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Labwiki is currently still under constant devlopment and it is therfore best to fetch the latest version from Github.

git clone
cd labwiki
export LABWIKI_TOP=`pwd`
bundle install --path vendor
rake post-install

If that fails you may need to install some required libraries. On a 'naked' Ubuntu system, we usually install the following:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

Getting Started

Most of Labwiki's functionality is provided by it's plugins. The core only includes plugins to view wiki pages and edit code. See the section on plugins further down for more information on how to install and configure them.

But first, let's see if the core is working.

$LABWIKI_TOP/bin/labwiki --lw-config etc/labwiki/first_test.yaml --lw-no-login start

This will start a web server at port 4000. Point your browser there and you should see somthing like:

Screenshot of starting page

For additional options start the server with -h.

While there is little functionality in the core, you can display the raw markup text of the wiki page in the left column by dragging the icon in the title block into the middle column. After dropping the icon, a code editor should appear. Please note the 'Read-only' label in the title block. As it is read from a read-only repository, editing is blocked.

This introductory video should provide you with some hints on the capabilities of LabWiki provided through it's plugin system.

Installing additional Plugins

Labwiki's functionality is primarily defined by it's external plugins. To install a new plugin, such as the OMF Experiment plugin do the following:



All the site specific configurations are captured in a YAML file which is provided at startup through the '--lw-config' flag.

The structure of this file is as following:

      - name: system
        type: file
        read_only: true
        top_dir: ../../system_repo
    default_plugins: # Show these plugins the first time a user logs in
      - column: plan
        plugin: 'wiki'
        action: "on_get_content"
        url: 'system:wiki/quickstart/'

      plugin_dir: labwiki_experiment_plugin
        host: localhost
        port: 8002

Currently, there are two sub sections defined under the top 'labwiki' node.

The 'session' section describes what should happen at the start of a session. In the above example, each session is associated with a single, read-only repository from where assets are being fetched. LabWiki, through 'omf_web' supports multiple repository types, such as 'file', 'git', or 'irods'.

The above session section also defines what is going to be shown to the first time user (currently it is shown on every login). In this particular case, a 'wiki' plugin is initialised for the 'plan' column showing this README file.

The 'plugins' node holds additional configuration options for each of the plugins. The above example defines the configuration options of the 'experiment' plugin. Check the documentation of each particular plugin you use for how to configure it.


LabWiki: A Workspace for Experimenters







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