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Compiling the REST plugin for device specific testing

Alexis RENOUX edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

Adding support for new devices can be cumbersome and tidious, depending on the device if done remotely by a developer. Also, adding new features or resolution of certain rare bugs should ideally be tested upfront before finding its way into the mater branch and becomming available for all. In such cases, a developer might ask to compile a specific version of the REST plugin containing only the changes relevant for the given purpose. The following should give guidance on how to compile and test an amended REST plugin. Prerequisite (as of writing this) is availability of a bare Linux OS (e.g. RasbianOS or Ubuntu) and a Conbee 1/2. Additionally, the developer shall provide the URL to his repository and the corresponding branch to use.

  1. Switch to deCONZ beta APT-Repository (see also
    sudo sh -c "echo 'deb $(lsb_release -cs)-beta main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deconz.list"

  2. Update APT sources
    sudo apt-get update

  3. Install deCONZ latest beta and dev package
    sudo apt-get install deconz deconz-dev

  4. Make a backup of the untouched plugin to the users home directory
    sudo cp /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins/ ~/

  5. Clone the code from the developer's repository with the given branch. The basic command for this purpose is:
    git clone --branch=<BRANCHNAME> <REPOSITORY_URL> <FOLDER_NAME>
    For simplicity, we always use the name of the branch as folder name. Assuming branch test and repository URL are provided, use the following command:
    git clone --branch=test test

  6. Change to the newly created folder and compile, you can remove the -j2 flag on weak machine (can freeze Pi3 for exemple)
    cd ./test
    qmake && make -j2

  7. Recall how deCONZ is running (with or without GUI) and use the corresponding command to stop deCONZ service (in doubt, execute both commands)
    GUI mode: sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui
    Headless mode: sudo systemctl stop deconz

  8. Copy the compiled plugin to the required folder
    sudo cp ../ /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins/

  9. Restart deCONZ according to your preferred running mode
    GUI mode: sudo systemctl start deconz-gui
    Headless mode: sudo systemctl start deconz
    In case the developer has asked for some debug output, the following is recommended
    GUI mode: /usr/bin/deCONZ --dbg-info=2 --dbg-error=2 > test_debug
    Headless mode: /usr/bin/deCONZ --platform minimal --dbg-info=2 --dbg-error=2 > test_debug
    Please note this creates a file named test_debug in the folder where you executed the above command. It should be shared with the developer to progress further.

  10. (Optional) Once done with testing and you prefer to not use the test plugin any longer or in case any error occur, restore the plugin backup
    Kill the running process with CTRL+C if taking debug logs or stop the service as described in step 7 and restore the plugin.
    sudo cp ~/ /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins/

If you are using docker, you can take a look here
For exemple

git clone
cd docker-deconz-rest-plugin-test
docker pull marthoc/deconz
docker build -t my-deconz-image --build-arg PLUGIN_REPOSITORY= --build-arg PLUGIN_GIT_COMMIT=special_branch .

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