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A BACnet protocol stack written in pure typescript with RXJS and Promises. BACnet is a protocol to interact with building automation devices defined by ASHRAE.


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A BACnet protocol stack written in pure typescript with RXJS and promises. BACnet is a protocol to interact with building automation devices defined by ASHRAE. Big shout out to FH1CH for making the node-bacstack library. A lot of priniciples there, are used here.

Table of Contents


Add Bacnet-driver to your project by:

  1. Login to the Github Packages registry:
npm login --registry=
  1. Adding the .npmrc file:
  1. Running the following npm command:
npm i @bastiaanv/bacnet-driver


NOTE this library is still in pre-alpa and is not recommended in poduction usages. For those case, please use the node-bacstack library.

Service Receive execute
whoIs No Yes
iAm Yes No
readProperty No Partly
writeProperty No Partly
readMultiple No No
writeMultiple No No
Subscribe COV No Yes

readProperty: This service can only read unsigned integers, floats, booleans, strings and ObjectIndentifiers


API - Basic

Who Is

The whoIs command discovers all BACNET devices in a network. BACNET devices who has received this command will sent a IAm command.


import { BacnetDriver } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriver({});


Name Type Description
address string? An optional parameter to which send the WhoIs command directly, instead of broadcasting.


Name Type Description
response void Can trigger IAm commands

Read Property

The readProperty command reads a single property of an object from a device. Note, the device should have been found first via the WhoIs command before the read property command can be used.


import { BacnetDriver, ObjectType, PropertyIdentifier } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDiver({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,
    objectType: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT,
    objectInstance: 1,
    propertyId: PropertyIdentifier.PRESENT_VALUE,

Parameters - ReadPropertyOptions

Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.objectType number The object ID to read. The ObjectType could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.objectInstance number The object instance to read.
options.propertyId number The property ID in the specified object to read.The PropertyIdentifier could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.


The returned value depens on the propertyID you have read. This is why the this method returns the Promise<any>. But when you you the BacnetDriverExtended you can use the predefined methods and will get the correct return type.

Name Type Description
response Promise<any> | Promise<ReadString> | Promise<ReadNumber> | Promise<ReadObject>

Write Property

The writeProperty command writes a single property of an object to a device. Please note, that the following ApplicationTags are not supported (yet): TIMESTAMP, OBJECTIDENTIFIER, COV_SUBSCRIPTION, READ_ACCESS_RESULT, READ_ACCESS_SPECIFICATION. Also, the device should have been found first via the WhoIs command before the write property command can be used.


import { BacnetDriver, ObjectType, PropertyIdentifier, ApplicationTags } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDiver({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,
    objectType: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT,
    objectInstance: 1,
    propertyId: PropertyIdentifier.OUT_OF_SERVICE,
    values: [{ type: ApplicationTags.BOOLEAN, value: true }],

Parameters - WritePropertyOptions

Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.objectType number The object ID to read. The ObjectType could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.objectInstance number The object instance to read.
options.propertyId number The property ID in the specified object to read.The PropertyIdentifier could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.values array
options.values.type number The data-type of the value to be written. The ApplicationTags could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.values.value any The actual value to be written.


Name Type Description
response Promise<void>

Subscribe COV

The Subscribe COV command subscribes your application to a specific object in the BACNET device. If a value in the object changes, a covObservable will be fired. Note, the device should have been found first via the WhoIs command before the subscribe COV command can be used.


import { BacnetDriver, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDiver({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,
    monitoredObject: { type: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT, instance: 8 },
    cancellable: { issueConfirmedNotifications: false, lifetime: 120 },

Parameters - COVOptions

Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.monitoredObject object
options.monitoredObject.type number The object ID to read. The ObjectType could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.monitoredObject.instance number The object instance to read.
options.processId number? The process ID to use. When not given, the bacnet driver will generate one.
options.cancellable object? Optional
options.cancellable.issueConfirmedNotifications boolean Determines is the subscription should use confirmed or unconfirmed notifications
options.cancellable.lifetime number The lifetime of the subscription


Name Type Description
response Promise<void>

API - Extended

The BacnetDriverExtended has predefined BACNET methods for you to use, like: readObjectList or readPresentValue. Each of these methods make use of the readProperty or writeProperty method.

Read Object List

The readObjectList command reads the object list of a BACNET device.


import { BacnetDriverExtended, ObjectType, PropertyIdentifier } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriverExtended({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,


Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.


Name Type Description
response Promise<ReadObject[]>

Read Present Value

The readPresentValue command reads the object list of a BACNET device.


import { BacnetDriverExtended, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriverExtended({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,
    objectType: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT,
    objectInstance: 100,


Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.objectType number The object ID to read. The ObjectType could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.objectInstance number The object instance to read.


Name Type Description
response Promise

Activate Notification Class

The activateNotificationClass command subscribes your application to limit alarms. This functions should be combined setAlarming with the corresponding BACnet objects.


import { BacnetDriverExtended, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriverExtended({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 1,
    objectInstances: [100, 101, 102],
    ipAddress: '',
  .then(() => {
    /* REST OF CODE */

Parameters - ActivateNotificationClass

Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.objectInstances number[] The notification classes that should be activated.
options.ipAddress string The IP address of this devices's BACnet interface
options.port number? The port of this device's BACnet interface. Default: 0xBAC0
options.fromTime Date? The start date from which to recieve alarm notifications. Default: 00:00:00.000
options.toTime Date? The end date from which to recieve alarm notifications. Default: 23:59:59.000
options.transition object?
options.transition.toNormal boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification when the state changes to Normal state. Default: true
options.transition.toOffNormal boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification when the state changes to OffNormal state. Default: true
options.transition.toFault boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification when the state changes to Fault state. Default: true
options.days object?
options.days.monday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Mondays. Default: true
options.days.tuesday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Tuesdays. Default: true
options.days.wednesday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Wednesdays. Default: true
options.days.thursday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Thursdays. Default: true
options.days.friday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Fridays. Default: true
options.days.saturday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Saturdays. Default: true
options.days.sunday boolean Determines whether to recieve an alarm notification on Sundays. Default: true


Name Type Description
response Promise Combined with an active limit object can trigger an Alarm event

Set Alarming

The setAlarming command subscribes your application to limit alarms. This functions should be combined activateNotificationClass with the corresponding BACnet notification classes.


import { BacnetDriverExtended, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriverExtended({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 1,
    objectType: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT
    objectInstance: 1,
    lowlimit: { enable: true, overwriteLimitValue: 0 },
    highlimit: { enable: true, overwriteLimitValue: 100 },
}).then(() => { /* REST OF CODE */ });

Parameters - SetAlarming

Name Type Description
options object
options.address string IP address of the target device.
options.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.
options.objectType number The object ID to read. The ObjectType could be used from the bacnetDriver enum.
options.objectInstance number The object instance to read.
options.lowLimit object
options.lowLimit.enable boolean Enables or disables low limit alarming
options.lowLimit.overwriteLimitValue number? Optional parameter to overwrite the current low limit alarming value.
options.highLimit object
options.highLimit.enable boolean Enables or disables hihg limit alarming
options.highLimit.overwriteLimitValue number? Optional parameter to overwrite the current low high alarming value.


Name Type Description
response Promise Combined with an activated notification class can trigger an Alarm event


This library makes use of RXJS library for event handling.

I Am Subject

This subject will fire, when a devices react to the WhoIs command over the network or when a BACNET device has booted.


import { BacnetDriver } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriver({});

Returns - IAmEvent

Name Type Description
response object
response.address string IP address of the target device.
response.deviceId number The device ID of the target device.

Cov Subject

This subject will fire, when a object in the BACNET device has been changed and the Bacnet driver has a active subscription, see more (Subscribe Cov)[#Subscribe-Cov].


import { BacnetDriver, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDiver({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 2000,
    monitoredObject: { type: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT, instance: 8 },
    cancellable: { issueConfirmedNotifications: false, lifetime: 120 },

Returns - COVEvent

Name Type Description
response object
response.processId number The process id used for this subscription.
response.device object
response.device.instance number The instance of the target device.
response.device.type number The object ID of the target device. NOTE: this value will always be 8, since it is given by the BACNET specs
response.monitoredObject object
response.monitoredObject.type number The object type of the changed object
response.monitoredObject.instance number The object instance of the changed object.
response.timeRemaining number The remaining time of the subscription in seconds
response.cov array
response.cov.propertyType number The property type for the changed value
response.cov.value any The new value of the changed property. The type depends on the property.

Alarm Subject

This subject will fire, when a object in the BACNET device has changed its state. From normal -> off normal, for example. In order for this to work, the correct Notification class needs to be activated (see, activateNotificationClass) and the BACnet object need to have limit alarm enabled (see setAlarming). NOTE: CURRENT THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET...


import { BacnetDriverExtended, ObjectType } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriverExtended({});
    address: '',
    deviceId: 1,
    objectType: ObjectType.ANALOG_INPUT
    objectInstance: 1,
    lowlimit: { enable: true, overwriteLimitValue: 0 },
    highlimit: { enable: true, overwriteLimitValue: 100 },
    address: '',
    deviceId: 1,
    objectInstances: [ 100, 101, 102],
    ipAddress: '',

Returns - AlarmingEvent

Name Type Description
response object
response.processNumber number The processNumber of the subscription
response.device object The device from which the notification came from
response.device.instance number The instance number of the device
response.device.type number The type of the device (which will always be 8)
response.object object The object from which the notification came from
response.object.instance number The instance number of the object
response.object.type number The type of the object Date The date on which the notification has been send
response.priority number The priority given to the notification
response.notificationClass number The instance of the notificationClass the notification came from
response.eventType number The eventType of the notification. The complete eventType list can be found under the Enum's EventType
response.notificationType number The notification type of the notification. Complete list can be found under the Enum's NotifyType
response.fromState number The state the object was in. Complete list can be found under the Enum's EventState
response.toState number The state the object is in now. Complete list can be found under the Enum's EventState

Error Subject

This subject will fire, when the UDP transporter has failed to send your message. This can occure when you gave this transporter an invalid IP address.


import { BacnetDriver } from '@bastiaanv/bacnet-driver';

const bacnetDriver = new BacnetDriver({});


Name Type Description
response Error The error that has occured


The GNU GPL v2.0

Copyright (c) 2020 Bastiaan Verhaar [email protected]

Note: This is not an official product of the BACnet Advocacy Group. BACnet® is a registered trademark of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).


A BACnet protocol stack written in pure typescript with RXJS and Promises. BACnet is a protocol to interact with building automation devices defined by ASHRAE.






