, so the implementation of the storage interface (store) needs to support distributed storage.
import (

// Parameter Description:
// domain:URL domain address, value range: core.DomainFeiShu / core.DomainLarkSuite / 其他URL域名地址
// appSettings:App settings
// opts:Option parameters
    // core.SetLogger(logger log.Logger), Set logger. The default is console output
    // core.SetLoggerLevel(core.LoggerLevelDebug), Set the logger log level, and the default is: core.LoggerLevelError
    // core.SetStore(store store.Store), Set Store([Store interface](core/store/store.go), used to store app_ticket/access_token),it is recommended to use redis to implement the store interface, so as to reduce the times of accessing the accesstoken interface. The default is: memory (sync.Map) storage
conf = core.NewConfig(domain Domain, appSettings *config.AppSettings, opts ...ConfigOpt)

How to build a request(Request)

  • Some of the old interfaces do not have an SDK that can be used directly. They can use native mode. At this time, they need to build requests.
  • For more examples, see sample/api/api.go (including: file upload and download)
import (

// Parameter Description:
// httpPath: API path
    // such as: https://domain/open-apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id
    // support: the path of the domain name after, httpPath: "/open apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id" (recommended)
    // support: the full path, httpPath: "https://domain/open-apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id"
    // support: httpPath: "contact/v3/users/:user_id"
// accessTokenType:What kind of access certificate does the API use and the value range:request.AccessTokenTypeApp/request.AccessTokenTypeTenant/request.AccessTokenTypeUser, for example: request.AccessTokenTypeTenant
// input:Request body (possibly request.NewFormData () (e.g. file upload)), if the request body (e.g. some get requests) is not needed, it will be transferred to: nil
// output:Response body (output: = response ["data"])
// optFns:Extension function, some rarely used parameter encapsulation, as follows:
    // request.SetPathParams(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": 4}): set the URL Path parameter(with: prefix) value, When httpPath="contact/v3/users/:user_id", the requested URL="https://{domain}/open-apis/contact/v3/users/4"
    // request.SetQueryParams(map[string]interface{}{"age":4,"types":[1,2]}): Set the URL query, will append to the url?age=4&types=1&types=2       
    // request.setResponseStream(), set whether the response is a stream, such as downloading a file, At this point: the type of output needs to be implemented io.Writer Interface
    // request.SetNotDataField(), set whether the response does not have a `data` field, business interfaces all have `data `Field, so you don’t need to set 
    // request.SetTenantKey("TenantKey"), as an `app store application`, it means using `tenant_access_token` to access the API, you need to set 
    // request.SetUserAccessToken("UserAccessToken"), which means using` user_access_token` To access the API, you need to set 
    // request.NeedHelpDeskAuth(), Indicates that the help desk API needs to set help desk information of config.AppSettings
req := request.NewRequestWithNative(httpPath, httpMethod string, accessTokenType AccessTokenType,
input interface{}, output interface{}, optFns ...OptFn)

How to build request context(core.Context) And common methods


// Parameter Description:
// c:Golang的context.Context
// Return value Description:
// ctx: Implementation of golang's context.Context To save some variables in the request
ctx := core.WrapContext(c context.Context)

// Get the request ID of the request for troubleshooting
requestId := ctx.GetRequestID()

// Get the response status code of the request
httpStatusCode := ctx.GetHTTPStatusCode()

// In the handler of event subscription and message card callback, you can core.Context Get config from
conf := config.ByCtx(ctx *core.Context)

How to send a request

  • Since the SDK has encapsulated the app_access_token、tenant_access_token So when calling the business API, you don't need to get the app_access_token、tenant_access_token. If the business interface needs to use user_access_token, which needs to be set(request.SetUserAccessToken("user_access_token")), Please refer to -> How to build a request(Request)
  • For more use examples, please see: sample/api/api.go

// Parameter Description:
// ctx:The context of the request
// conf:Overall configuration(Config)
// req:Request(Request)
// Return value Description:
// err:Send request, happen error and response error code(response.body["code"]) is not equal to 0
err := api.Send(ctx *core.Context, conf *config.Config, req *request.Request)

Download File Tool


// Get the file content
// Parameter Description:
// ctx:context.Context
// url:The HTTP address of the file
// Return value Description:
// bytes:Binary array of file contents
// err:Error
bytes, err := tools.DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, url string)

// Get the file content stream. After reading the file content, you need to close the stream
// Parameter Description:
// ctx:context.Context
// url:The HTTP address of the file
// Return value Description:
// readCloser:Binary read stream of file content
// err:Error
readCloser, err := tools.DownloadFileToStream(ctx context.Context, url string)


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