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Demo app for integrating PaperTrail gem into a Rails application for model auditing

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Companion project for a blog post about integrating PaperTrail for model auditing into a Rails application. Topics to be covered include:

  • Using a separate xxx_VERSIONS table per model rather than default configuration that writes all audit records to a single VERSIONS table ref
  • Using JSON columns instead of default yml columns to store object and object_changes (check what the default is?) ref


Default PaperTrail generator:

bundle exec rails generate paper_trail:install --with-changes
# Generates the following two migrations:
# create  db/migrate/20230801103224_create_versions.rb
# create  db/migrate/20230801103225_add_object_changes_to_versions.rb

Here are original migrations generated from above, we'll be making changes:

# db/migrate/20230806120211_create_versions.rb
class CreateVersions < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  TEXT_BYTES = 1_073_741_823

  def change
    create_table :versions do |t|
      t.string   :item_type, null: false
      t.bigint   :item_id,   null: false
      t.string   :event,     null: false
      t.string   :whodunnit
      t.text     :object, limit: TEXT_BYTES
      t.datetime :created_at
    add_index :versions, %i[item_type item_id]
# db/migrate/20230806120212_add_object_changes_to_versions.rb
class AddObjectChangesToVersions < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  TEXT_BYTES = 1_073_741_823

  def change
    add_column :versions, :object_changes, :text, limit: TEXT_BYTES

Changes from default

  1. Rename generated migration to ...create_product_versions.rb
  2. Add object_changes column in create_product_versions.rb migration file, don't need a separate migration for one column
  3. Modify migration to specify CreateProductVersions class
  4. Modify migration to specify json instead text for object and object_changes columns
  5. Modify migration file to create :product_versions table instead of :versions, also modify add_index :versions to :product_versions
  6. Remove MySQL specific TEXT_BYTES limit and comment about datetime precision since we're using Postgres
  7. Introduce ApplicationVersion as an abstract class because there is no versions table. Note that PaperTrail Readme has ApplicationVersion < ActiveRecord::Base but as of 2023-08-01 and Rails 7, Rubocop Rails extension says it should be ApplicationVersion < ActiveRecord
  8. Create custom version model class ProductVersion, specifying table name from migration :product_versions
  9. Modify Product model to specify that it should be versioned, and specify the model class that persists the Product versions

NOTE: By default, PaperTrail stores object and object_changes as YAML format in text database columns (longtext for MySQL). You can specify an alternate serializer such as JSON. Even more convenient, when using Postgres and specifying either json or jsonb as column types in migration, PaperTrail will automatically use the JSON serializer, therefore no need to explicitly configure it.

Similar as default

Modify base application controller to set whodunnit based on current_user (which is available because of devise). By default, this will populate as whodunnit, add user_for_paper_trail with custom logic, for example, to populate user's email rather than id:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_action :set_paper_trail_whodunnit

  # This uses devise gem's controller helper methods
  def user_for_paper_trail
    user_signed_in? ? : "Anonymous"

Try it out

  • Run migration with bin/rails db:migrate
  • Run server with bin/rails s
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and login as one of the seeded users in db/seeds/users.rb
  • From the product listing page, select any product to view, then select edit, make some changes, and save
  • Run Rails console with bin/rails c
  • Find the product you edited and check its versions:
product = Product.find_by(code: "GQKC1845")
=> #<Product:0x0000000108f984f0 id: 43, name: "Lightweight Plastic Coat", code: "GQKC1845", price: 0.531e1, inventory: 24, description: "Make a change. Eaque qui doloremque.", created_at: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 12:45:36.476309000 UTC +00:00, updated_at: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:29:27.578444000 UTC +00:00>
irb(main):002:0> product.versions
  id: 2,
  item_type: "Product",
  item_id: 43,
  event: "update",
  whodunnit: "[email protected]",
  object: {"name"=>"Lightweight Plastic Coat", "code"=>"GQKC1845", "price"=>"4.31", "inventory"=>23, "description"=>"Eaque qui doloremque.", "id"=>43, "created_at"=>"2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z", "updated_at"=>"2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z"},
  object_changes: {"price"=>["4.31", "5.31"], "inventory"=>[23, 24], "description"=>["Eaque qui doloremque.", "Make a change. Eaque qui doloremque."], "updated_at"=>["2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z", "2023-08-01T11:29:27.578Z"]},
  created_at: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:29:27.578444000 UTC +00:00>]

Note that object is persisted as how the object was before the change.

NOTE: Annotate gem output from abstract base class when running migrations:

Unable to annotate app/models/application_version.rb: superclass must be an instance of Class (given an instance of Module)
Annotated (1): app/models/product_version.rb

Rails server output from editing a product - notice the insert to product_versions table:

Started PATCH "/products/43" for ::1 at 2023-08-01 07:29:27 -0400
Processing by ProductsController#update as TURBO_STREAM
  Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "product"=>{"name"=>"Lightweight Plastic Coat", "code"=>"GQKC1845", "price"=>"5.31", "inventory"=>"24", "description"=>"Make a change. Eaque qui doloremque."}, "commit"=>"Update Product", "id"=>"43"}
  User Load (2.0ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT $2  [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/application_controller.rb:6:in `user_for_paper_trail'
  Product Load (1.4ms)  SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE "products"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 43], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/products_controller.rb:67:in `set_product'
  ↳ app/controllers/products_controller.rb:41:in `block in update'
  Product Update (2.2ms)  UPDATE "products" SET "price" = $1, "inventory" = $2, "description" = $3, "updated_at" = $4 WHERE "products"."id" = $5  [["price", "5.31"], ["inventory", 24], ["description", "Make a change. Eaque qui doloremque."], ["updated_at", "2023-08-01 11:29:27.578444"], ["id", 43]]
  ↳ app/controllers/products_controller.rb:41:in `block in update'
  ProductVersion Create (3.8ms)  INSERT INTO "product_versions" ("item_type", "item_id", "event", "whodunnit", "object", "object_changes", "created_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING "id"  [["item_type", "Product"], ["item_id", 43], ["event", "update"], ["whodunnit", "[email protected]"], ["object", "{\"name\":\"Lightweight Plastic Coat\",\"code\":\"GQKC1845\",\"price\":\"4.31\",\"inventory\":23,\"description\":\"Eaque qui doloremque.\",\"id\":43,\"created_at\":\"2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z\",\"updated_at\":\"2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z\"}"], ["object_changes", "{\"price\":[\"4.31\",\"5.31\"],\"inventory\":[23,24],\"description\":[\"Eaque qui doloremque.\",\"Make a change. Eaque qui doloremque.\"],\"updated_at\":[\"2023-07-31T12:45:36.476Z\",\"2023-08-01T11:29:27.578Z\"]}"], ["created_at", "2023-08-01 11:29:27.578444"]]
  ↳ app/controllers/products_controller.rb:41:in `block in update'
  ↳ app/controllers/products_controller.rb:41:in `block in update'
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/products/43
Completed 302 Found in 55ms (ActiveRecord: 18.5ms | Allocations: 26285)

To be organized

Connect to database:

# development
psql -h -p 5434 -U audit_demo
# enter password from init.sql

# test
psql -h -p 5434 -U audit_demo -d audit_demo_test
# enter password from init.sql
bin/rails g scaffold Product name:string code:string price:decimal inventory:integer description:text

Run seeds:

bin/rails db:seed:replant


  • json vs jsonb in migration
  • Integrate simple.css


Demo app for integrating PaperTrail gem into a Rails application for model auditing






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