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ejosymart committed Nov 22, 2021
1 parent 1768bd2 commit 41a3228
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Showing 2 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions code/0_auxiliarFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
validPoints = function(lon, lat, land=FALSE) {

coords = cbind(lon=lon, lat=lat)
xind = which(complete.cases(coords))
coords = coords[xind, ]

land = maps::map(database="worldHires", fill=TRUE)
land = maptools::map2SpatialPolygons(land,
IDs=sapply(strsplit(land$names, ":"), FUN="[", i=1),
sets = sp::SpatialPoints(cbind(lon=coords[, "lon"], lat=coords[, "lat"]), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
ind =, land))

if(isTRUE(land)) ind = !ind
ind = xind[which(ind)]


getArcs <- function(distArea, threshold = 1){

arcs <- which(distArea$arcs[,3] > 0)
output <- NULL
for(i in arcs) {
c <- distArea$arcs[i, 1:2]
r <- distArea$arcs[i, 3]
v <- distArea$arcs[i, 4:5]
theta <- distArea$arcs[i, 6]

angles <- anglesArc(v, theta)
seqang <- seq(angles[1], angles[2], length = 100)

tempArc <- cbind(c[1] + r * cos(seqang),
c[2] + r * sin(seqang))

output <- rbind(output, tempArc)

index <- sqrt(rowSums(abs(output[-1,] - output[-nrow(output),]))^2) > threshold
output <- cbind(output, c(1, rep(NA, nrow(output) - 1)))
output[-1, 3] <- output[1, 3] + cumsum(index)

123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions code/9999_environmental_filter.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
library (raster)
library (rgdal)
library (sqldf)
library (maps)
library (testthat)
library (roxygen2)

#' resample the raw data to eliminate the biases in the environmental space.
#' Ecological Niche Model's predictions could be improved by using unbiased data sets
#' for calibrating the algorithms.
#' With this function users could filter their raw species occurrences to avoid environmental biases.
#' The user should select which variables (filters)
#' are adequate for filtering the raw species occurrences:
#' e.g. selecting the variables that are important for the species, or, in case there is no
#' information about the importance of the variables, selecting variables that are not correlated:
#' e.g. annual mean temperature (bio1) and annual precipitation (bio12).
#' @usage envSample (coord, filters, res, do.plot)
#' @param coord a dataframe with the coordinates of the raw species occurrences.
#' The first column should be the longitude (x) and the second
#' column the latitude (y).
#' @param filters a list of vectors with the values of the variables for the species occurrences
#' (users can get these vectors by using the function extract from the raster R-package)
#' @param res a list of numbers that set the size of the grid to filter the data for each variable
#' @param do.plot TRUE/FALSE. If FALSE, the function does not return a plot showing the raw and filtered data sets.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' file <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/ex/bradypus.csv", sep="")
#' bradypus <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep=',')
#' coord<- bradypus [,2:3]
#' setwd ("yourdirectory/worldclim)
#' var<- list.files (pattern=".bil")
#' wc<- stack (var)
#' data<- extract (wc, coord)
#' data<- (data)
#' envSample (coord, filters=list (data$bio1, data$bio12), res=list (20, 200), do.plot=TRUE)
#' }

envSample<- function (coord, filters, res, do.plot=TRUE){

n<- length (filters)
pot_points<- list ()
for (i in 1:n){
k<- filters [[i]] [![[i]])]
ext1<- range (k)
ext1 [1]<- ext1[1]- 1
x<- seq(ext1[1],ext1[2], by=res[[i]])
pot_points[[i]]<- x
pot_p<- expand.grid(pot_points)

ends<- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
fin<- pot_p [,i] + res[[i]]
ends<- cbind (ends, fin)

pot_pp<- data.frame (pot_p, ends)
pot_pp<- data.frame (pot_pp, groupID=c(1:nrow (pot_pp)))
rows<- length (filters[[1]])
filter<- data.frame(matrix(unlist(filters), nrow=rows))
real_p<- data.frame (coord, filter)

names_real<- c("lon", "lat")
names_pot_st<- NULL
names_pot_end<- NULL
sql1<- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
names_real<- c(names_real, paste ("filter", i, sep=""))
names_pot_st<- c(names_pot_st, paste ("start_f", i, sep=""))
names_pot_end<- c(names_pot_end, paste ("end_f", i, sep=""))
sql1<- paste (sql1, paste ("real_p.filter", i, sep=""), sep=", ")

names (real_p)<- names_real
names (pot_pp)<- c(names_pot_st, names_pot_end, "groupID")

conditions<- paste ("(real_p.filter", 1, "<= pot_pp.end_f", 1,") and (real_p.filter", 1, "> pot_pp.start_f", 1, ")", sep="")
for (i in 2:n){
conditions<- paste (conditions,
paste ("(real_p.filter", i, "<= pot_pp.end_f", i,") and (real_p.filter", i, "> pot_pp.start_f", i, ")", sep=""),

selection_NA<- sqldf(paste ("select real_p.lon,, pot_pp.groupID",
sql1, "from pot_pp left join real_p on", conditions, sep=" "))

selection<- selection_NA [complete.cases(selection_NA),]

final_points<- selection[!duplicated(selection$groupID), ]
coord_filter<- data.frame (final_points$lon, final_points$lat)
names (coord_filter)<- c("lon", "lat")

if (do.plot==TRUE){
par (mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4,4,0,0.5))
plot (filters[[1]], filters[[2]], pch=19,
col="grey50", xlab="Filter 1", ylab="Filter 2")
points (final_points$filter1, final_points$filter2,
pch=19, col="#88000090")
plot (coord, pch=19, col="grey50")
points (coord_filter, pch=19, col="#88000090")


file <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/ex/bradypus.csv", sep="")
bradypus <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep=',')
coord<- bradypus[,2:3]
setwd("../../../Disco local/COUSTEAU_Consultant_Group/cursos/Modelos_Distribucion_Especies_I/data/envirData/worldclim/wc2-5/")
var <- list.files(pattern=".bil")
wc <- stack(var)
data <- extract(wc, coord)
data <-
x <- envSample(coord,
filters = list(data$bio1, data$bio12),
res = list(20, 200),
do.plot = TRUE)

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