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Wallpaper Engine for Kde

A wallpaper plugin integrating wallpaper engine into kde wallpaper setting.


  • move scene to separate process


  • Known issues:
    • Some scene wallpapers may crash your KDE.
      Remove WallpaperSource line in ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and restart KDE to fix.
    • Mouse long press (to enter panel edit mode) is broken on desktop.
    • Screen Locking is not supported, please not use this plugin in screen locking.
  • Support scene(2d),video,web wallpaper types
  • Requires Wallpaper Engine installed on steam
  • Requires C++20(gcc 10+)
  • Requires Python 3.5+
  • Requires Qt 5.13+ for playing video(no mpv), or mpv instead
  • Requires Vulkan 1.1+, Opengl External Memory Object extension
  • Requires vulkan driver installed
    If you are using amd, please choose RADV driver.



sudo emerge -av eselect-repository
sudo eselect repository enable gig
sudo emerge -av kde-misc/wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin



sudo apt install build-essential libvulkan-dev plasma-workspace-dev gstreamer1.0-libav \
liblz4-dev libmpv-dev python3-websockets qtbase5-private-dev \
libqt5x11extras5-dev \
qml-module-qtwebchannel qml-module-qtwebsockets cmake


# Please add "RPM Fusion" repo first
sudo dnf install vulkan-headers plasma-workspace-devel kf5-plasma-devel gstreamer1-libav \
lz4-devel mpv-libs-devel python3-websockets qt5-qtbase-private-devel \
qt5-qtx11extras-devel qt5-qtwebchannel-devel qt5-qtwebsockets-devel cmake


sudo pacman -S extra-cmake-modules plasma-framework5 gst-libav \
base-devel mpv python-websockets qt5-declarative qt5-websockets qt5-webchannel vulkan-headers cmake


sudo xbps-install -S extra-cmake-modules plasma-framework \
gst-libav base-devel mpv python3-websockets qt5-declarative qt5-websockets \
qt5-webchannel plasma-workspace-devel mpv-devel liblz4-devel Vulkan-Headers cmake


# You'll need to add the Packman repository first
sudo zypper in vulkan-devel plasma-framework-devel plasma5-workspace-devel \
libqt5-qtwebsockets-devel mpv-devel python310-websockets \
libqt5-qtx11extras-devel liblz4-devel gstreamer-plugins-libav \
libqt5-qtbase-private-headers-devel cmake extra-cmake-modules

Fedora Kinoite:
see install via rpm-ostree

Note for kde store

Still need to run commands below to get scene and mpv work.
Every time you receive update in discover, you should run these commands to update.

Build and Install

# Download source
git clone
cd wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin

# Download submodule
git submodule update --init --force --recursive

# Configure, build and install
# 'USE_PLASMAPKG=ON': using kpackagetool tool to install plugin
cmake -B build -S . -GNinja -DUSE_PLASMAPKG=ON
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

# Install package (ignore if USE_PLASMAPKG=OFF for system-wide installation)
cmake --build build --target install_pkg


  1. remove files that list in wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin/build/install_manifest.txt
  2. kpackagetool6 -t Plasma/Wallpaper -r com.github.catsout.wallpaperEngineKde


  1. Wallpaper Engine installed on Steam
  2. Subscribe to some wallpapers on the Workshop
  3. Select the steamlibrary folder on the Wallpapers tab of this plugin
    • The steamlibrary which contains the steamapps folder
      • This is usually ~/.local/share/Steam by default
    • Wallpaper Engine needs to be installed in this steamlibrary

Restart KDE

You need to restart plasmashell after reinstalling the plugin
systemctl --user restart plasma-plasmashell.service
If you are using old kde, you can't run command above, please re-login.

Support Status


Scene wallpapers are supported by vulkan 1.1
Requires Wallpaper Engine installed for assets(shaders,pictures...)


Only for testing and debug
Requires glfw

# git clone and init submodule
cd src/backend_scene/standalone_view
mkdir build && cd build
make -j$nproc

./sceneviewer --help

open-source libraries

argparse - Command line argument parser
stb - Image loading
vog/sha1 - SHA-1
effolkronium/random - Random wrapper for modern C++
miniaudio - Audio loading and playback
nlohmann/json - Json parsing
Eigen - Math operations
glad - Opengl loader
glslang - Glsl to Spv
SPIRV-Reflect - C/C++ reflection API for SPIR-V bytecode
VulkanMemoryAllocator - Vulkan memory allocation library


  • Layer
    • Image
    • Composition / Fullscreen
    • Text
  • Effect
    • Basic
    • Mouse position with delay
    • Parallax
    • Depth Parallax
    • ColorBlendMode
    • PBR light
    • Global bloom
  • Camera
    • Zoom
    • Shake
    • Fade / Path
  • Audio
    • Loop
    • Random
    • Visualization
  • Particle System
    • Renderers
    • Emitters
      • Duration
    • Initializers
    • Operators
    • Control Points
      • Mouse Follow
    • Children
    • Audio Response
  • Puppet warp
  • 3D model
  • Timeline animations
  • Scenescript
  • User Properties


Basic web apis are supported, but the audio api does not send data for now.

no webgl

WebEngineView in plasmashell can't init opengl.
Some wallpaper using webgl may not work, and performance may be bad.

Video HWdecode


The default video backend of this plugin.
It's using GStreamer to play video.
hwdecode for GStreamer


Need to compile the plugin lib.
The config is set to hwdec=auto, and is not configurable for now.

