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Open source Chat and Messaging SDK that lets you add real time chat and messaging in your mobile (android, iOS) applications and website.

Signup at to get the application key.

Applozic One to One and Group Chat SDK



One to one and Group Chat

Image capture

Photo sharing

File attachment

Location sharing

Push notifications

In-App notifications

Online presence

Last seen at

Unread message count

Typing indicator

Message sent, delivery report

Offline messaging

Multi Device sync

Application to user messaging

Customized chat bubble

UI Customization Toolkit

Cross Platform Support (iOS, Android & Web)

Getting Started

Applozic messaging jQuery plugin

A jQuery plugin to integrate messaging into your web page for real time communication between users via Applozic messaging platform and also to see your latest conversations and past chat history. Add Applozic messaging plugin into your web application :


Integrate messaging into your mobile apps and website without developing or maintaining any infrastructure. Sign up at

Getting Started

Applozic messaging jQuery plugin

Javascript chat and messaging plugin that lets you enable real time chat using websockets in your website without developing or maintaining any infrastructure.

Signup at Applozic to get the application key.

Step 1: Add the Applozic Chat plugin script before </head> into your web page

<script type="text/javascript">
   (function(d, m){var s, h;       
   s = document.createElement("script");
   s.type = "text/javascript";
   m.init=function(t){m._globals=t;}})(document, window.applozic || {});

Step 2: Initialize Chat Plugin

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.applozic.init({appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE', userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', userName: 'PUT_USER_DISPLAYNAME_HERE', imageLink : 'PUT_USER_IMAGE_LINK_HERE', email: 'PUT_USER_EMAIL_ID_HERE', contactNumber: 'CONTACT_NUMBER_WITH_INTERNATIONAL_CODE', accessToken: 'PUT_USER_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_HERE', authenticationTypeId : 'PUT_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ID_HERE', desktopNotification: true,  notificationIconLink: 'PUT_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK_HERE'});

It can also be called from any event, for example: on click of a button.

Above options description :-

 appId: 'YOUR APPLICATION KEY'                         // obtained from Step 1 (required)    
 userId: 'UNIQUE USER ID OF ACTIVE USER'               // loggedIn user Id (required)  
 userName: 'ACTIVE USER DISPLAY NAME'                  // loggedIn user name (optional)  
 imageLink: 'ACTIVE USER IMAGE LINK'                   // loggedIn user image url (optional)      
 email: 'ACTIVE USER EMAIL'                            // optional
 contactNumber : 'CONTACT NUMBER OF USER ALONG WITH INTERNATIONAL CODE eg: +919535008745' //optional
 authenticationTypeId : 1                              // 1 for password verification from Applozic server  (optional)  
                                                       // 0 for access Token verification from client server (optional)
 desktopNotification: true or false                    // optional
 notificationIconLink : 'YOUR WEB APP LOGO'            // required for desktop notification (optional) 
 maxGroupSize: 'MAX NUMBER OF USERS ALLOWED PER GROUP WHILE CREATING GROUP' // max limit is 100 (optional)

Note : desktopNotification support only for chrome browser, notificationIconLink will be display in desktop notification

Step 3: More options with callback functions

 1) onInit : function(response) { 
        if (response === "success") {
           // plugin loaded successfully, perform your actions if any, for example: load contacts, getting unread message count, etc
        } else {
           // error in loading plugin (you can hide chat button or refresh page) 
  Callback function which gets triggered on plugin initialized. You can write your own logic inside this function to execute on plugin initialization. 
 2) contactDisplayName: function(userId) {  
          //return the display name of the user from your application code based on userId.
          return "";
  Function should return USER_DISPLAY_NAME by taking USERID as input parameter. 
 3) contactDisplayImage: function(userId) {  
          //return the display image url of the user from your application code based on userId.
          return "";
  Function should return USER_IMAGE_URL by taking USERID as a input parameter. 
 4) accessToken: 'PASS_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE'                            //Type - String (optional)    
 Access token is to authenticate user from your end. To enable access token authentication you have to configure authentication url in admin dashboard. 
 For more detail about access token, read :****.

Example of how to use above mentioned options:

       userId: USER_ID,
       appId: APPLICATION_KEY,
       onInit: function(response) { 
            if (response === "success") {
               // plugin loaded successfully, perform your actions if any, for example: load contacts, getting unread message count, etc
            } else {
               // error in loading plugin (you can hide chat button or refresh page) 

Step 4: Contacts

Javascript code to load contacts

          {"contacts": [{"userId": "USER_1", "displayName": "Devashish", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_2", "displayName": "Adarsh", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_3", "displayName": "Shanki",
                          "imageLink": ""}
         };  //Replace this with contacts json from your application

$applozic.fn.applozic('loadContacts', CONTACT_LIST_JSON);

NOTE- Call loadContacts function only after plugin initailize callback (see Step 3 for reference).

Step 5: Chat screen

Javascript to open main chat box containing list of contacts

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadTab', '');  

Javascript to open chat with User

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadTab', 'PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE');  // user Id of other person with whom you want to open conversation 

Javascript to open chat with Group

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadGroupTab', 'PUT_GROUP_ID_HERE');  // group Id returned in response to group create api  

Javascript to open group chat using Client Group Id


Anchor tag or button to load(open) individual tab conversation directly

Add a chat button inside your web page using a tag and use 'userId' for data attribute "data-mck-id"

<a href="#" class="applozic-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_OTHER_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE">CHAT BUTTON</a>

Note - Data attribute mck-name is optional in above tag

Step 6: Group

Javascript to get group list

$applozic.fn.applozic('getGroupList', {'callback':function (response) { //write your logic}});   

Sample response:

           {'status' : 'success' ,                 // or error
            'data': [ {'id': 'GROUP_ID',
                       'name' : 'GROUP_NAME',
                       'type' : 'GROUP_TYPE',      // 1,2 or 5   (private, public or broadcast)
                       'memberName':[],           // Array of group member ids
                       'adminName': 'ADMIN_USER_ID',
                       'removedMembersId' [],     // Array including removed or left members Id  
                       'unreadCount' : '10'       // total unread count of messages for current logged in user

Javascript to create group

$applozic.fn.applozic('initGroupTab', {'groupName' : 'GROUP_NAME',   // required
                                       'type' :1,                    // 1 for private , 2 for public (required)
                                       'clientGroupId' : 'CLIENT_UNIQUE_GROUP_ID', // optional
                                       'users': [{userId:'USER_ID_1', displayName:'USER_NAME'},
                                                 {userId:'USER_ID_2', displayName:'USER_NAME'}

Javascript to add group member (only for group admin)

                                       'clientGroupId' : 'CLIENT_GROUP_ID',  //use either groupId or clientGroupId
                                       'userId':'USER_ID_OF_MEMBER_TO_ADD', 'callback': function(response) {console.log(response);}});

Javascript to remove group member (only for group admin)

                                          'clientGroupId' : 'CLIENT_GROUP_ID', //use either groupId or clientGroupId
                                          'callback': function(response) {console.log(response);}

Javascript to exit group

$applozic.fn.applozic('leaveGroup', {'groupId' : 'GROUP_ID', 
                                    'clientGroupId' : 'CLIENT_GROUP_ID', //use either groupId or clientGroupId
                                    'callback' :function(response){console.log(response);}});

Step 7: Context (Topic) based Chat

Add the following in window.applozic.init call:

 topicBox: true,
 getTopicDetail: function(topicId) {
        //Based on topicId, return the following details from your application
        return {'title': 'topic-title',      // Product title
                    'subtitle': 'sub-title',     // Product subTitle or Product Id
                    'link' :'image-link',        // Product image link
                    'key1':'key1' ,              // Small text anything like Qty (Optional)
                    'value1':'value1',           // Value of key1 ex-10 (number of quantity) Optional
                    'key2': 'key2',              // Small text anything like MRP (product price) (Optional)
                    'value2':'value2'            // Value of key2 ex-$100  (Optional)

Add a chat button inside your web page using a tag and add the following:

Class Attribute - applozic-wt-launcher 
Data Attriutes  - mck-id, mck-name and mck-topicid
 mck-id      :  User Id of the user with whom to initiate the chat
 mck-name    :  Display name of the user with whom to initiate the chat
 mck-topicId :  Unique identifier for the topic/product 
<a href="#" class="applozic-wt-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_DISPLAYNAME_HERE" data-mck-topicid="PUT_TOPICID_HERE">CHAT ON TOPIC</a>

Step 8: Events subscription

Using events callback, you can subscribe to the following events.

var apzEvents =  {onConnect: function () {
                        console.log('connected successfully');
                  }, onConnectFailed: function () {
                       console.log('connection failed');
                  }, onMessageDelivered: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageDelivered: ' + obj);
                  }, onMessageRead: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageRead: '  + obj);
                  }, onMessageReceived: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageReceived: ' + obj);
                  }, onMessageSentUpdate: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageSentUpdate: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserConnect: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserConnect: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserDisconnect: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserDisconnect: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserBlocked: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserBlocked: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserUnblocked': function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserUnblocked: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserActivated: function () {
                       console.log('user activated by admin');
                  }, onUserDeactivated: function () {
                       console.log('user deactivated by admin');

Events description:

  1. onConnect: Triggered when user subscribed successfully.

  2. onConnectFailed: Triggered when user failed to subscribe.

  3. onMessageDelivered: Triggered when message is delivered.

{'messageKey': 'delivered-message-key'}

  1. onMessageRead: Triggered when delivered message is read on other end.

Response object -

{'messageKey': 'delivered-message-key'}

  1. onMessageReceived: Triggered when new message received.

Response object - {'message': message}

  1. onMessageSentUpdate: Triggered when message sent successfully to server.

Response object- {'messageKey': 'sent-message-key'}

  1. onUserConnect: Triggered when some other user comes online.

Response object - {'userID': 'connected-user-Id'}

  1. onUserDisconnect: Triggered when some other user goes offline.

Response object - {'userId': 'disconnected-user-id', 'lastSeenAtTime' : 'time in millsec'}

  1. onUserBlocked : Triggered when user is blocked or current user blocked other user from different source

Response object - {'status': 'BLOCKED_TO or BLOCKED_BY', 'userId': userId}

  1. onUserUnblocked : Triggered when user is unblocked or current user unblocked other user from different source

Response object - {'status': 'UNBLOCKED_TO or UNBLOCKED_BY', 'userId': userId}

  1. onUserActivated : Triggered when user is activated by app admin

  2. onUserDeactivated : Triggered when user is deactivated by app admin

Javascript to subscribe to events

 $applozic.fn.applozic('subscribeToEvents', apzEvents);  // object containing event definations 

Step 9: Messages

  $applozic.fn.applozic('messageList', {'id': 'Group Id or User Id',   
                                        'isGroup': false,               // True in case of group 
                                        'clientGroupId' : 'CLIENT_GROUP_ID', // use either groupId or clientGroupId
                                        'callback': function(response){ // write your logic} 

Sample response:

response = {'status' : 'success',                     // or error
            'messages' :[{'key': "MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER",
                         'from': "SENDER_USERID",         
                         'to': 'RECEIVER_USERID',
                         'message': "MESSAGE_TEXT",
                         'type': 'inbox or outbox',
                         'status': "MESSAGE__CURRENT_STATUS",        // For outbox message  (sent, delivered or read)
                                                                   // For inbox messsage (read, unread)
                         'timeStamp': 'MESSAGE_CREATED_TIMESTAMP'          

UI Customization

For customizing the UI, download files from Open message.html file as a reference and add all scripts and html in your web page in same order as given in message.html

You can modify mck-sidebox-1.0.css class located at:

###Advance options

Send message

Send message from logged in user to another user

var messageJson = 
         {"to":'USER_ID',                                 // required
          "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'                      // required
$applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', messageJson);

Send message visible only to the receiver.

var messageJson = 
         {"to":'USER_ID',                                     // required
          "type" : 12,                                        // required
          "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'                          // required
$applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', messageJson);

Get User Details

  $applozic.fn.applozic('getUserDetail', {callback: function getUserDetail(response) {
        if(response.status === 'success') {
           // write your logic

Sample response:

           {'status' : 'success' ,                     // or error
            'data':  {'totalUnreadCount': 15           // total unread count for user          
                     'users':                          // Array of other users detail

Light weight plugin with your own UI

Add following scripts before </head> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Initialize Plugin

Create APPLOZIC instance by configuring your options

 var applozic = new APPLOZIC({'baseUrl': "",
                              'userId': 'PUT_USERID_HERE',                   // LoggedIn userId
                              'appId': 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE',           // obtained from Step 1 (required)
                              'onInit': function(response) { 
                                           if (response === "success") {
                                                 // plugin loaded successfully, perform your actions if any, for example: load contacts, getting unread message count, etc
                                           } else {
                                                 // error in loading plugin (you can hide chat button or refresh page) 

Javascript to subscribe to events = apzEvents;      // apzEvents defined in Step 8

More details here:


We provide support over at [StackOverflow] ( when you tag using applozic, ask us anything.

Applozic is the best jquery chat plugin for instant messaging, still not convinced? Write to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to schedule a demo for you.

##Github projects

Android Chat SDK

Web Chat Plugin

iOS Chat SDK


Javascript (jQuery) Real Time Chat & Messaging plugin






No packages published


  • JavaScript 78.8%
  • HTML 10.8%
  • CSS 10.4%