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Query (II Think Tank Passion Project)

Technology Stack and Features

  • FastAPI for the Python backend API.
    • 🧰 SQLModel for the Python SQL database interactions (ORM).
    • 🔍 Pydantic, used by FastAPI, for the data validation and settings management.
    • 💾 PostgreSQL as the SQL database.
  • 🚀 React for the frontend.
    • 💃 Using TypeScript, hooks, Vite, and other parts of a modern frontend stack.
    • 🎨 Chakra UI for the frontend components.
    • 🤖 An automatically generated frontend client.
    • 🦇 Dark mode support.
  • 🐋 Docker Compose for development and production.
  • 🔒 Secure password hashing by default.
  • 🔑 JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.
  • 📫 Email based password recovery.
  • ✅ Tests with Pytest.
  • 📞 Traefik as a reverse proxy / load balancer.
  • 🚢 Deployment instructions using Docker Compose, including how to set up a frontend Traefik proxy to handle automatic HTTPS certificates.
  • 🏭 CI (continuous integration) and CD (continuous deployment) based on GitHub Actions.

How To Use It

You can just fork or clone this repository and use it as is.

✨ It just works. ✨

How to contribute

commit messages

new - newly implemented user-facing features
chg - changes in existing user-facing features
fix - user-facing bugfixes
oth - other changes which users should know about
dev - any developer-facing changes, regardless of
      new/chg/fix status


You can then update configs in the .env files to customize your configurations.

Before deploying it, make sure you change at least the values for:


You can (and should) pass these as environment variables from secrets.

Read the docs for more details.

Generate Secret Keys

Some environment variables in the .env file have a default value of changethis.

You have to change them with a secret key, to generate secret keys you can run the following command:

python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(32))"

Copy the content and use that as password / secret key. And run that again to generate another secure key.

Input Variables

The input variables, with their default values (some auto generated) needed for your .env are:

  • project_name: (default: "FastAPI Project") The name of the project, shown to API users (in .env).
  • stack_name: (default: "fastapi-project") The name of the stack used for Docker Compose labels and project name (no spaces, no periods) (in .env).
  • secret_key: (default: "changethis") The secret key for the project, used for security, stored in .env, you can generate one with the method above.
  • first_superuser: (default: "[email protected]") The email of the first superuser (in .env).
  • first_superuser_password: (default: "changethis") The password of the first superuser (in .env).
  • smtp_host: (default: "") The SMTP server host to send emails, you can set it later in .env.
  • smtp_user: (default: "") The SMTP server user to send emails, you can set it later in .env.
  • smtp_password: (default: "") The SMTP server password to send emails, you can set it later in .env.
  • emails_from_email: (default: "[email protected]") The email account to send emails from, you can set it later in .env.
  • postgres_password: (default: "changethis") The password for the PostgreSQL database, stored in .env, you can generate one with the method above.
  • sentry_dsn: (default: "") The DSN for Sentry, if you are using it, you can set it later in .env.

Backend Development

Backend docs: backend/

Frontend Development

Frontend docs: frontend/


Deployment docs:


General development docs:

This includes using Docker Compose, custom local domains, .env configurations, etc.

Release Notes

Check the file


This project is sourced using a template which is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. This project was setup using a FastAPI template project made by - huge shoutout to what he's working on. Any changes or additional edits made by the Mumbo team are uniquely our own.