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LibreOffice Certification is open to all qualified professionals, with an obvious preference for TDF Members and active project members. With the term qualified, we refer to people who have been or are involved in LibreOffice migration or training projects, and are current members of The Document Foundation or another FOSS project. For non-qualified professionals, we provide an alternative path to LibreOffice Certification, which is outlined in detail in a specific paragraph.

For the time being, LibreOffice Certification is free for everyone. On the other hand, The Document Foundation may decide at any time to ask for coverage of expenses incurred by the organization for the maintenance of the certification project.

Expected Profile of Applicants

Certified Migration Professional

META SKILL: is able to coordinate the migration process from another office suite to LibreOffice, or a large deployment of LibreOffice, working with the customer to manage the change in all aspects (analysis, communication, integration, development of macros and templates, training, deployment and support) in order to have a smooth transition. Involvement in just one of all migration related activities does not allow to apply for certification.

VERTICAL SKILLS: the Review Committee might decide, at its own discretion, to accept candidates with specific "vertical" skills (for instance, analysis and communications) if they show to be able to exercise these skills within a global migration project, by contributing to the project management activity.

Certification criteria are based on the Migration Protocol, which is considered a reference document for migrations and large deployments.

Certified Professional Trainer

META SKILL: is able to teach the development or the use of LibreOffice at basic, intermediate or advanced level, by defining the syllabus, creating the training materials and providing the hands-on training. Training activities must be carried out in classes and targeted to a group of people, and not to individuals (such as mentoring a GSoC student, or explaining a feature to a single user). In general, training should happen within a migration project or a training project (such as a course for trainers or individual end users).

VERTICAL SKILLS: the Review Committee might decide, at its own discretion, to accept candidates with specific "vertical" skills (for instance, Writer, or Calc, or Impress/Draw, or Macros) if they show to be able to exercise these skills within a global training project, by also contributing to the syllabus development activity.

Certification criteria are based on the Training Protocol, which is considered a reference document for all trainings.

Qualified TDF Members

LibreOffice Certification will always be free (as in beer) for TDF Members, and also for active project members such as regular code contributors, volunteers active in QA and localization projects, contributors of native language projects, and other volunteers recognized for the quality and continuity of their work by the Certification Committee.

Certification is subject to the involvement in LibreOffice migration and training projects. The involvement must be demonstrated by a number of relevant documents (described in a list at the end of this text), which is a pre-requisite for the access to the peer-to-peer review.

Professionals willing to be certified must fill in the application form, and provide the necessary documents (see the list below). Once the Certification Committee has duly reviewed and approved the application, the candidate will be able to go through the peer-to-peer review.

Certification is open throughout the year. Once candidates are approved by the Certification Committee, they will be admitted to the first planned peer-to-peer review session. There will be at least two sessions each year: one at FOSDEM in Winter and one at the LibreOffice Conference in Summer. Other certification sessions might be planned according to the number of candidates.

Qualified Members of other FOSS Projects

LibreOffice Certification is also open to qualified professionals who are members of other FOSS projects, with a priority for those sitting in the Advisory Board of The Document Foundation: Free Software Foundation, Free Software Foundation Europe, GNOME and KDE. Members of other FOSS projects will have to provide evidence of their contributions. For these professionals, the rules and the process for certification are the same as for TDF Members.

Non-Qualified Professionals

Professionals who have never been involved in LibreOffice migrations or trainings, and/or are not currently involved in any FOSS project do not qualify for LibreOffice Certification as such, and therefore have to follow a different process before being eligible for LibreOffice Certification.

First, they must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of LibreOffice and ODF (Open Document Format) at least at power user level, as well as an equivalent experience in the IT professional service area, and must provide evidence of these requisites in writing or during a video conference with a member of the Certification Committee.

Second, they must be able to demonstrate their willingness and readiness for a mentorship program to reach the "trained" stage. In fact, only after they have been trained they could be certified according to the normal process.

The mentorship program, followed by a member of the Certification Committee, will last a minimum of six months, and will be based on a mix of the following activities:

  • Training via video conference focused on certification materials (Migration and Training Protocols, and other documents featured in the bibliography/webography which will be chosen according to the experience of the candidate).
  • Discussion about questions included in the different sections of the certification questionnaire (of course, without handing out the document).
  • Contributing and mentoring in a minimum of two different areas of community contributions (i.e. helping in bug hunting sessions, actively attending a hackfest or a similar meeting, answering user questions on mailing lists and forums, working with QA, localization and documentation teams, contributing to marketing, developing the source code, ...).
  • When there isn't any migration or training project available to demonstrate on the job experience, prepare and present a set of training materials or a complete project plan for the migration of a fictitios customer (i.e. different project steps, timeline, activities for each step, expected outcomes, potential obstacles and related solutions, ...).

At the end of the mentorship program, the mentor will help to file the application and provide the relevant background about the candidate to the other members of the Certification Committee, in order for them to decide if the candidate can be admitted to the normal certification process as a qualified professional (of course, with the same chances of every other candidate).

Certification Expiration and Renewal

Certification will expire two years after the peer-to-peer review, and could be renewed for another two years after the expiration date, based on the following criteria:

  1. Professionals whose activity is known to at least one member of the Certification Committee will be renewed automatically, and will be informed by email;

  2. Professionals whose activity is not known by Certification Committee members but is known at community level will be renewed when the local community will have confirmed their activity, and will be informed by email

  3. Professionals whose activity is not known at any level, neither by Certification Committee members nor by the local community, will be asked about their continued interest in LibreOffice certification and will have to go through the peer-to-peer review.

Relationship with The Document Foundation

Certified professionals are bound by the Certification Code of Conduct. In case of any doubt about the interpretation of this document, please ask via email at [email protected].

Any behaviour contrary to the Certification Code of Conduct, following a motion from the Certification Committee, the Board of Directors, or the Engineering Steering Committee, will result either in the invitation to a new peer-to-peer review to re-confirm the status, or in the exclusion from the status of certified professional.

Certified professionals will be listed on The Document Foundation website. They will also receive a certificate (with the date of expiration) which they will be able to use - according to the Code of Conduct - to show their status.

Documents suitable for the application

The following list cannot be considered in any way as complete or exhaustive:

  1. Project plan for the migration to LibreOffice.

  2. Project plan for LibreOffice trainings, including syllabus.

  3. Syllabus for LibreOffice trainings, including subject of lessons.

  4. Slides for presentation of migration projects, with time schedule.

  5. Slides to support training courses, with examples and exercises.

  6. Set of exercises for end user trainings, for each LibreOffice module.

  7. Communication strategy for a LibreOffice migration project.

  8. Progress report for a LibreOffice migration project.

  9. Project report for interoperability problems with third party software.


TDF Certification Pre-Requisites






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