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Code exercise 106

BIG COMPANY is employing a lot of employees. Company would like to analyze its organizational structure and identify potential improvements. Board wants to make sure that every manager earns at least 20% more than the average salary of its direct subordination, but no more than 50% more than that average. Company wants to avoid too long reporting lines, therefore we would like to identify all employees which have more than 4 managers between them and the CEO.

You are given a CSV file which contains information about all the employees. File structure looks like this:


Each line represents an employee (CEO included). CEO has no manager specified. Number of rows can be up to 1000.

Write a simple program which will read the file and report:

  • which managers earn less than they should, and by how much
  • which managers earn more than they should, and by how much
  • which employees have a reporting line which is too long, and by how much

Key points:

  • use only Java SE (any version), and Junit (any version) for tests.
  • use maven for project structure and build
  • your application should read data from a file and print out output to console. No GUIs needed.
  • code will be assessed on correctness, simplicity, readability and cleanliness
  • If you have any doubts make a sensible assumption and document it

When you're ready with your assignment please send us link to an online code repository (github, bitbucket, etc.) so we can review your code.


  • CSV file:
    • it is in UTF-8
    • cols are in fixed order
    • number of rows include a header
    • Id & managerId fields are string type because there is no enough information about data types
    • firstName & lastName are without quotes
    • salary field is positive BigDecimal type because there is no enough information about the scale
  • Report:
    • report is in English
    • no one will be printed if some report result is empty
    • information about managers which earn less/more than should contains a diff in percentage of how much they should and manager full name
    • information about managers which earn less/more than should is sorted in descending order by a percentage
    • information about employees which reporting line is too long contains a count of extra levels and employee full name
    • information about employees which reporting line is too long is sorted in descending order by a count
    • percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number
    • ident is 2 spaces
    • report results delimiter is new line
  • Project:
    • maven is the latest version - on April 2024 it is 3.9.6
    • use recursion to traverse org structure because default stack size allows it. At worst, it is 1000 calls
    • scale is 4
    • rounding mode is half up
    • unit tests name convention is should<expected>When<condition>


  • Java 17 or higher
  • maven 3.9.6 or higher (for building the project)

How to build

mvn package

How to verify + code coverage report

mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.12:prepare-agent verify org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.12:report

JaCoCo report is available here ./target/site/jacoco/index.html

How to run

java -jar ./target/ce106-1.0.0.jar <CSV file>


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