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OTPComposable is an Android library dedicated to making OTP (One Time Password) components a breeze to implement in Android apps.

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This is a small library/view for anyone who is not in the mode to create yet another OTP screen from scratch.


Follow these steps:

Step 1. Add the Jitpack repository in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Step 2. Add the dependency with the current version

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.itmaginationdemos:OTPComposable:x.x.x'

Using it

We made sure to make it as simple as possible.
Bellow examples will include example which use every available property.
Properties will be explained in the next section.

Otp View with unknown Pin/Password

In cases where you will check if the Pin is correct only after the user entered it or in cases where mobile client will never know the value of a correct pin you should use this Composable.
This one is a bit more complex for you as you will have to handle the State changes (LCE). We did try to help out as much as we could without hurting the customization options.

 val (pinValue, onPinValueChange) = remember { mutableStateOf("") }

  pin = pinValue,
  onPinChange = onPinValueChange, 
  onFullPin: (String) -> Unit,
  content: ContentCustomization,
  error: ErrorCustomization,
  loading: LoadingCustomization,
  scaffoldState: ScaffoldState,
  lce: LCE = LCE.Content,

Otp View with preexisting Pin

This one is easy. You just pass us the pin you expect from user and a success lambda and you are golden. Rest of the logic comes for free.

 val (pinValue, onPinValueChange) = remember { mutableStateOf("") }

  pin: String, 
  onPinChange: (String) -> Unit,
  expectedPin: String,
  onSuccess: () -> Unit,
  content: ContentCustomization,
  error: ErrorCustomization,
  scaffoldState: ScaffoldState



Pin - current pin entered by user
onPinChange - action you want to take when user adds or removes a character (usually just save it)
expectedPin (ExistingOtpView) - in case you know the pin in advance just put it here and all state changes are handled
onSuccess (ExistingOtpView) - lambda to call when we determined the pin is correct
onFullPin (OtpView) - lambda which is called when all digits are entered
scaffoldState - needed for calling a Snackbar
lce (OtpView) - lce, or Loading, Content, Error. More details in next chapter, but basically these are the three possible state of this Composable


  val modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  val snackMsg: String = "",
  val message: String = "Code is incorrect",

modifier - standard stuff
snackMsg - if empty no Snackbar will be shown. In other case this will be the message in it
message - message displayed bellow the inputs when wrong pin is entered. If empty still ocupies space


  val modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  val color: Color = Color.Black,
  val digitCount: Int = 6,
  val type: DigitViewType = DigitViewType.Rounded(50),
  val digitSize: TextUnit = 24.sp,
  val containerSize: Dp = digitSize.value.dp * 2.2f,

modifier - standard stuff
color - text color
digitCount - number of places for pin, important for logic
digitSize - font size of digit
containerSize - size of the cell for one digit, default is 2.2 times the digit font size type - see bellow

DigitViewType {
  object Underline : DigitViewType
  data class Rounded(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 50) val percentage: Int): DigitViewType

Underline - digit cell will have no borders just a line bellow the digit itself
Rounded - digit cell with borders ranging from 0 to 50. 0 means it will be a square cell while a 50 will mean it will be a circle one. And all other numbers in between are basically rounded corners.


  val modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  val loadingMessage: String = "Loading...",
  val showMessage: Boolean = true,
  val showProgress: Boolean = true,

modifier - standard stuff
loadingMessage - displayed message
showMessage - if false no text will be shown
showProgress - if false no loading indicator will be shown


OTPComposable is an Android library dedicated to making OTP (One Time Password) components a breeze to implement in Android apps.





