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Command line interface

Ashot Barkhudaryan edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Plugin have CLI interface for performing all operations from command line.

How to use

  • Make sure 'ProjectCleaner' plugin is installed in project and enabled!
  • Open Terminal
  • Go to folder {Location_Where_Engine_Installed}/UE_4.26/Engine/Binaries/Win64
  • Run cli to fixup redirectors UE4Editor.exe <GameName or uproject> -run=ResavePackages -fixupredirects -autocheckout -projectonly -unattended

< v2.0.0

  • Run UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "{path_to_your_project}" -run=ProjectCleanerCLI {args}


  • Run UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "{path_to_your_project}" -run=Pjc {args}

Engine Installed path : W:\ue4_versions\UE_4.26\Engine\Binaries\Win64
Project path : C:\dev\ue4\MyProject

./UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "C:\dev\ue4\MyProject\MyProject.uproject" -run=ProjectCleanerCLI

CLI parameters (< v2.0.0)

  • -Check
  • -ScanDevContent
  • -DeleteEmptyFolders
  • -ExcludeAssets = "/Game/Path1/Asset1.uasset , /Game/Path2/Asset2.uasset"
  • -ExcludeAssetsInPath = "/Game/Blueprint/"
  • -ExcludeAssetWithClass= "Blueprint,Material"

CLI parameters (v2.0.0)

    • scan_only - will scan project and print result, no any cleaning operations performed
    • full_cleanup - will delete all unused assets and empty folders in project
    • delete_assets_unused - flag to delete unused assets
    • delete_folders_empty - flag to delete empty folders
    • delete_files_external - flag to delete external files
    • delete_files_corrupted - flag to delete corrupted asset files

In v2.0.0 exclude settings must be specified in editor inside ProjectCleaner plugin window.


Shows only statistics. Wont perform any delete operations.


Scan Developer Content folder or not


Delete empty folders after unused assets deleted or not


Exclude given assets.
Must be asset object path and seperated with comma if multiple assets.


Exclude all assets in given paths


Exclude assets with given class

If no arguments given, then default settings will be used, which are

  • ScanDevContent = false
  • DeleteEmptyFolders = true
  • No excluded assets

Common errors

If you see this type of error in terminal

That means that plugin disabled in project.
You must enable it and try again.