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Holeless page caching plugin for Rails. Users never have to wait for cached pages to be generated (unlike the page caching that ships with Rails).


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Holeless page cache plugin for Rails.

Sample syntax used in controller:

  # Cache output of index action, expire the cache if a new post event happens.
  cached_pages :index, { :expires_on => [ NewPostEvent ] }
  # Cache output of sitemap action, expire the cache every 4 hours (ttl = time 
  # to live)
  cached_pages :sitemap, { :ttl => 4.hours }


- Rake task to populate and refresh page cache
- Holeless/Seamless page cache (almost - see "Leaked Requests" below)
- First user to hit a page doesn't have to wait for it to be generated
- First user to visit a page is served it from the cache
- Pages that take a long time to generate (e.g. sitemaps with 1000s of URLs) can
  be generated offline.
- Cached pages can be made to expire when custom events happen in your app
- Option to expire cached pages after a given period (ttl)
- Can be used safely alongside existing Rails page caching mechanism without conflict
- Simple syntax
- Plugin well documented in this README

PageCache is currently in use on

Inspired by the Pivotal Labs "Rails, Slashdotted: no problem" article:

With this plugin, users do not wait for cached pages to be generated
as they can be generated in a rake task at deployment time. The rake task can
also be run by cron to update cached pages.

You can safely use this plugin alongside Rails' existing page caching mechanism
as it does not conflict with it.

The page cache is populated by a rake task before deployment
completes.  The page cache can optionally be 'holelessly' expired and refreshed
while the app is running using rake page_cache:update.

The holeless/seamless caching works by having two cache stages, that exist as 
two distinct directories.

The cache stages are "latest" and "live".

The "latest" stage/directory contains the most recently generated cached files.
When a cached file is created, it is written to the "latest" directory. Apache 
does *not* serve anything from the "latest" cache directory.

"live" contains the cached files that *are* served by Apache.  After a cached
file is written to the latest directory, it is then copied and moved to the live
directory, overwriting the previously cached file. This is intended to provide the
holeless cache, although requests do sporadically get through to the
Rails app (see Leaked Requests below).

**PLEASE NOTE** This plugin works in production for my simple needs, but 
if you use it, be sure it is doing what you expect it to and placing the cached
files where you need them. You are responsible for ensuring your web server 
(often Apache) serves the static cached files when needed. Some rewrite rules 
are given in the example further below for you to use or modify for your own
environment's needs.

Rails version support
The Page Cache plugin is known to work with Rails 2.2.3, and I suspect is likely
to work on other versions with minimal/no tweaking.  If you tweak it, submit
your changes back to the project via Github for others to benefit from your work.

In config/environments/production.rb (and config/environments/development.rb if
you want to manually test page caching), ensure these configuration options are

config.cache_classes = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

In your ApplicationController (application_controller.rb), include the
PageCache::PageCaching module.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include PageCache::PageCaching

In a controller where you want to use page caching, e.g. PostsController:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  # Simple page caching with no expiry configuration.
  cached_pages :some_action, :another_action
  # Cache the help page for upto 12 hours. After 12 hours refresh the
  # cache (ttl = time to live in seconds)
  cached_pages :help { :ttl => 12.hours }
  # The posts page is cached, but will be expired if the PostPublishedEvent
  # or PostDeleteEvent occur. For the :expires_on to have any affect, you
  # will need to ensure these events are passed on to 
  # PageCache::CachedPage.handle_event(event). More info below.
  cached_pages :list,
    { :expires_on => [ PostPublishedEvent, PostArchivedEvent ] }
  def some_action
  def another_action
  def list
  def help

Set up rewrite rules like the following in your .htaccess, replacing wherever it
says example.tld with your domain, e.g.

# Turn rewriting engine on
RewriteEngine on

# Serve files from live cache directory if available

# Home page
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+)\.example.tld$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cache/live/%1/index.html -f
RewriteRule ^$ cache/live/%1/index.html [QSA,PT,L]

# Non home page
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+)\.example.tld$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cache/live/%1/%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ cache/live/%1/$1 [QSA,PT,L]

I strongly recommend testing that these rewrite rules work for your environment,
they may need tweaking.

When you deploy, using capistrano, call
'rake page_cache:update'.

To update your cache periodically, call rake page_cache:update in cron, being
sure to supply the correct RAILS_ENV argument e.g.
'rake page_cache:update RAILS_ENV=production'. Note this will only update the
page cache if cached files have been expired using the CachedPage#expire method.
The CachedPage#expire method is called when the :expires_on events happen.

***OPTIONAL :expires_on usage START***
*If* you use the :expires_on array option with the cached_pages method as shown
in the 2nd example above, then you will need to ensure events are passed to
the PageCache::CachedPage.handle_event(event) method. One suggestion is to create
a simple EventMulticaster class in your app, like so:

class EventMulticaster
  def self.publish(event)

Create event classes like these:

class PostPublishedEvent

When a new Post is published, then you would fire the PostPublishedEvent like so:

The event would be received by CachedPage.handle_event(event) and this would
result in the expected cached files being expired/deleted.
***OPTIONAL :expires_on usage END***

Leaked Requests
In my experience, rarely a request will get through to the Rails app when you
expect it to always be served by Apache from the cached file. To simplify
discussion, call these requests "leaked requests".

How does this happen? I'm not certain, but my best guess is that the file
move operation used when moving a latest file to the live directory is not
atomic. If a request for a cached page arrives during the brief window where
a live cached file is being moved/overwritten, then Apache cannot detect the file
and so its rewrite rules will cause the request to be passed to the Rails app.

So the cache is not as holeless as I'd like but only very rarely in my experience...

The good news is the plugin handles this situation gracefully, it will
let the leaked request through and serve a dynamically generated page. Most
developers will not need to worry about this.

However, there may be *very rare* occassions where you never want the leaked request
to be handled like this. Say you have a cached page that takes a few minutes to
generate and you never want a server thread to be tied up generating it, then
you can use the :block_leaked_requests option, e.g.:

  # XML Sitemap takes minutes to generate, and so we only want it to be generated
  # offline by the rake page_cache:update task called by cron and capistrano.
  # Lets block leaked requests on the off-chance Google requests sitemap.xml at 
  # the wrong second.
  cached_pages :sitemap, { :ttl => 4.hours, :block_leaked_requests => true }
If :block_leaked_requests is set to true, and a leaked request happens, 
then the plugin will try to serve a cached file serve if it finds one. If it
cannot serve a cached file then a "503 Service Unavailable" server error is
given to the client.


Contributions welcome.

Copyright (c) 2010 Eliot Sykes, released under the MIT license


Holeless page caching plugin for Rails. Users never have to wait for cached pages to be generated (unlike the page caching that ships with Rails).







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