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Mark Drew edited this page Mar 19, 2013 · 2 revisions

This page explains how to upgrade your existing Railo version

As you maybe know Railo has two types of administrators. The web and the server administrator. In order to upgrade Railo just open any server administrator (URL: domain/railo-context/admin/server.cfm) and navigate to the section Services/Update. If a patch is available for your current version, you will notice this by the message displayed in the administrator. It might look like this:

If you want to update your current version just klick on the "execute update" button and the update will be executed. This might take a few seconds. After the patch file has been downloaded, Railo will be restarted and you eventually be logged out of the admin. If you log in again you will see that the current Railo version has been updated to the latest patch release.

Rolling back a version

Below the upgrade button you will see an additional button that allows you to roll back all versions or single versions. This can help you if a certain patch or bleeding edge release breaks your existing code.

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