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Simulator for circuit-switched networks with anycast traffic written in Java (Opaque WDM with datacenters is a particular use case)


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Simple Opaque WDM Simulator with Anycast Service Requests written in Java

This simulator is under development and will be updated soon with more resources and documentation

Simple simulator implemented in Java (version >=8) for simulating opaque WDM networks, e.g, optical networks containing wavelength conversion at each node. This means that the lightpaths do not need to enforce the wavelength continuity constraint. In simpler terms, the infrastructure simulated in this project can be understood as a circuit-switched (and therefore the cs acronym in the project name) network with anycast traffic, i.e., the destination can be selected by the routing algorithm given some criteria. For more info, see this paper. The service requests are modeled as anycast, i.e., the service destination can be selected among the data centers available in the network. The simulator implements the basic funcionalities, and allows you to add more complex features for your particular purposes. The simulator offers multi-threading for running multiple scenarios using a pool of threads, taking advantage of high-performance computing environments.

Examples of results generated

Plots with averages Plots with distributions
Blocking probability
Average blocking probability Distribution of the blocking probability
Link utilization
Average link utilization Distribution of the link utilization

Results generated by a jupyter notebook which reads the results files and plots the results available here.

Other versions available

You may also be interested in the Python implementation of this simulator.

  • An anycast version (with similar properties to this one) is available here.
  • A version with unicast demands is available here.


The code was developed using NetBeans, but by being a gradle project you can use your preferred IDE. The software has the following dependencies:

  • Gradle (for dependency and build management)
  • Log4J (for advanced logging features)
  • jGraphT (for graph manipulation and path computation)
  • Typesafe Config (for configuration file reading)
  • xGraph (for plot generation)

Code organization and features:

This simulator implements and/or leverages the following functionalities:

  • Uses gradle build tool to accelerate development and build, and facilitate dependency management;
  • Uses the multithreading capabilities of Java to execute several simulation scenarios (configurations) in parallel;
  • Reads topology files from the SNDlib topology database;
  • Generates timestamp'd folder where results are saved to avoid rewriting important results;
  • Leverages the reflection capabilities of Java to facilitate the development and configuration;
  • Uses external configuration files, not requiring recompilation to change configurations, making it also appropriate for running in cluster or HPC research platforms.

The following routing policies are implemented:

  • Closest available data center (CADC): selects the data center with enough capacity that has the shortest available path.
  • Least loaded data center (LLDC): selects the data center with the most available capacity that has an available path.
  • Least loaded path (LLP): selects the least loaded path that reaches a DC with enough capacity.
  • Full load balancing (FLB): selects the path and data center with the lowest combined load, i.e., the combined load is computed as the multiplication of the path and data center current usage.

An analysis of the routing/placement algorithms can be found here.

The following package organization is used:

  • simulator.cs.anycast.components: This package contains the modeling of all the resources available for the simulation, e.g., links, nodes.
  • simulator.cs.anycast.core: This package contains the core classes of the simulator.
  • This package contains classes related to simulation event management. As of now, connection arrival and departure are the only ones. For instance, you could add link failure events by adding a class in this package, similar to the scenario considered in this paper.
  • simulator.cs.anycast.plot: This package contains classes related to the plot generation.
  • simulator.cs.anycast.policies: This package contains classes that implement the policies run by the simulator, including an abstract class that must be implemented by new policies.
  • simulator.cs.anycast.utils: This package contains utilitarian classes such as the ones modeling the thread factory and thread object.

Simulator configuration and resources

The configurations of the simulator are concentrated in the simulation.conf file. A series of configuration options are available, as for instance:

  • threads: how many threads to use for running the simulations;
  • policies: which policies to run for the simulation; a list can be found in the Provisioning Policy class;
  • load: you can configure the range of load that you want to run the simulation.

You can also configure the specific Log4J behavior here.

Post-processing the results

Python: You can find a jupyter notebook which reads the results files and plots the results here.

Java: Reading and plotting results is under development.

Running with docker

Docker provides an official gradle image here. Use gradle:6.1.1-jdk13 for the latest version of Java (version 13 as of today).

Running the simulator on the docker container:

docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:6.1.1-jdk13 gradle run

Generating a slim jar file on the docker container:

docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:6.1.1-jdk13 gradle jar

Generating a complete jar (with dependencies) on the docker container:

docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:6.1.1-jdk13 gradle fullJar

Get a terminal to the docker container:

docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:6.1.1-jdk13 bash

Observation: The -u $(id -u):$(id -g) part of the docker command makes the files created by the project to be owned by your user, and prevents you need to deal with file permissions later on. More info here.

Citing this software

This software was developed as part of the following research paper:

C. N. da Silva, L. Wosinska, S. Spadaro, J. C. W. A. Costa, C. R. L. Frances and P. Monti, "Restoration in optical cloud networks with relocation and services differentiation," in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 100-111, Feb. 2016. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.8.000100. Open access

BibTeX entry:

    author={C. N. {da Silva} and L. {Wosinska} and S. {Spadaro} and J. C. W. A. {Costa} and C. R. L. {Frances} and P. {Monti}},
    journal={IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking},
    title={Restoration in optical cloud networks with relocation and services differentiation},

Best practices in discrete-event simulation

A set of slides is available here.


Simulator for circuit-switched networks with anycast traffic written in Java (Opaque WDM with datacenters is a particular use case)







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  • Jupyter Notebook 94.8%
  • Java 5.2%