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RVC Python

A Python implementation for using RVC (Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) via console, Python scripts, or API.

Table of Contents




  • Console interface for single file or batch processing
  • Python module for integration into other projects
  • API server for remote processing
  • Support for both CPU and GPU acceleration
  • Dynamic model loading and unloading
  • Flexible model directory management


Basic Installation (CPU only)

pip install rvc-python

Recommended Installation (with GPU support)

Recommended python version: 3.10

For Windows:

py -3.10 -m venv venv
pip install rvc-python
pip install torch==2.1.1+cu118 torchaudio==2.1.1+cu118 --index-url

For Linux:

python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install rvc-python
pip install torch==2.1.1+cu118 torchaudio==2.1.1+cu118 --index-url


Command Line Interface

The CLI supports two modes: cli for direct file processing and api for starting an API server.

python -m rvc_python [-h] {cli,api} ...

CLI Mode

Process a single file or batch of files:

python -m rvc_python cli -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -mp MODEL [options]


python -m rvc_python cli -i input.wav -o output.wav -mp path/to/model.pth -de cuda:0

API Mode

Start the API server:

python -m rvc_python api [-p PORT] [-l] [options]


python -m rvc_python api -p 5050 -l

Python Module

from rvc_python.infer import RVCInference

rvc = RVCInference(device="cuda:0")
rvc.infer_file("input.wav", "output.wav")


The API server provides several endpoints for voice conversion and model management. Here's a detailed breakdown of each endpoint:

1. Convert Audio

  • Endpoint: POST /convert
  • Description: Converts an audio file using the currently loaded model.
  • Request Body:
      "audio_data": "base64_encoded_audio"
  • Response: The converted audio file (WAV format)
  • Example:
    import requests
    import base64
    url = "http://localhost:5050/convert"
    with open("input.wav", "rb") as audio_file:
        audio_data = base64.b64encode(
    response =, json={"audio_data": audio_data})
    with open("output.wav", "wb") as output_file:

2. List Available Models

  • Endpoint: GET /models
  • Description: Returns a list of all available models.
  • Response: JSON array of model names
  • Example:
    response = requests.get("http://localhost:5050/models")
    models = response.json()
    print("Available models:", models)

3. Load a Model

  • Endpoint: POST /models/{model_name}
  • Description: Loads a specific model for use in conversions.
  • Response: Confirmation message
  • Example:
    response ="http://localhost:5050/models/my_model")

4. Get Current Parameters

  • Endpoint: GET /params
  • Description: Retrieves the current parameter settings.
  • Response: JSON object with current parameters
  • Example:
    response = requests.get("http://localhost:5050/params")
    print("Current parameters:", response.json())

5. Set Parameters

  • Endpoint: POST /params
  • Description: Updates the parameters for voice conversion.
  • Request Body:
      "params": {
        "f0method": "harvest",
        "f0up_key": 0,
        "index_rate": 0.5,
        "filter_radius": 3,
        "resample_sr": 0,
        "rms_mix_rate": 0.25,
        "protect": 0.33
  • Response: Confirmation message
  • Example:
    params = {
      "f0method": "harvest",
      "f0up_key": 2,
      "protect": 0.5
    response ="http://localhost:5050/params", json={"params": params})

6. Upload a New Model

  • Endpoint: POST /upload_model
  • Description: Uploads a new model (as a zip file) to the server.
  • Request: Multipart form data with a zip file
  • Response: Confirmation message
  • Example:
    with open("", "rb") as zip_file:
        files = {"file": ("", zip_file)}
        response ="http://localhost:5050/upload_model", files=files)

7. Set Computation Device

  • Endpoint: POST /set_device
  • Description: Sets the device (CPU/GPU) for computations.
  • Request Body:
      "device": "cuda:0"
  • Response: Confirmation message
  • Example:
    response ="http://localhost:5050/set_device", json={"device": "cuda:0"})

Model Management

Models are stored in the rvc_models directory by default. Each model should be in its own subdirectory and contain:

  • A .pth file (required): The main model file.
  • An .index file (optional): For improved voice conversion quality.

Example structure:

├── model1/
│   ├── model1.pth
│   └── model1.index
└── model2/
    └── model2.pth

You can add new models by:

  1. Manually placing them in the rvc_models directory.
  2. Using the /upload_model API endpoint to upload a zip file containing the model files.
  3. Using the /set_models_dir API endpoint to change the models directory dynamically.


Input/Output Options

  • -i, --input: Input audio file (CLI mode)
  • -d, --dir: Input directory for batch processing (CLI mode)
  • -o, --output: Output file or directory

Model Options

  • -mp, --model: Path to the RVC model file (required for CLI, optional for API)
  • -md, --models_dir: Directory containing RVC models (default: rvc_models in the current directory)
  • -ip, --index: Path to the index file (optional)
  • -v, --version: Model version (v1 or v2)

Processing Options

  • -de, --device: Computation device (e.g., "cpu", "cuda:0")
  • -me, --method: Pitch extraction method (harvest, crepe, rmvpe, pm)
  • -pi, --pitch: Pitch adjustment in semitones
  • -ir, --index_rate: Feature search ratio
  • -fr, --filter_radius: Median filtering radius for pitch
  • -rsr, --resample_sr: Output resampling rate
  • -rmr, --rms_mix_rate: Volume envelope mix rate
  • -pr, --protect: Protection for voiceless consonants

API Server Options

  • -p, --port: API server port (default: 5050)
  • -l, --listen: Allow external connections to API server
  • -pm, --preload-model: Preload a model when starting the API server (optional)


For a detailed list of changes and updates, please see the Releases page.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for bugs and feature requests.