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React Native sample of code

To start the dev server:

  • Install dependencies with yarn install
  • Start with yarn run ios

Now you can visit localhost:3000 from your browser.

Project folder structure

  • Elements - UI kit for application containing all the buttons, inputs, text styles etc

  • Layouts - Layouts containing common elements for different user states e.g. authorized non authorized layout

  • Pages - Top level page components

  • Redux - Folder containing modules for state each module contain:

    • ModuleName - Folder named by reducer e.g User

      • index.js - entry file where all exports take place
      • UserReducer.js - reducer with redux-actions & Immutable.js
        import { handleActions, createAction } from 'redux-actions'
        import Immutable from 'seamless-immutable'
        // --- 
        // CONSTANTS
        // ---
        export const SET_ACTIVE_ORDER = 'trade/SET_ACTIVE_ORDER'
        // ---
        // ---
        export const setActiveOrder = createAction(SET_ACTIVE_ORDER)
        // ---
        // INITIAL STATE
        // ---
        const initialState = Immutable({
          activeOrder: null
        // ---
        // REDUCER
        // ---
        export default handleActions(
            [SET_ACTIVE_ORDER]: (state, action) =>
              Immutable.merge(state, { activeOrder: action.payload })

      This structure is strict

      • UserSelectors.js - selectors for redux using all mapStateToProps goes with selectors


      • UserSagas.js - sagas for sideeffects


  • modules - Folder containing all the reusable container and components each folder has it's own module name e.g. User

    • User - folder containing user's related components and containers, which are not screens
      • components - folder containing all components
      • containers - folder containing all the containers
  • Utils - utils folder

Easy to follow practices:

  • Components do not have mapState functions
  • You can't add component to the Elements folder without a subfolder
    • Elements → Lists → DefaultList.js (GOOD)
    • Elements → SomeRandomComponent.js (BAD)
  • Containers do not have template, only import from component file
  • Each component extends from PureComponent
  • Unit tests are placed in the same folder as tested file
  • PropTypes are required for each component


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