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  • IDS and IPS - signature based
  • is fork of snort
  • multithreaded (snort is not, new snort is multithreaded)
  • suricata can filter for more services than snort


  • Zeek is an open-source software framework for analyzing network traffic that is most commonly used to detect behavioral anomalies on a network for cybersecurity purposes
  • Zeek is not an active security device, like a firewall or intrusion prevention system. Rather, Zeek sits on a “sensor,” a hardware, software, virtual, or cloud platform that quietly and unobtrusively observes network traffic. Zeek interprets what it sees and creates compact, high-fidelity transaction logs, file content, and fully customized output, suitable for manual review on disk or in a more analyst-friendly tool like a security and information event management (SIEM) system.
  • opensource network monitoring tool
  • tracks the originator instead of flip floping between both ends as they swap.
  • Zeek now has supported binaries for installation instead of having to make from source.

Suricata and Zeek

  • Suricata and Zeek have their own unique strengths, which is why you need both.

  • Suricata is far more efficient than Zeek at monitoring traffic for known threats and producing alerts when they are detected. Another benefit is that new threat intelligence is often available first in a format compatible with Suricata. Zeek delivers the large volumes of high-quality data needed to provide comprehensive network traffic visibility and context, and enable network baselining, host and service profiling, passive inventory collection, policy enforcement, anomaly detection and threat hunting efforts.


  • read ring buffer
  • build into linux kernel
  • loose less than .001% packets. PF ring lost 3% packets.
  • used on the NIC
  • Feeds data to Suricata, Zeek, and Stenographer

Apache Kafka

  • is an open-source stream-processing software platform. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds
  • it is a data broker that holds the data until Logstash is ready for it
  • zookeeper is used with Kafka

NUC host

IPv4 Settings for the NUC

Address Netmask Gateway DNS Servers:

install CentOS7

  • change Host name in NETWORK & HOST NAME : sg03.local.lan
  • Select configure in NETWORK & HOST NAME
    • Select IPv4 Settings Tab inside configure
    • Change the IPv4 Settings to the above table
  • Select IPv6 Settings Tab inside configure
    • Select Ignore on the dropdown menu under Method:
      • note: changing the IPv6 Settings to ignore wont totally disable IPv6. You will have to disable IPv6 via the terminal later.
    • Select save then select done
  1. Change DATE & TIME to your network time or UCT
  2. go to KDUMP
  • deselect the checkbox of Enable kdump then select done
  • Select the disks you are installing to, so that you have a black circle with white checkmark
  • check the box I would like to make additional space available under Other Storage Options
  • select done which will launch the RECLAIM DISK SPACE menu
  • select Delete all on the RECLAIM DISK SPACE menu
  • select Reclaim space on the RECLAIM DISK SPACE menu. This will send you to the main menu.
  • Select I will configure partitioning under Other Storage Options
  • select done which will launch the MANUAL PARTIONING menu
  • Select LVM under the New mount points will use the following partitioning scheme: dropdown menu
  • Select the blue link Click here to create them automatically
  • Change \home and / to 1 GiB in the Desired Capacity box. This allows you space to adjust partition capacities.
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /data/stenographer in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /data/kafka in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /data/elasticsearch in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /data/suricata in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /var in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /var/log in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select + button to launch the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT menu
    • type /tmp in to the Mount Point dropdown box
    • type 1 GiB into the Desired Capacity box
    • Select Add mount point button
  • Select the / and then select Create a new volume group ... in the Volume Group dropdown box. The CONFIGURE VOLUME GROUP menu will launch.
    • Type OS into the Name: box on the CONFIGURE VOLUME GROUP menu and then click save
  • Select the /data/elasticsearch and then select centos_sg03 in the Volume Group dropdown box. Then select the Modify button. The CONFIGURE VOLUME GROUP menu will launch.
    • Type data into the Name: box on the CONFIGURE VOLUME GROUP menu and select the larger of the two hard drives, then click save
  • Go through all of the different logical volumes under New CentOS 7 Installation and assign them either the OS or the data Volume Group
  • Assign the following Desired Capacity to the following logical volumes:
Logical Volume Desired Capacity
/home 100 GiB
/data/kafka 100 GiB
/var/log 50 GiB
/data/stenographer 500 GiB
/data/suricata 25 GiB
/data/elasticsearch 300 GiB
/tmp 5 GiB
/var 50 GiB
/boot 1 GiB
/boot/efi 200 MiB
/ Remaining capacity (see below)
swap 15.69 GiB
  • Select / logical volume and either blank out or type 9999999999 in the Desired Capacity box. This will change the Desired Capacity of / to the maximum available space left over.
    • Note: blanking out doesn't work for CentOS 8, you have to use 9999999999.
  • Select Done this will launch the SUMARRY OF CHANGES menu. Select Accept Changes
  1. Select Begin Installion
    • Select USER CREATION
      • type in Full name and User name will auto fill.
      • select checkbox Make this user administarator and Require a password to use this account
      • set password for the user you are creating
      • select Done button
    • Select Finish configuration button

navigate to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts folder.

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

and type the following

sudo vi ifcfg-eno1

vi will open the ifcfg-eno1 file press I to insert and use arrow keys to navigate inside document and change ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes

edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file to disable IPv6 for kafka to work properly

  • sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
  • add the following three lines to the bottom of the file:
# sysctl settings are defined through files in
# /usr/lib/sysctl.d/, /run/sysctl.d/, and /etc/sysctl.d/.
# Vendors settings live in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/.
# To override a whole file, create a new file with the same in
# /etc/sysctl.d/ and put new settings there. To override
# only specific settings, add a file with a lexically later
# name in /etc/sysctl.d/ and put new settings there.
# For more information, see sysctl.conf(5) and sysctl.d(5).
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

edit the /etc/hosts file to disable the localhost IP for IPv6 so that Kafka will function properly

  • sudo vi /etc/hosts
    • delete the line ::1
  • The file will look like the following:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4

reset the network:

  • sudo systemctl restart network


  1. on the target host, select the boot menu and select the proper boot media that you are installing pfsense from. e.g. boot from UEFI usb.
  2. Install pfSense
  3. Default Keymat
  4. How would you like to partition your disk? - Select Auto (UFS) - Select <Entire Disk> then <Yes> - Select GPT and <OK> - Select <Finish> then <Commit> - Select <No> - Select <Reboot> and remove the USB drive
  5. after Reboot you will go to option menu - type 1 for Assign interfaces and press enter - type n and press enter - type em0 for the WAN interface and press enter - type em1 for the LAN interface and press enter - press enter without typing anything - verify the interfaces and type y then press enter - you will eventually return to your option menu - type 2 for Set interface(s) IP addresses and press enter - type 1 and press enter - type y and press enter - type n and press enter - press enter without typing anything - type y and press enter
    • Note: if your using certs you will need to configure HTTPS by selecting n and pressing enter - press enter - type 2 and press enter - type 2 and press enter - type the pfSense/gateway IP and press enter
    • - type the netmask for the pfSense/gateway IP and press enter
    • 24 (e.g. - press enter without typing anything - press enter again without typing anything - type y and press enter - type in your network IP ranges starting IP and press enter
    • - type in your network IP ranges starting IP and press enter
      - press enter to continue
  6. Plug in a computer via ethernet cable to the LAN 2 port to configure pfSense.
    • make sure your pc has the fist IP in the range that was configured on the pfSense.
      • open terminal and type ip a to see
    • open browser and type in the address bar
    • The user name is admin and the password is pfsense
    • Select next and then next again
    • Primary DNS is the edge router
    • Host name is pfSense-sg3
    • Select next then next again
    • On Wizard/pfSense Setup/Configure WAN Interface
    • de-select the checkboxes for Block RFC1918 Private Networks and Block bogon networks
    • Select next
    • type pfsense in the second password Block and select next
    • Select Reload then Finish
    • Navigate to Firewall then rules then add
      • Change protocol to any
      • source to any
        • Note: in production you would want to use LAN net
    • duplicate the above for LAN
    • navigate to Diagnostics then Halt System. Select halt and confirm.

To configure the ethernet port on the CentOS7 NUC that is used for TAP monitoring

  1. ssh [email protected]
  2. sudo vi then paste below code into file and save

for var in $@
  echo "Turning off offloading on $var"
  ethtool -K $var tso off gro off lro off gso off rx off sg off rxvlan off txvlan off
  ethtool -N $var rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn
  ethtool -N $var rx-flow-hash udp6 sdfn
  ethtool -C $var adaptive-rx off
  ethtool -C $var rx-usecs 1000
  ethtool -G $var rx 4096
exit 0
  1. Then do the following:
  • sudo chmod +x
  • sudo ./ enp5s0

Configure local.repo file on NUC

  • Type the following commands:
    • cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
    • sudo rm *
    • sudo vi local.repo

cut and paste the following and save:






  • then run sudo yum makecache


  1. Install Suricata on the NUC
  • In the terminal, type sudo yum install suricata.
  1. Make changes to to suricata.yaml file
  • type sudo vi /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml and press enter
    • make the following changes to suricata.yaml
Line Section Setting
fast: enabled: no
eve-log: enabled: yes
580 af-packet: - interface: enp5s0
  • you can use / to enter find mode in vi. e.g. to find af-packet: section you would type / af-packet and press enter.
  • For CPU affinity changes to suricata.yaml
    • sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -e 'processor|physical id|core id' | xargs -13
    • processor core 0 always has affinity to the OS. NEVER pin CPU affinity on core 0 for anything other than the OS. Otherwise the system will drastically bog down.
  1. Change the /etc/sysconfig/suricata configuration file
  • type sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/suricata and press enter
    • Make the following changes:
      • OPTIONS="--af-packet=enp5s0 --user suricata"


# -i <network interface device>
# --user <acct name>
# --group <group name>

# Add options to be passed to the daemon
OPTIONS="--af-packet=enp5s0 --user suricata"
  1. Update suricata rules from repo
  • type sudo suricata-update add-source local-emerging-threats and press enter
[stu3@sg03 sysconfig]$ sudo suricata-update add-source local-emerging-threats
11/2/2021 -- 19:07:57 - <Info> -- Using data-directory /var/lib/suricata.
11/2/2021 -- 19:07:57 - <Info> -- Using Suricata configuration /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml
11/2/2021 -- 19:07:57 - <Info> -- Using /usr/share/suricata/rules for Suricata provided rules.
11/2/2021 -- 19:07:57 - <Info> -- Found Suricata version 5.0.1 at /sbin/suricata.
11/2/2021 -- 19:07:57 - <Info> -- Creating directory /var/lib/suricata/update/sources
[stu3@sg03 sysconfig]$
  1. Starting Suricata
  • before starting suricata you need to set ownership of the /data/suricata folder
    • type sudo chown -R suricata: /data/suricata and press enter
  • type sudo systemctl restart suricata and press enter
  1. Create/edit a logrotate configuration file for suricata
  • type sudo vi /etc/logrotate.d/suricata.conf and press enter
    • paste the folling into the suricata.conf file
/data/suricata/*.log /data/suricata/*.json
  rotate 3
          /bin/kill -HUP $(cat /var/run/

Install filebeat

  • sudo yum install filebeat
  • sudo vi /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml

add the following at line 16

- type: log
    enabled: true
      - /data/suricata/eve.json
    json.keys_under_root: true
      kafka_topic: suricata-raw
    fields_under_root: true


Install Zeek

  1. type sudo yum install zeek zeek-plugin-kafka zeek-plugin-af_packet and press enter
  • confirm the install with y

turn off zeek ASCII logs?

sudo vi /etc/zeek/network.cfg

local.zeek is where base scripts will load from. this allows you to modify them and not have to worry about updates/upgrades deleting your modifications to base scripts.

zeek-config command lets you find the path of the different zeek directories.

[stu3@sg03 ~]$ zeek-config
Usage: zeek-config [--version] [--build_type] [--prefix] [--script_dir] [--site_dir] [--plugin_dir] [--config_dir] [--python_dir] [--include_dir] [--cmake_dir] [--zeekpath] [--zeek_dist] [--binpac_root] [--caf_root] [--broker_root]
[stu3@sg03 ~]$

Modify the zeekctl.cfg file

  • type sudo vi /etc/zeek/zeekctl.cfg
  • add the following to the bottom of the config file, save and exit
# This is a custom field that was added to allow af_packet support
  • see the zeelctl.cfg file in the folder Zeek Files for an example

Modify the node.cfg file

  • Note: worker - 1 core per 250Mbps (but really 100 Mbps)
  • type sudo vi /etc/zeek/node.cfg
  • add a # to the beginning of lines 8-11 to comment them out
  • delete the # to un-comment out lines 16-31
  • delete lines 33 to 36
  • see the node.cfg file in the folder Zeek Files for an example

create /usr/share/site folder and /usr/share/zeek/site/scripts folder create af_packet.zeek in /usr/share/zeek/site/scripts folder and paste and save the following:

redef AF_Packet::fanout_id = strcmp(getenv("fanout_id"),"") == 0 ? 0 : to_count(getenv("fanout_id"));

Create kafka.zeek in /usr/share/zeek/site/scripts folder and paste and save the following:

@load Apache/Kafka/logs-to-kafka

redef Kafka::topic_name = "zeek-raw";
redef Kafka::json_timestamps = JSON::TS_ISO8601;
redef Kafka::tag_json = F;
redef Kafka::kafka_conf = table (
  [""] =

event zeek_init() &priority=-5
    for (stream_id in Log::active_streams)
        if (|Kafka::logs_to_send| == 0 || stream_id in Kafka::logs_to_send)
            local filter: Log::Filter = [
                $name = fmt("kafka-%s", stream_id),
                $writer = Log::WRITER_KAFKAWRITER,
                $config = table(["stream_id"] = fmt("%s", stream_id))

            Log::add_filter(stream_id, filter);
  • Note: see the kafka.zeek file in the folder Zeek Files

Create extension.zeek in /usr/share/zeek/site/scripts folder and paste and save the following:

     type Extension: record {
        ## The log stream that this log was written to.
        stream:   string &log;
        ## The name of the system that wrote this log. This
        ## is defined in the  const so that
        ## a system running lots of processes can give the
        ## same value for any process that writes a log.
        system:   string &log;
        ## The name of the process that wrote the log. In
        ## clusters, this will typically be the name of the
        ## worker that wrote the log.
        proc:     string &log;

    function add_log_extension(path: string): Extension
        return Extension($stream = path,
                         $system = "sensor1",
                         $proc   = peer_description);

    redef Log::default_ext_func   = add_log_extension;
    redef Log::default_ext_prefix = "@";
    redef Log::default_scope_sep  = "_";

open /usr/share/zeek/site/local.zeek append the following to end of the file

@load ./scripts/kafka.zeek
@load ./scripts/af_packet.zeek
@load ./scripts/extension.zeek

Install Stenographer

sudo yum install stenographer

sudo vi /etc/stenographer/config cut, paste and save the following:

  "Threads": [
    { "PacketsDirectory": "/data/stenographer/directory"
    , "IndexDirectory": "/data/stenographer/directory"
    , "MaxDirectoryFiles": 30000
    , "DiskFreePercentage": 10
  , "StenotypePath": "/usr/bin/stenotype"
  , "Interface": "enp5s0"
  , "Port": 1234
  , "Host": ""
  , "Flags": []
  , "CertPath": "/etc/stenographer/certs"

Install kafka

  • must install zookeeper too.
  1. sudo yum install zookeeper kafka

  2. sudo vi /etc/kafka/

  • un-comment 31 add your sensors IP address
    • listeners=PLAINTEXT://
  • un-comment line 36 and add your sensor IP address.
    • advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://
  • change line 65 to number of partitions you want
    • num.partitions=3
  • change log.dirs= to the location you are storing data too.
    • log.dirs=/data/kafka
  • un-comment and change log.retention.bytes to close to but less that your size of your hard drive space.
    • log.retention.bytes=7374182400
  • Note: is changed if your doing kafka clusters. Assign a different to each kafka machine in the cluster. e.g.,, for 3 kafka cluster.
  1. set up firewalld settings to allow ports that Kafka uses.
  • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=2181/tcp --permanent
  • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=9092/tcp --permanent
  • For a kafka cluster you would need to add port 2182 and port 2183
  1. Modify the /usr/share/kafka/config/ file
  • change the bootstrap.servers= to your IP of your kafka server
    • bootstrap.servers=
  1. Modify the /usr/share/kafka/config/ file
  • change the bootstrap.servers= to your IP of your kafka server
    • bootstrap.servers=

run the below script to see the kafka partition/topic stucture.

  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --list
  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --describe --topic zeek-raw
  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --describe --topic suricata-raw

To wipe everything and reset from scratch:

sudo systemctl stop kafka zookeeper
sudo rm -rf  /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2/
sudo rm -rf  /data/kafka/*
sudo systemctl start zookeeper kafka

To test kafka data/topics

 /usr/share/kafka/bin/  --broker-list --topic test`
 /usr/share/kafka/bin/  --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning`

comment out the Elasticsearch Output Section

add a kafka output Section at line 182

  hosts: ["localhost:9092"]
  topic: '%{[kafka_topic]}'
  required_acks: 1
  compression: gzip
  max_message_bytes: 1000000

To create kafka clustser

  1. Shutdown kafka and zookeeper
  • sudo systemctl stop kafka zookeeper
  1. clean up old kafka data and zookeeper data
  • sudo rm -rf /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2/
  • sudo rm -rf /data/kafka/*
  1. create myid file and type any number to set the id
  • sudo vim /var/lib/zookeeper/myid
  1. add the following to the bottom of the /etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg

  2. change firewall rules

    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=2182/tcp --permanent
    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=2183/tcp --permanent
  3. change /etc/kafka/

    • add the cluster IPs to zookeeper.connect=

zookeeper.connect=,,,,,, ~~~

Kafka testing

  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --list
  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic zeek-raw
  • sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic suricata-raw


  1. install Logstash
  • sudo yum install logstash -y
  1. modify the /etc/logstash/startup.options file
  • un-comment the JAVACMD=/usr/bin/java line to allow logstash to use the previously installed java that was installed with kafka.
  1. modify HEAP settings in /etc/logstash/jvm.options
  • under JVM Configuration header change -Xms1g and -Xmx1g to a value larger than 1g based on your production hardware. Make both values equal to each other.
  1. Create file to Filter
sudo /usr/share/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic zeek-raw --from-begining | grep http > my-http.json
  1. create /etc/logstash/conf.d/000-input.conf file
### 000-input.conf ###
input {
  file {
      path => "/etc/logstash/conf.d/my-http.json"
      add_field => { "[@metadata][tags]" => "zeek-http" }
      start_position => "beginning"
      sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
  1. create /etc/logstash/conf.d/999-output.conf file
### 999-output.conf ###

stdout {}

  1. create /etc/logstash/conf.d/200-filter.conf file
### 200-filter.conf ###
filter {

if "zeek-http" in [@metadata][tags] {

  mutate {

    rename => {
              "[id_orig_h]" => "[source][address]"
              "[id_orig_p]" => "[source][port]"
              "[id_resp_h]" => "[destination][address]"
              "[id_resp_p]" => "[source][port]"
              "[status_code]" => "[http][response][status_code]"
              "[version]" => "[http][version]"

  1. run the following command to filter the my-http.json file
  • sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash --path.settings /etc/logstash
  1. stop Logstash
  • sudo systemctl stop logstash
  1. navigate to conf.d folder
  • cd /etc/logstash/conf.d
  1. remove all files in /conf.d/ folder
  • ls
  • sudo rm *
  • to verify:
    • ls
  1. download logstash.tar.gz from class repo
  • cd /etc/logstash/
  • sudo curl -L -O
  • extract the file:
    • sudo tar xvzf logstash.tar.gz
  • validate that the new files are in the conf.d folder
    • ls conf.d
  • once it's validated that the new files are in that folder, you can delete the tarball.
    • sudo rm logstash.tar.gz
  1. navigate to conf.d folder
  • cd /etc/logstash/conf.d
  1. remove fsf Files
  • ls *fsf*
  • sudo rm -rf *fsf*
  • to verify:
    • ls *fsf*
  1. verify/change settings in /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash-100-input-kafka-suricata.conf
  • sudo vim logstash-100-input-kafka-suricata.conf
  • check topic is correct. e.g. suricata-raw
  • change bootstrap_servers => "" to bootstrap_servers => ""
  1. verify/change settings in logstash-100-input-kafka-zeek.conf
  • sudo vim logstash-100-input-kafka-zeek.conf
  • check topic is correct e.g. zeek-raw
  • change bootstrap_servers => "" to bootstrap_servers => ""
  1. verify/change settings in /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash-9999-output-elasticsearch.conf
  • sudo vim logstash-9999-output-elasticsearch.conf
  • comment out stdout { codec => json }
  • change all hosts => [ "" ] to hosts => [ "" ]
    • press ESC then : and type :%s/
  1. Check logstash config for errors
  • sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -t -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/ --path.settings=/etc/logstash
  1. start Logstash
  • sudo systemctl start logstash


sudo chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /data/elasticsearch sudo chmod 755 /data/elasticsearch

sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

  • un-comment my-application and change to sg03
  • un-comment node-1 and change to node-sg03
  • change /var/lib/elasticsearch to /data/elasticsearch
  • un-comment #bootstrap.memory_lock: true
  • un-comment and change to
  • add line discovery.type: single-node to the bottome of the discovery section

[see Elasticsearch Files/elasticsearch.yml]

  1. create directory
  • sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d
  • sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d
  1. Create /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf files
  • sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf
  • add the following to override.conf
  • sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf
  1. open /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options file
  • sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
  • change -Xms1g to -Xms4g
  • change -Xmx1g to -Xmx4g
  1. Change firewall Settings and reload
  • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port={9200,9300}/tcp --permanent
  • sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  • to verfiy firewall Settings
    • sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
  1. Start Elasticsearch
  • sudo systemctl start elasticsearch


  • Note: Kibana stores all the vizualizations/dashboards/canvas' to elasticsearch. If you delete the data in elasticsearch you will lose your Kibana vizualizations/dashboards/canvas'.
  1. Install Kibana
  • sudo yum install kibana -y
  1. create /etc/kibana/kibana.yml file
  • sudo vim /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
  • un-comment and change "localhost" to ""
  • un-comment and change "your-hostname" to "sg03"
  • un-comment and change #elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"] to #elasticsearch.hosts: [""]
  1. Change firewall settings to allow port 5601 for Kibana to function
  • sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5601/tcp --permanent
  • sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  • to verfiy firewall Settings
    • sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
  1. Start kibana and verify is is working
  • sudo systemctl start kibana
  • sudo systemctl status kibana
  1. Go to Kibana on browser
  • open browser and type
  • disable kibana telemetry
    • go to
    • type "telemetry" in the search bar
    • toggle telemetry to off
  • go to DEV Tools tab
    • type GET _cat/indices and click on the "play" button
    • you should have indices for suricata-raw and zeek-raw

  • curl -L -O
  • tar xzvf esckibana.tar.gz

modify /ecs-configuration/elasticsearch/default.json

  • sudo vim /ecs-configuration/elasticsearch/default.json
  • change "order": 0, to "order": 5,



Notes and Info from Elastic Engineering Course






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