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Parameter estimation for the long-term serial passage evolution experiment

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Parameter estimation for the long-term serial passage evolution experiment

Parameter estimation repository for the manuscript "Comparing treatment strategies to reduce antibiotic resistance in an in vitro epidemiological setting" by Daniel C. Angst, Burcu Tepekule, Balazs Bogos, Lei Sun, Sebastian Bonhoeffer.

Getting started

Bash scripts in this repository are specifically organized to work in an LSF batch system that has a MATLAB module. MATLAB codes can be used locally without the bash scripts.

Cloning the repository

  1. Open the Terminal and ssh to your LSF batch system.
  2. Go to the directory you wish to clone the repository. As an example, you can create a new directory called ROBOT first,
$ mkdir ROBOT

go to that folder

$ cd ./ROBOT/

and then clone the repository by typing the following

$ git clone

You will have a folder named evolutionExperiment in your new ROBOT folder including all files necessary to run the simulations.

Running Simulations & Data Processing

Bash Scripts : Bash script to run the independent parameter estimation, and generate the time series predictions using the estimated parameters. : Bash script to run the simultaneous parameter estimation, and generate the time series predictions using the estimated parameters.

MATLAB Functions

MCMC_ROBOT_INDP_RUN_PARALLEL(njumps,nchains,chainIdx,commIdx) : The main MATLAB function that runs the MCMC algorithm for independent estimation. It runs one chain at a time, and it is used in a for loop in the bash script to run as many chains in parallel as the user wants. It takes 4 inputs,

njumps : Number of jumps per Markov chain.
nchains: Number of chains to be run in parallel in total. (This is required for the proper naming of the folders).
chainIdx: Index of the chain that is currently being run. (This is required for the proper naming of the files, and to change the seed for the random number generator.)
commIdx: This is the "community index". As mentioned in the manuscript, there are 3 different experimental scenarios with different community composition. To run the code for each scenario, manipulate the commIdx variable as described below.

commIdx Scenario
0 Scenario ∅ : no inflow of resistance
1 Scenario I : inflow of both single resistances
2 Scenario II : inflow of both single and double resistances

RUN_MCMC_ALL_INDP_PARALLEL(readDataDirec,commIdx,therapy,offset,LB,UB,x0,burnin,sampleevery,njumps,kernel,sig,filname) : MATLAB function that sets the options for the Metropolis-Hastings algoritm to run. It takes 13 inputs,

readDataDirec : Directory to read the experimental data from.
commIdx: Community index (explained above).
therapy: Index of the treatment arm that will be used for parameter estimation. (These indexes are used within the other functions as well to indicate a certain treatment.)

therapy Treatment
1 no treatment
2 mono A
3 mono B
4 combination
5 cycling
6 mixing

offset: Offset value for transfer index of the time series. If offset=0, all data points will be used for parameter estimation, including transfer 0. offset=1 is used during the parameter estimations since the first data point of the time series represent the initial conditions, which is separately indicated for the differential equation solver.
LB : Lowerbound vector of the prior distribution of the parameters, set to 0.
UB : Upperbound vector of the prior distribution of the parameters, set to 0 (See the manuscript, all parameters have a uniform prior distribution in the open interval of (0,1)).
x0 : Initial guess vector for the parameters (set to (LB+UB)/2).
kernel : Index to choose the transition kernel for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. kernel=0 uses a Uniform transition kernel, whereas kernel=1 uses a Gaussian one. kernel=1 is used in the code for the estimations.
sig: Standart deviation for the transition kernel (set to (UB-LB)/6) to satisfy the 3 sigma rule).
filname : Filename to save the Markov chain.

mh_INDP(kernel,sig,y,x0,@(x)(fhngen_ROBOT_ALL(x,opt)),LB,UB,params) : MATLAB function that runs the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The only input that it additionally takes is the function generator fhngen_ROBOT_ALL, explained below.

fhngen_ROBOT_ALL(x,opt) : MATLAB function that sets the options for the dynamical system to run, which is contained in hte function fhn_ROBOT_ALL(t,x,opt), explained below.

fhn_ROBOT_ALL(t,y,opt) : MATLAB function that contains the ordinary differential equation (ODE) system of the dynamical model (see Supplementary Information, Eqns (1)-(5)).

setDrugPressure(therapy,offset,T) : MATLAB function that generates the drug pressure vector for a given treatment arm. It takes 3 inputs,

therapy: Index of the treatment arm that will be used (refer to the table above).
offset: Offset value for transfer index of the time series (refer to the explanation above).
T : Total number of transfers (sets the length of the drug pressure vector).

chains2timeSeries(njumps,nchains,commIdx,estTypeIdx) : MATLAB function that processes the MCMC algorithm ouputs. It takes 4 inputs,

njumps : Number of jumps per Markov chain (explained above).
nchains: Number of chains to be run in parallel in total (explained above).
commIdx: Community index (explained above)
estTypeIdx : Index of the estimation type. estTypeIdx=0 and estTypeIdx=1 refer to independent and simultaneous estimations, respectively.


  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Go to the directory you have cloned the repository. Considering the example above, go to the ROBOT/evolutionExperiment folder,
$ cd ./ROBOT/evolutionExperiment/
  1. Give permission to the bash script (depending on the estimation you will run, here, it is demonstrated for independent estimation) by typing the following
$ chmod +x ./
  1. Run the bash script by typing the following
$ ./

The bash script will read the necessary data from the subfolder called EXPERIMENTAL_DATA, and will save the estimation results to the subfolder called SIMULATION_RESULTS.

File and folder naming

When the bash script is complete, you will see the following folder structure created under the folder SIMULATION_RESULTS,

Folder Structure

Folders EXP_0, EXP_1, and EXP_2 refer to the outputs generated for the different experiment scenarios Scenario ∅, Scenario I, and Scenario II, respectively (explained above). They are generated as you run the code for each experiment. As an example, if you only run the estimation algorithm for Scenario ∅, you will only see the folder EXP_0.

Under the folder EXP_0, a subfolder will be generated to keep the chains generated by the MCMC algorithm, and will be named depending on the number of jumps, number of chains, and the estimation type used. In the diagram above, number of jumps are set to 1000, number of chains are set to 5, and the algorithm is run for both independent and simultaneous estimations. Therefore, there are two subfolders created, namely NJUMPS_1000_NCHAINS_5_SIMUL and NJUMPS_1000_NCHAINS_5_INDP.

Each of these folders have two other subfolders called TIMESERIES and CHAINS. TIMESERIESfolder contains i) the predicted timeseries figures using the corresponding parameter estimates, and ii) the .mat files that contain the parameter estimates and the time series predictions, named as MCMC_<estimation type>_thr_<therapy index>. CHAINS folder has the .mat files that contain each randomly initialized chain for each threapy index, named as MCMC_<estimation type>_chain_<chain index>_thr_<therapy index>.


We have used (and we suggest) 50 randomly initialized chains (nchains=50) and 10000 jumps per each chain (njumps=10000) to generate the results provided in the manuscript. For demonstration purposes, these values are set to be lower in the provided bash scripts (nchains=5 and njumps=1000) for the code to produce results quickly.

Please feel free to contact me ([email protected]) if you have any problems / questions regarding the code.


Parameter estimation for the long-term serial passage evolution experiment






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