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Welcome People!

This is the static linktree like site for FEN or Free Expression Now, and effort to protect and expand free expression in the USA starting at the UW. We do this in light of a culture of censorship appearing over the past decade on the left and the right and a renewed 'satanic' panic targeting LGBT people and their expression. Like the many times in the past powerful and conservative authoritarians are attacking your rights, we want to protect and expand the most fundamental of them, Freedom of Speech.


Info for people working on this website, this is the important stuff.

  • Make sure to use tabs and not spaces!
  • When writing a component use the export default function sytax!
  • Use a ComponentProps props interface and pass props into your components.
  • Name components with the same name as the file, but not required for pages.
  • Import styles with the @/styles/css_file path
  • Import components with the ../components/component_file path
  • Place things in the right folders.

Running the Dev Server

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Then, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. This will live update as you edit on each save.

Dependencies and Tools Used

We are now planning on deploying this using GitHub Pages as a static page!


To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:


React bootstrap gives us a bunch of easy to use components such as <Card/>'s you can look at the components here.

Update, we will probably not be using this package, pending removal.
