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Batch Scripts to create a Self Signed Certificate Authority and generate Certificates for Delphi Indy


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Batch Scripts to create a Self Signed Certificate Authority and Sign Certificates. These scripts were created primarily for Software development purposes - in particular Delphi Indy web server certificates but can be used for NodeJS or any purpose really.


  • newcert <common name> [<output path>] [<options>] [/sign]
    • Creates a new certificate. If not present, a new Authority certificate is generated. If certificate details are not supplied, the user is prompted common name Host Name on the certificate output path Alternate path to save the certificate folder. options openssl CA Signing options eg "-days 60" or "-subject ....."
  • makeCertDetails <common name> <output path>
    • Prompts the user for new certificate details only

Set Up

The Authority Configuration file caconf.cnf should be updated to reflect your company or personal details.

[ root_ca_distinguished_name ]
commonName              = root.mycomputer.development.local
stateOrProvinceName     = XXX
countryName             = XX
emailAddress            = [email protected]
organizationName        = Information Technology
organizationalUnitName  = Development
  • commonName
    • this is the name of the certificate. A good name might be "root." followed by your Active Directory Domain name.
      eg If you dont have a domain then perhaps "root." followed by your name followed by ".local" eg root.glenkleidon.local
  • stateOrProvinceName
    • there are no strict rules on this field. Use the abbreviation for your state of province that you commonly use.
  • countryName
    • Should be the ISO country code eg AU, NZ, US (note: official codes can be found at ISO here
  • emailAddress
    • This does not really matter, but you could "root@" followed by your active directory or local name
  • organizationName
    • the name of your organisation or company. If you dont have one, just use your name
  • organizationalUnitName
    • the department or group within your company that has need of a certificate. Again if you dont have one,
      then any name will do.

Certificate Outputs

This script is generates a two layer certificate:

    Root Authority-->
        Local Certificate

There is no intermediate level. This arrangement is generally sufficient for software development purposes.

The scripts generate 1 details file, 2 PEM files (private key and Certificate) and two support files.
Delphi Indy components including Datasnap (and other development environments like NodeJS) require the Key file and certificate to be in separate PEM files.

Example File Contains Email, Company, State, Country details Certificate Request Certifcate file Private key (keep secure!!) PFX file for windows certificate store
root_cert.crt Public Root Certificate file (a "Trusted root certificate" file)

The certificate authority's public root certificate is also required. This is also create as a PEM file. For other environments, the PFX (p12) files are required. These files include all three parts in a single file.


As you can appreciate, the security of a password is very important. So be warned, there are a LOT of passwords you need to enter and re-enter. This is just the way it is
so be prepared. It is also quite important that you choose passwords for your development environment that can be safely passed around to other developers, so DONT be tempted to use a real user password or service user password when generating test certificates.

The newcert command will automatically progress through all of the steps outlined below I have split up the output for ease of understanding. (note: you can also create these details ahead of time by running the makeCertDetails command independently but you must include the output path in the newcert to ensure that it locate the detail correctly)

Creating the certificate Authority certificate

When running the script for the first time, you will be prompted to create a Private Key for the Signing Authority (top layer) certificate.

Checking for valid root certificate
Error opening Certificate certificateAuthorityCertificate.pem
4760:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:356:fopen('certificateAuthorityCertificate.pem','rb')
4760:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:358:
unable to load certificate
Missing certificate or SSL
Generating New Signing certificate
Could Not Find E:\globalhealthcerts\certificateAuthorityCertificate.pem
Could Not Find E:\globalhealthcerts\certificateAuthorityPrivateKey.pem
The system cannot find the file specified.
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'certificateAuthorityPrivateKey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

The authority certificate has now been created so you will not be prompted to create it again. You can now create as many client certificates as you like with this authority.

Creating the Client Certificate Private Key and CRQ

After confirming that the Authority Certificate is valid, the certificate can now be created. Firstly you will be prompted to enter the details for the certificate. This is identical to the steps followed for the Authority.

For web server certificates, make sure you make the <COMMON NAME> the exact, fully qualified name for the computer where you intend to run the web server

For windows look at the PROPERTIES of the Computer. For Linux look at the HOSTNAME environment variable

You need a Password for the Private Key, and you will need to confirm it.

Checking for valid root certificate
Outputting a Private Key and a CSR - Requires Key password
Enter certifcate Details for
Email Address [[email protected]]:
Organisation [IT Department]:
Organisation Unit [Software Development]:
Country Code (2 digit) [AU]:
State/Province [VIC]:
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './certificates/'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

Now we need the Authority to Sign the certificate request you just created. So the program needs to access the Authority Certificate file, and once again you need to enter the password for the AUTHORITY private key in order to do that.

Outputting Certificate file
Using configuration from ./caconf.cnf
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Enter pass phrase for .//certificateAuthorityPrivateKey.pem:

Now the client certificate will be checked and generated. Accept the default Prompts

Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :PRINTABLE:''
stateOrProvinceName   :PRINTABLE:'VIC'
countryName           :PRINTABLE:'AU'
emailAddress          :IA5STRING:'[email protected]'
organizationName      :PRINTABLE:'IT Department'
organizationalUnitName:PRINTABLE:'Software Development'
Certificate is to be certified until Feb 25 22:27:10 2022 GMT (1825 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

Now a valid certificate file has been generated. For Delphi and NodeJS development, that is all that is needed. However, it if often a good idea to import the certificates into the windows key store. It is easiest to do this with a PFX file.

A PFX file will now be generated - this file is also password protected. First, because you need to access the client private key in order to create the PFX, you will be prompted for the Private Key password, and then you will need create a password to use with the PFX file. You will need to enter and then verify the PFX file.

Outputting a PFX file - Requires a PFX password
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Enter pass phrase for ./certificates/
Enter Export Password:
Verifying - Enter Export Password:
Outputing A copy of the ROOT cert

Finally a copy of the ROOT certificate (Authority Public certificate) is generated. This certificate can be installed into the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" certificate store to ensure that the client certificate is trusted by Windows.

Outputing A copy of the ROOT cert

Creating more certificates.

Now that you have set up your Authority folder, you can now generate as many certificates as you need by simply running the newcert commmand again with a different common name.

You can also create as many authorities as you like, if for example you want a personal certificate and/or you have more than one corporate domain.


This script uses extensively information written by Rui Figueiredo in this article


Batch Scripts to create a Self Signed Certificate Authority and generate Certificates for Delphi Indy







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