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Postgres-based rate limiter for Rails


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Pecorino is a rate limiter based on the concept of leaky buckets. It uses your DB as the storage backend for the throttles. It is compact, easy to install, and does not require additional infrastructure. The approach used by Pecorino has been previously used by prorate with Redis, and that approach has proven itself.

Pecorino is designed to integrate seamlessly into any Rails application using a Postgres database (at the moment there is no MySQL support, we would be delighted if you could add it).

If you would like to know more about the leaky bucket algorithm: this article or the Wikipedia article are both good starting points.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pecorino'

And then execute:

$ bundle install
$ bin/rails g pecorino:install
$ bin/rails db:migrate


Once the installation is done you can use Pecorino to start defining your throttles. Imagine you have a resource called vault and you want to limit the number of updates to it to 5 per second. To achieve that, instantiate a new Throttle in your controller or job code, and then trigger it using Throttle#request!. A call to request! registers 1 token getting added to the bucket. If the bucket is full, or the throttle is currently in "block" mode (has recently been triggered), a Pecorino::Throttle::Throttled exception will be raised.

throttle = "vault", leak_rate: 5, capacity: 5)

In a Rails controller you can then rescue from this exception to render the appropriate response:

rescue_from Pecorino::Throttle::Throttled do |e|
  response.set_header('Retry-After', e.retry_after.to_s)
  render nothing: true, status: 429

and in a Rack application you can rescue inline:

def call(env)
  # ...your code
rescue Pecorino::Throttle::Throttled => e
  [429, {"Retry-After" => e.retry_after.to_s}, []]

The exception has an attribute called retry_after which you can use to render the appropriate 429 response.

Although this approach might be susceptible to race conditions, you can interrogate your throttle before potentially causing an exception - and display an appropriate error message if the throttle would trigger anyway:

return render :capacity_exceeded unless throttle.able_to_accept?

If you are dealing with a metered resource (like throughput, money, amount of storage...) you can supply the number of tokens to either request! or able_to_accept? to indicate the desired top-up of the leaky bucket. For example, if you are maintaining user wallets and want to ensure no more than 100 dollars may be taken from the wallet within a certain amount of time, you can do it like so:

throttle = "wallet_t_#{}", leak_rate: 100 / 60.0 / 60.0, capacity: 100, block_for: 60*60*3)
throttle.request!(20) # Attempt to withdraw 20 dollars
throttle.request!(20) # Attempt to withdraw 20 dollars more
throttle.request!(20) # Attempt to withdraw 20 dollars more
throttle.request!(20) # Attempt to withdraw 20 dollars more
throttle.request!(20) # Attempt to withdraw 20 dollars more
throttle.request!(2) # Attempt to withdraw 2 dollars more, will raise `Throttled` and block withdrawals for 3 hours

Sometimes you don't want to use a throttle, but you want to track the amount added to the leaky bucket over time. A lower-level abstraction is available for that purpose in the form of the LeakyBucket class. It will not raise any exceptions and will not install blocks, but will permit you to track a bucket's state over time:

b = "some_b", capacity: 100, leak_rate: 1)
b.fillup(2) #=> Pecorino::LeakyBucket::State(full?: false, level: 2.0)
sleep 0.2
b.state #=> Pecorino::LeakyBucket::State(full?: false, level: 1.8)

Check out the inline YARD documentation for more options.

Cleaning out stale locks from the database

We recommend running the following bit of code every couple of hours (via cron or similar) to delete the stale blocks and leaky buckets from the system:


Using unlogged tables for reduced replication load

Throttles and leaky buckets are transient resources. If you are using Postgres replication, it might be prudent to set the Pecorino tables to UNLOGGED which will exclude them from replication - and save you bandwidth and storage on your RR. To do so, add the following statements to your migration:

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("ALTER TABLE pecorino_leaky_buckets SET UNLOGGED")
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("ALTER TABLE pecorino_blocks SET UNLOGGED")


After checking out the repo, run bundle. Then, run rake test to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Pecorino project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Postgres-based rate limiter for Rails







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