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SQL Assignment for Introduction to Computer (計算機概論), Fall 2023


MySQL is a relational database management system that is based on structured query language (SQL). MySQL has following advantages

  • widely compatible
  • databases are relational
  • open source
  • easy to use

Environment Setup

MySQL 8.0


If you are using Linux, the following commands might work:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
# Check if mysql is up
sudo service mysql status
# See to start the MySQL server if the server is not started

You may need to create an account or use root for MySQL (sudo mysql). After installation, you should be able to load the database from create_starwar.sql and load_starwar.sql in this repository:

In the terminal

git clone 
cd 2023_IntroCom_HW8
mysql -u username -p < data/create_starwar.sql
mysql --local-infile=1 -u username -p starwar < data/load_starwar.sql

Quick start

Simply click on the link and enter the provided information:

raspberrypi login: student
Password: cmlab506

# use the database named starwar 
use starwar

You will be able to use the established database.


After instruction above, you should now run up and enter MySQL. Then you could play with the SQL commands with MySQL like

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_starwar |
| characters        |
| planets           |
| time_table        |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM Characters;
| name             | race    | homeworld | affiliation |
| Han Solo         | Human   | Corellia  | rebels      |
| Princess Leia    | Human   | Alderaan  | rebels      |
| Luke Skywalker   | Human   | Tatooine  | rebels      |
| Darth Vader      | Human   | Unknown   | empire      |
| Chewbacca        | Wookie  | Kashyyyk  | rebels      |
| C-3 PO           | Droid   | Unknown   | rebels      |
| R2-D2            | Droid   | Unknown   | rebels      |
| Obi-Wan Kanobi   | Human   | Tatooine  | rebels      |
| Lando Calrissian | Human   | Unknown   | rebels      |
| Yoda             | Unknown | Unknown   | neutral     |
| Jabba the Hutt   | Hutt    | Unknown   | neutral     |
| Owen Lars        | Human   | Tatooine  | neutral     |
| Rancor           | Rancor  | Unknown   | neutral     |
| PA Chen          | Human   | Unknown   | rebels      |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> source sample/1.sql
| Character_Name   |
| Han Solo         |
| Lando Calrissian |
| Princess Leia    |
| Luke Skywalker   |
| R2-D2            |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

you can also check more sample queries in sample/(it's helpful). For more detailed query command, here's some useful SQL tutorial.


We use the star war database containing three files: TimeTable.csv, Characters.csv and Planets.csv

  • TimeTable.csv records for each character and movie, what planet and when did the character go to.
  • Characters.csv contains for each character, what is his/her homeworld and affiliation.
  • Planets.csv records the information about each planet.


In this assignment you are ask to write SQL queries that answer question below (one query per question) and run them with MySQL. The names of columns are shown in the parentheses ()

  1. Find the names of characters affiliated with the rebels who have visited Tatooine. (Name)
  2. List the planets visited by Darth Vader in chronological order based on the time of arrival. (Planet_Name)
  3. Retrieve the names of characters who have visited more than one planet. (Character_Name)
  4. List the planets visited by Han Solo in Movie 1 and Movie 3.(Planet_Name)
  5. For Luke Skywalker, for each movie that Luke appears in, what is the planet that has the different affiliation with him and that he travels to for the longest length of time? (Movie, Planet_Name)
  6. How many times for each character to visit his/her homeworld? show character names and times appeared in TimeTable. (Name, Times)
  7. List the names of characters who haven't made an appearance in any movie. (Name)
  8. Which planet(s) have not been visited by any characters in all movies? (Name)
  9. Find all characters that never visited any empire planets. (Name)
  10. For each movie, which character(s) visited the highest number of planets? (Movie, Character_Name)


You have to hand in your .zip file on NTU cool before 12/11 12:00 p.m. with required format (student ID in lowercase):

└── <your_student_ID>.zip
    └── <your_student_ID>/
        ├── 1.sql           -> SQL statement for problem 1
        ├── 2.sql           -> SQL statement for problem 1
        ├── ..
        └── 10.sql          -> SQL statement for problem 10

any invalid format of submission would result in 0 points (e.g. .rar/.7z, ID with uppercase)


  • Questions 3, 5, 6, and 10 are worth 4 points each, and the remaining questions are worth 14 points each.


  • For this assignment, creation of temporary tables is not allowed, i.e., for each question, you have to write exactly one SQL statement
  • Any invalid format (e.g., .rar/.7z ...) of the submission will result in 0 points.


The database and questions are based on the previous TA's work.


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