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Adding a Camera to BebopS

Giuseppe Silano edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 4 revisions

The UAV is equipped with a camera. Camera specifications are as follows:

  • update rate: 30 Hz
  • image width: 1920
  • image height: 1080
  • image format: R8G8B8

The transformation between the UAV and the camera origin is given with the transformation matrix:

T = [1  0  0  0.111 ]
    [0  1  0  0.0   ]
    [0  0  1  0.0217]
    [0  0  0  1     ]

The image is published on topic bebop/camera1/image_raw using sensor_msgs/Image message. The camera info is published on topic bebop/camera1/camera_info using sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message.

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