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I Migrate Archlinux from openSuSE.

Therefore, the repo will be NO ANY MAINTENANCE after dealing with the aftermath myself.

A simple Hyprland wm environment.

1. Screenshot

2. List of tools

List of tools

3. Prerequisite

(1) Install NF-Font with fontpatcher

Why do I need it?

Well, This is to solve the problem that a part of the font called Glyphs is displayed incorrectly on some terminal application.

What should I do?

  • Download this nerdfont patcher font provided by the nerdfont authors.

  • Download this nerdfont patcher binary provided by the nerdfont authors.

  • Patcher usage(Take the openSuSE Linux Tumbleweed system as an example)

    # install [fontforge] via zypper
    # S  | Name            | Summary                                               | Type
    # ---+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------
    # i+ | fontforge       | A Font Editor                                         | Package
    zypper in fontforge
    # Unzip your fontpatcher and put the font you want to tapped into the fontpatcher
    # Confirm the command provided by the fontpatcher's
    ./fontforge --script ./font-patcher --complete <YOUR FONT FILE>
    # OK, sit and relax to wait for it to be completed.
    # Well, Unsurprisingly, you may see a patched font there.
    # Ok, That is the Complete Font with the Glyphs patch according to your system usage environment
    # OK, Install it in your system environment. _(:з」∠)_

4. Suggestion

(1) Nvidia Graphics Driver - SDB:NVIDIA drivers

If you're using openSuSE Tumbleweed as much as myself, Congratulations! we can check out how to install NVIDIA Driver on openSuSE Tumbleweed in this suggestion.

I'm guessing it's openSuSE Tumbleweed that they maintain themselves, but that's just my guess, and I don't know how it actually is. :(

The reason for this is that I personally think it's NVIDIA driver can further save RAM usage after installing it.(However, according to feedback, it is also more likely to increase the chances of KernelPanic on some distributions such as archlinux)

As the same system and the same environment only occupy about 810M memory on my desktop computer that only had nvidia graphics cards 4 years ago.

And on my low-performance laptop that I bought 6 years ago, it takes up 1.28GiB RAM Usage before typing the driver package and about 1.1GiB RAM Usage after installing that nvidia driver.

I personally guess that maybe this is useful, so I recommend installing this here.

Although there is also feedback that nvidia driver has a high chance of KernelPanic under the archlinux on Wayland desktop system, I personally have not found it for the time being.

Anyway, it's just my personal experience. If you have a graphics card other than an NVIDIA graphics card, this advice is also negligible. :3

(2) Colorscheme Table

If you're really interested in the color schemes that I use personally, here are all the color schemes I've used or am using.

Colorscheme Table

nums HEX Description
1 #73ba25 openSuSE Tumbleweed Green 100%
2 #81c13b openSuSE Tumbleweed Green 90%
3 #96cb5c openSuSE Tumbleweed Green 75%
4 #b9dc92 openSuSE Tumbleweed Green 50%
5 #dceec8 openSuSE Tumbleweed Green 25%
6 #60B48A lualine.normal_mode
7 #2e8b57 lualine.insert_mode
8 #75D701 lualine.visual_mode
9 #60B48A lualine.terminal_mode
10 #60B48A lualine.command_mode
11 #ffffff everforest.fg
12 #ffffff everforest.bg0
13 #003f3f everforest.bg1
14 #002b2b everforest.bg3
15 #2e8b57 everforest.aqua
16 #ff8036
17 #4e4e4e everforest.purple
18 #e20000
19 #2aa198 everforest.grey1
20 #3a3a3a polybar.background
21 #C5C8C6 polybar.foreground
22 #60B48A polybar.primary
23 #8ABEB7 polybar.secondary
24 #A54242 polybar.alert
25 #707880 polybar.disabled
26 #254742 polybar.grey
27 #2C2C2C terminal.primary.background
28 #DCDCDC terminal.primary.foreground
29 #3F3F3F
30 #705050
31 #60B48A
32 #DFAF8F terminal.normal.yellow
33 #9AB8D7
34 #DC8CC3 terminal.normal.magenta
35 #8CD0D3 terminal.normal.cyan
36 #DCDCDC terminal.normal.white
37 #709080
38 #DCA3A3
39 #72D5A3
40 #16F0BB terminal.bright.yellow
41 #94BFF3
42 #EC93D3 terminal.bright.magenta
43 #93E0E3 terminal.bright.cyan
44 #FFFFFF terminal.bright.white
45 #33ccff
46 #00ff99

5. Credit


6. PostScript


  • This is my first repository submission on github, and I hope you could understand properly if there is anything unfriendly to you. I'm sorry.

Happy Use!_(:з」∠)_


A simple Hyprland wm environment.







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