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daniel-tomaszuk committed Sep 20, 2017
1 parent bb74fb1 commit 6cef183
Showing 1 changed file with 293 additions and 13 deletions.
306 changes: 293 additions & 13 deletions project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
from pyforms.Controls import ControlFile
from pyforms.Controls import ControlPlayer
from pyforms.Controls import ControlCheckBox
from pyforms.Controls import ControlCheckBoxList
from pyforms.Controls import ControlCombo
from pyforms.Controls import ControlProgress
import pyforms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ def __init__(self):
self._LoG = ControlCheckBox('LoG - Laplacian of Gaussian')
self._LoG_size = ControlSlider('LoG Kernel Size', 30, 1, 60)

# self._load_bar = ControlProgress()
self._progress_bar = ControlProgress('Progress Bar')

# Define the function that will be called when a file is selected
self._videofile.changed_event = self.__videoFileSelectionEvent
Expand All @@ -91,6 +90,7 @@ def __init__(self):
('_dilate_size', '_erode_size', '_open_size', '_close_size'),
('_LoG', '_LoG_size'),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,286 @@ def __videoFileSelectionEvent(self):
self._player.value = self._videofile.value

def _kalman(self, max_points, stop_frame, vid_fragment):
Kalman Filter function. Takes measurements from video analyse function
and estimates positions of detected objects. Munkres algorithm is used
for assignments between estimates (states) and measurements.
:param max_points: measurements.
:param stop_frame: number of frames to analise
:param vid_fragment: video fragment for estimates displaying
:return: x_est, y_est - estimates of x and y positions in the following
format: x_est[index_of_object][frame] gives x position of object
with index = [index_of_object] in the frame = [frame]. The same
goes with y positions.
# font for displaying info on the image
index_error = 0
value_error = 0
# step of filter
dt = 1.
R_var = 1 # measurements variance between x-x and y-y
# Q_var = 0.1 # model variance
# state covariance matrix - no initial covariances, variances only
# [10^2 px, 10^2 px, ..] -
P = np.diag([100, 100, 10, 10, 1, 1])
# state transition matrix for 6 state variables
# (position - velocity - acceleration,
# x, y)
F = np.array([[1, 0, dt, 0, 0.5 * pow(dt, 2), 0],
[0, 1, 0, dt, 0, 0.5 * pow(dt, 2)],
[0, 0, 1, 0, dt, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, dt],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
# x and y coordinates only - measurements matrix
H = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
# no initial corelation between x and y positions - variances only
R = np.array(
[[R_var, 0.], [0., R_var]]) # measurement covariance matrix
# Q must be the same shape as P
Q = np.diag([100, 100, 10, 10, 1, 1]) # model covariance matrix

# create state vectors, max number of states - as much as frames
x = np.zeros((stop_frame, 6))
# state initialization - initial state is equal to measurements
m = 0
for i in range(len(max_points[0])):
if max_points[0][i][0] > 0 and max_points[0][i][1] > 0:
x[m] = [max_points[0][i][0], max_points[0][i][1],
0, 0, 0, 0]
m += 1
# required for django runserver tests
except IndexError:
index_error = 1

est_number = 0
# number of estimates at the start
for point in max_points[::][0]:
if point[0] > 0 and point[1] > 0:
est_number += 1
except IndexError:
index_error = 1

# history of new objects appearance
new_obj_hist = [[]]
# difference between position of n-th object in m-1 frame and position
# of the same object in m frame
diff_2 = [[]]
# for how many frames given object was detected
frames_detected = []
# x and y posterior positions (estimates) for drawnings
x_est = [[] for i in range(stop_frame)]
y_est = [[] for i in range(stop_frame)]

# variable for counting frames where object has no measurement
striked_tracks = np.zeros(stop_frame)
removed_states = []
new_detection = []
ff_nr = 0 # frame number

self._progress_bar.label = '3/4: Generating position estimates..'
self._progress_bar.value = 0

# kalman filter loop
for frame in range(stop_frame):
self._progress_bar.value = 100 * (ff_nr / stop_frame)
# measurements in one frame
frame_measurements = max_points[::][frame]
except IndexError:
index_error = 1

measurements = []
# make list of lists, not tuples; don't take zeros,
# assuming it's image
if not index_error:
for meas in frame_measurements:
if meas[0] > 0 and meas[1] > 0:
measurements.append([meas[0], meas[1]])
# count prior
for i in range(est_number):
x[i][::] = dot(F, x[i][::])
P = dot(F, P).dot(F.T) + Q
S = dot(H, P).dot(H.T) + R
K = dot(P, H.T).dot(inv(S))
# prepare for update phase -> get (prior - measurement) assignment
posterior_list = []
for i in range(est_number):
if not np.isnan(x[i][0]) and not np.isnan(x[i][1]):
# print(i)
# print(posterior_list)
# print('state\n', x[0:est_number, 0:2])
# print('\n')
# temp_matrix = np.array(x[0:est_number, 0:2])
temp_matrix = np.array(x[posterior_list, 0:2])
temp_matrix = np.append(temp_matrix, measurements, axis=0)
except ValueError:
value_error = 1

# print(temp_matrix)
distance = pdist(temp_matrix, 'euclidean') # returns vector

# make square matrix out of vector
distance = squareform(distance)
temp_distance = distance
# remove elements that are repeated - (0-1), (1-0) etc.
# distance = distance[est_number::, 0:est_number]
distance = distance[0:len(posterior_list), len(posterior_list)::]

# munkres
row_index, column_index = linear_sum_assignment(distance)
final_cost = distance[row_index, column_index].sum()
unit_cost = []
index = []
for i in range(len(row_index)):
# index(object, measurement)
index.append([row_index[i], column_index[i]])
unit_cost.append(distance[row_index[i], column_index[i]])

# index correction - take past states into account
for removed_index in removed_states:
for i in range(len(index)):
if index[i][0] >= removed_index:
index[i][0] += 1
# find object to reject
state_list = [index[i][0] for i in range(len(index))]
reject = np.ones(len(posterior_list))
i = 0
for post_index in posterior_list:
if post_index not in state_list:
reject[i] = 0
i += 1
# check if distance (residual) isn't to high for assignment
for i in range(len(unit_cost)):
if unit_cost[i] > 20:
print('cost to high, removing', i)
reject[i] = 0

# update phase
for i in range(len(index)):
# find object that should get measurement next
# count residual y: measurement - state
if index[i][1] >= 0:
y = np.array([measurements[index[i][1]] -
dot(H, x[index[i][0], ::])])
# posterior
x[index[i][0], ::] = x[index[i][0], ::] + dot(K, y.T).T
# append new positions
# if x[i][0] and x[i][1]:
x_est[index[i][0]].append([x[index[i][0], 0]])
y_est[index[i][0]].append([x[index[i][0], 1]])
# posterior state covariance matrix
P = dot(np.identity(6) - dot(K, H), P)
print('posterior\n', x[0:est_number, 0:2])
# find new objects and create new states for them
new_index = []
measurement_indexes = []
for i in range(len(index)):
if index[i][1] >= 0.:
# measurements that have assignment

for i in range(len(measurements)):
if i not in measurement_indexes:
# find measurements that don't have assignments
for i in range(len(new_index))])
# for every detections in the last frame
for i in range(len(new_detection[len(new_detection) - 1])):
if new_detection[frame][i] and \
new_detection[frame][i][0] > 380:
x[est_number, ::] = [new_detection[frame][i][0],
new_detection[frame][i][1], 0, 0, 0,
est_number += 1
# print('state added', est_number)
# print('new posterior\n', x[0:est_number, 0:2])
# find states without measurements and remove them
no_track_list = []
for i in range(len(reject)):
if not reject[i]:
# print('no_trk_list', no_track_list)
for track in no_track_list:
if track >= 0:
striked_tracks[track] += 1
print('track/strikes', track, striked_tracks[track])
for i in range(len(striked_tracks)):
if striked_tracks[i] >= 1:
x[i, ::] = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
if i not in removed_states:
print('state_removed', i)
ff_nr += 1
# print(removed_states)
# print(index)
return x_est, y_est, est_number

def _plot_points(self, vid_frag, max_points, x_est, y_est, est_number):
self._progress_bar.label = '4/4: Plotting - measurements..'
self._progress_bar.value = 0
# plot raw measurements
for frame_positions in max_points:
for pos in frame_positions:
plt.plot(pos[0], pos[1], 'r.')
# try:
plt.axis([0, vid_frag[0].shape[1], vid_frag[0].shape[0], 0])
# except IndexError:
# index_error = 1
plt.xlabel('width [px]')
plt.ylabel('height [px]')
plt.title('Objects raw measurements')
# image border - 10 px
x_max = vid_frag[0].shape[1] - 10
y_max = vid_frag[0].shape[0] - 10

self._progress_bar.label = '4/4: Plotting - estimates..'
self._progress_bar.value = 0
i = 0
# plot estimated trajectories
for ind in range(est_number):
self._progress_bar.value = 100 * (i / est_number)
i += 1
# if estimate exists
if len(x_est[ind]):
for pos in range(len(x_est[ind])):
# don't draw near 0 points and near max points
if not np.isnan(x_est[ind][pos][0]) and \
x_est[ind][pos][0] > 10 and \
y_est[ind][pos][0] > 10 and \
x_est[ind][pos][0] < x_max - 10 and \
y_est[ind][pos][0] < y_max - 10:
plt.plot(x_est[ind][pos][0], y_est[ind][pos][0], 'g.')
# plt.plot(x_est[ind][::], y_est[ind][::], 'g-')
# print(frame)
# [xmin xmax ymin ymax]
# try:
plt.axis([0, vid_frag[0].shape[1], vid_frag[0].shape[0], 0])
# except IndexError:
# index_error = 1
plt.xlabel('width [px]')
plt.ylabel('height [px]')
plt.title('Objects estimated trajectories')

def __processFrame(self, frame):
Do some processing to the frame and return the result frame
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,10 +483,9 @@ def __runEvent(self):
i = 0
bin_frames = []
# preprocess image loop
self._progress_bar.label = '1/4: Creating BW frames..'
self._progress_bar.value = 0
for frame in vid_fragment:
# if cv2.waitKey(15) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# break
# gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray_frame = self.__color_channel(frame)
for m in range(height): # height
for n in range(width): # width
Expand All @@ -221,27 +500,28 @@ def __runEvent(self):
# frame_thresh1 = otsu_binary(cl1)
if i % 10 == 0:
self._progress_bar.value = 100*(i/len(vid_fragment))
i += 1
i = 0
maxima_points = []
# gather measurements loop

self._progress_bar.label = '2/4: Finding local maximas..'
self._progress_bar.value = 0
for frame in bin_frames:
frame = self.__morphological(frame)
# get local maximas of filtered image per frame
if i % 10 == 0:
self._progress_bar.value = 100 * (i / len(bin_frames))
i += 1

x_est, y_est, est_number = kalman(maxima_points, stop_frame,
x_est, y_est, est_number = self._kalman(maxima_points, stop_frame,

print('\nFinal estimates number:', est_number)
plot_points(vid_fragment, maxima_points, x_est, y_est, est_number)
self._plot_points(vid_fragment, maxima_points, x_est, y_est,
print('EOF - DONE')

# Execute the application
Expand Down

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