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General Purpose Persistent In-Memory JSON Document Database Server


  • CRUD performance - Templated in-memory B+ tree data structure
  • Storage Persistence - Compact B+ tree snapshot and journal on disk
  • Efficient transport - Epoll server
  • No special drivers - HTTP REST interface
  • Concise codebase - Easy to understand and fully transparent
  • Few dependencies - Coded from scratch in vanilla C++
  • Seamless integration - JSON as data exchange format
  • Automated testing - Load scenario with random inserts and erasures


  • Queries
  • Indexing
  • Encryption
  • Compression
  • Sharding


Muonbase is far from being perfect and it explicitly does not claim to be so. However, it is written with a decent amount of diligence and care and has been tested thoroughly as far as possible. Muonbase contains and will contain bugs and some things might be poorly designed. Both applies (more or less) to any other software as well. Though it took years to make Muonbase what it is, it has always been a private project parallel to fulltime employments. Please understand that therefore maintainance might sometimes be a bit slow.

Muonbase does not aim to be extremely portable, instead it is designed to run within a common linux distribution. It can be build with gcc and c++-20 standard. The g++ version that is currently in use for development is g++ 9.3.0. The reason for not making it highly portable in the first place was to save development time. In addition, it is assumed to run on servers that in most cases run a common linux distribution anyway. It is mandatory that epoll system calls are supported, but that is the typical case.

Muonbase is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Don't use Muonbase as a single source of truth.


Muonbase supports only plain HTTP transport and does not implement SSL. In order to set up secure endpoints it is recommended to bind the server locally and let e.g. haproxy (or another suitable proxy server) do the SSL termination. This is easy, secure, and performant.


Building is currently being performed with g++-9.3.0 and c++-20. The only dependency so far is openssl, where you need both the binary package openssl as well as the header files in libssl-dev. To build, proceed as normal with

make clean && make

The compiler is configured to give all warnings via -Wall and to be -pedantic.


Two binaries are produced by the makefile, which are (i) muonbase-server, and (ii) muonbase-client. Binary (i) runs the database server, which is used as follows

user@linux-machine:/home/muonbase$ ./bin/muonbase-server -h
Usage: muonbase-server [-h] [-v] [-d] [-c <config>]
         -h: help
         -v: verbose
         -d: daemonize
         -c <file>: configuration (mandatory)

The configuration file is a mandatory parameter. All other parameters and paths will be defined in this configuration file. The option -d will run the server in background; option -v will switch on logging.

Binary (ii) runs automated tests against a running database server and is used as follows

user@linux-machine:/home/muonbase$ ./bin/muonbase-client -h
Usage: muonbase-client [-h] [-n <threads>] [-t] [-i <ip>] [-p <port>] [-o <order>] [-c <cycles>]
         -h: help
         -t: test
         -n <threads>: threads
         -i <ip>: ip
         -p <port>: port
         -o <order>: order
         -c <cycles>: cycles

Note that, when -t is omitted, the database client will just check if the database server is available on the specified ip and port. Pass -t to run the randomized testing procedure and adjust -o, which is the number of initial database inserts, and -c, which is the repetition number of a combined insert-erase operation.


Logs are either extremely verbose or totally absent. If you need logs e.g. for debugging purpose, either start the server in foreground and observe what happens on the standard output, or make sure you use e.g. logrotate to automatically rotate your logfiles.


The configuration file is in a JSON format and it is mandatory for the database server to run. Tune the parameters as you want, but keep a few things in mind: (i) binding to ip is not recommended, since the transport layer does not support SSL, (ii) binding to ports below 1024 is not recommended since this requires root privileges and is therefore by design not secure. The data and user paths can be chosen freely as well as the log path. Make sure permissions in particular of the users file are correct, such that it can be accessed properly by the database server. The working directory will only be used if the daemon command line option is activated, i.e. the server runs in background. If you run the server in background, you should prefer absolute paths over relative paths in the configuration file.


The user management is not dynamic, so in order to add a user you have to manually edit the users file, which is, like the general configuration, in a JSON format. Hashed passwords are SHA256 and can be generated e.g. on the command line using echo -n 'password' | sha256sum. Don't forget to shred your shell history after doing that. Some shells don't log commands to history if they are prefixed with a space. Regarding authorization, Muonbase by now implements only simple HTTP basic authorization and there is no possibility to set user permissions on specific documents, meaning that all users can read and modify all documents in one collection. If you need user specific collections, scale horizontally and launch one new database server per user.



  • POST /insert
  • POST /update
  • POST /erase
  • POST /find



POST /insert HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic cm9vdDowMDAw
content-length: 1003
content-type: application/json



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length: 45
content-type: application/json
date: 20220114155834
server: muonbase/1




POST /update HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic cm9vdDowMDAw
content-length: 261
content-type: application/json



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length: 262
content-type: application/json
date: 20220131105732
server: muonbase/1




POST /erase HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic cm9vdDowMDAw
content-length: 45
content-type: application/json



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length: 45
content-type: application/json
date: 20220114155834
server: muonbase/1




POST /find HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic cm9vdDowMDAw
content-length: 104853
content-type: application/json



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length: 2032984
content-type: application/json
date: 20220114155835
server: muonbase/1
