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Trakable is a task management app that allows users to join teams, and contribute to projects by creating and managing tasks. Users can view their tasks by due date, project, or team, and update or complete them as needed. Users can also create new teams and projects. Trakable is a Single Page Application that relies on a React frontend and Ruby on Rails backend to provide users with a speedy and intuitive experience.



Click here for a demo video of the app.

See the app deployed on Render.

Users can:

  • View a list of all their tasks
  • View a list of all their tasks for a given project
  • View a list of the tasks for a given team
  • Add new teams and projects
  • Invite other users to their team
  • Create, edit or complete a task
  • Sign up and login/logout using sessions

Available Scripts


You will ned Postgresql installed and running to run this app locally.


Installs all of the ruby gems associated with backend.

rails db:migrate

Runs the migrations to setup the database

rails db:seed

Seeds the database

rails db:reset

Resets the database

rails s

Runs the database server on localhost:3000


npm i

Installs the packages required to run the client

npm start --prefix client

Runs the client development server on localhost:4000

For Contributors

If you'd like to contribute to this project, you may clone this repo and submit your changes for approval to [email protected]


e: [email protected]

Project Status

In development and unlicensed


Cody Barker