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Feruz Davletov's CV

\faUserGraduate\enspace Education

University of Bayreuth, MS in Computer Science

  • Oct 2020 – Mar 2024
  • Thesis: Exploring the Role of Chatbots in Group Language Learning.
  • Courses: Data Analysis and Deep Learning with Python | Intelligent UIs

Yildiz Technical University, BS in Computer Engineering

  • Sep 2008 – Aug 2013
  • Thesis Project: Controlling multiple robots in virtual disaster environments.

\faUsersCog\enspace Experience

Fraunhofer HTL, Software Engineer - Part-time

  • Dec 2021 – Apr 2024
  • Bayreuth, Germany
  • Developed a ETL library to extract sensor data from InfluxDB .
  • Created a visualization tool using PyQt and PyQTGraph.
  • Configured CI/CD for automated tests, deployments, and documentation.
  • Tech Stack: Python|InfluxDB|PyQt5|GitLab CI/CD|Pandas|Git|Docker|NumPy.

Crossover, Software Engineer

  • Jul 2018 – Aug 2020
  • Maintained Jive document management and collaboration software.
  • Fixed integration issues with Microsoft O365, SharePoint, Box etc.
  • Tech Stack: Java|Spring|Maven|Microservices|MS-O365|Docker|Jira

Kollektif Labs, Software Engineer

  • May 2017 – Jul 2018
  • Implemented financial portfolio analysis and metrics like sharpe ratio, etc.
  • Maintained the Java backend and Android app for football team.
  • Tech Stack: Android(Java)|Play Framework|Django|PostgreSQL|Git

Mavili Elektronik, Software Engineer - Part-time

  • Jul 2013 – Aug 2015
  • Developed communication software between sensors and UI.
  • Tech Stack: C#.NET|MS SQLServer|Serial|GPRS|TCP|UDP|Git

$\overset{\text{\faLanguage}}{\text{\raisebox{0.1em}{\faUser}}}$\enspace Languages

English(C1), German(B1 and learning), Turkish(C2), Uzbek(native), Turkmen(native)

\faUserNinja\enspace Skills

Programming: Python(expert) | Java(expert) | C#(basic) | SQL(basic) | C(basic)

Tools: Git(good) | Docker(good) | Linux(good) | GitLab CI/CD(good)

Frameworks: Android(good) | Pandas(good) | Flask(good) | PyQt5(basic) | scikit-learn(basic)

Databases: PostgreSQL(basic) | InfluxDB(basic) | Redis(basic)

Others: OOP(expert) | TDD(good) | ETL(good) | REST-API(good) | Microservices(good) | Machine Learning(good) | Deep Learning(basic) | Reinforcement Learning(basic)

\faUserCog\enspace Last Projects

Energy Usage Prediction of Household Devices with Energy Meters

  • Sep 2023
  • Created system and software architecture for the project.
  • Developed a backend service to collect energy usage data from energy meters.
  • Developed an android app and a predictive model to visualize energy usage.
  • Tech Stack: Android(Java)|Python|PostgreSQL|NumPy|Pandas|Tuya energy meters

Walking and Running route suggestion app based on user preferences

  • Mar 2023
  • Implemented google-maps like navigation with voice using OpenStreetMap.
  • Tech Stack: Android(Java)|OSRM|Azure Neural TTS

Matrix Multiplication Energy Consumption on Intel and AMD CPUs

  • Jun 2022
  • Investigated energy consumption of matrix multiplication algorithms in x86.
  • Tech Stack: C|Python|NumPy|Pandas|Linux|likwid library

\faUserEdit\enspace Publications

High Impact Academic Paper Prediction Using Temporal and Topological Features (10.1145/2661829.2662066)

  • Nov 2014
  • Feruz Davletov, Ali Selman Aydin, Ali Cakmak
  • CIKM

Text2arff: Automatic feature extraction software for Turkish texts (10.1109/SIU.2010.5651686)

  • Apr 2010
  • M. Fatih Amasyali, Feruz Davletov, Arslan Torayew, Umit Ciftci
  • IEEE