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opencv.js compile for wechat miniprogram

  • this is the a tutorials for how to build opencv.js for wechat mini program
  • also in how to customization your opencv.js

first build your environment

  1. Ubuntu or IOS

    open your commond (cmd) run this code to init our opencv compile env

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python2.7
    sudo apt-get install nodejs
    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    sudo apt-get install cmake
    sudo apt-get install git-core
    sudo apt-get install default-jre
    sudo apt-get install doxygen   # must be install 
    sudo apt-get install nodejs
    sudo apt-get install npm
  2. install Emscripten

    use cd command to enter your home directory

    # Enter Home directory
    cd ~
    # Get the emsdk repo or downlowad emsdk by Gitee
    git clone
    # Enter emsdk directory
    cd emsdk
    # Fetch the latest version of the emsdk (not needed the first time you clone)
    git pull
    # Download and install the latest SDK tools.
    ./emsdk install latest
    ./emsdk activate latest
  3. activate source in your build env

    source ./

build your opencv

1.clone opencv and run your project with commond
# Get the OpenCV repo or gitee to download Opencv 
git clone
# Enter CV directory
cd opencv
# build 
# JS version necessary
python ./platforms/js/ build_js
# Web version not necessary
python ./platforms/js/ build_wasm --build_wasm   # not necessary you can pass it
# Documents not necessary
python ./platforms/js/ build_js --build_doc      # not necessary you can pass it
# Tests necessary
python ./platforms/js/ build_js --build_test 

if you just to run first command , and dont know how to make opencv.js work , must need to run the build_test and run it ,then you will know

2.How to make opencv.js work

cd to build_js/bin and you will see opencv.js opencv_js.js and add this code to your opencv.js On the last line

var Module = {
  preRun: [],
  postRun: [] ,
  onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
    console.log("cv is ready");
    if ( instanceof Promise) {   // importance all cv factory from here => { = target;
    } else {
      // for backward compatible
  print:[] ,
  printErr: function(text) {
  setStatus: function(text) {
  totalDependencies: 0

Customize your OpenCV

  1. edit the config

    cd to ./platforms/js/ and you will find file and ( was not available before version 3.4.9)

    edit the and Comment out any functions you don't need like this

    core = {
        '': ['norm', 
            # 'absdiff', 'add', 'addWeighted', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_not', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'cartToPolar',
            # 'compare', 'convertScaleAbs', 'copyMakeBorder', 'countNonZero', 'determinant', 'dft', 'divide', 'eigen',
            # 'exp', 'flip', 'getOptimalDFTSize','gemm', 'hconcat', 'inRange', 'invert', 'kmeans', 'log', 'magnitude',
            # 'max', 'mean', 'meanStdDev', 'merge', 'min', 'minMaxLoc', 'mixChannels', 'multiply', 
            # 'normalize',
            # 'perspectiveTransform', 'polarToCart', 'pow', 'randn', 'randu', 'reduce', 'repeat', 'rotate', 'setIdentity', 'setRNGSeed',
            # 'solve', 'solvePoly', 'split', 'sqrt', 'subtract', 'trace', 'transform', 'transpose', 'vconcat',
            # 'setLogLevel', 'getLogLevel',
        'Algorithm': [],
    imgproc = {'': ['cvtColor', 'resize',
                    # 'Canny', 'GaussianBlur', 'Laplacian', 'HoughLines', 'HoughLinesP', 'HoughCircles', 'Scharr','Sobel', \
                    # 'adaptiveThreshold','approxPolyDP','arcLength','bilateralFilter','blur','boundingRect','boxFilter',\
                    # 'calcBackProject','calcHist',
                    # 'circle',
                    # 'compareHist','connectedComponents','connectedComponentsWithStats', \
                    # 'contourArea', 
                    # 'convexHull', 'convexityDefects', 'cornerHarris','cornerMinEigenVal','createCLAHE', \
                    # 'createLineSegmentDetector',
                    # 'demosaicing','dilate', 'distanceTransform','distanceTransformWithLabels', \
                    # 'drawContours','ellipse','ellipse2Poly','equalizeHist','erode', 'filter2D', 'findContours','fitEllipse', \
                    # 'fitLine', 'floodFill','getAffineTransform', 'getPerspectiveTransform',
                    # 'getStructuringElement', \
                    # 'goodFeaturesToTrack','grabCut','initUndistortRectifyMap', 'integral','integral2', 'isContourConvex', 'line', \
                    # 'matchShapes', 'matchTemplate','medianBlur', 'minAreaRect', 'minEnclosingCircle', 'moments', 'morphologyEx', \
                    # 'pointPolygonTest', 'putText','pyrDown','pyrUp','rectangle','remap', 
                    # 'sepFilter2D','threshold', \
                    # 'undistort','warpAffine','warpPerspective','warpPolar','watershed', \
                    # 'fillPoly', 'fillConvexPoly', 'polylines',
        #'CLAHE': ['apply', 'collectGarbage', 'getClipLimit', 'getTilesGridSize', 'setClipLimit', 'setTilesGridSize'],
        # 'segmentation_IntelligentScissorsMB': [
        #     'IntelligentScissorsMB',
        #     'setWeights',
        #     'setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit',
        #     'setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters',
        #     'setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters',
        #     'applyImage',
        #     'applyImageFeatures',
        #     'buildMap',
        #     'getContour'
        # ],
    objdetect = {'': [
                        # 'groupRectangles'
                #  'HOGDescriptor': ['load', 'HOGDescriptor', 'getDefaultPeopleDetector', 'getDaimlerPeopleDetector', 'setSVMDetector', 'detectMultiScale'],
                #  'CascadeClassifier': ['load', 'detectMultiScale2', 'CascadeClassifier', 'detectMultiScale3', 'empty', 'detectMultiScale'],
                #  'QRCodeDetector': ['QRCodeDetector', 'decode', 'decodeCurved', 'detect', 'detectAndDecode', 'detectMulti', 'setEpsX', 'setEpsY']
    video = {'': ['calcOpticalFlowPyrLK',
                # 'CamShift', 'calcOpticalFlowFarneback', 
                #  'createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2', \
                #  'findTransformECC', 'meanShift'
            #  'BackgroundSubtractorMOG2': ['BackgroundSubtractorMOG2', 'apply'],
            #  'BackgroundSubtractor': ['apply', 'getBackgroundImage']
    dnn =  {
            # 'dnn_Net': ['setInput', 'forward'],
           '': [
                    # 'readNetFromCaffe', 'readNetFromTensorflow', 'readNetFromTorch', 'readNetFromDarknet',
                    # 'readNetFromONNX', 'readNet', 'blobFromImage'
    features2d = {
                #     'Feature2D': ['detect', 'compute', 'detectAndCompute', 'descriptorSize', 'descriptorType', 'defaultNorm', 'empty', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'BRISK': ['create', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'ORB': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'setScaleFactor', 'setNLevels', 'setEdgeThreshold', 'setFirstLevel', 'setWTA_K', 'setScoreType', 'setPatchSize', 'getFastThreshold', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'MSER': ['create', 'detectRegions', 'setDelta', 'getDelta', 'setMinArea', 'getMinArea', 'setMaxArea', 'getMaxArea', 'setPass2Only', 'getPass2Only', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'FastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'AgastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'GFTTDetector': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'getMaxFeatures', 'setQualityLevel', 'getQualityLevel', 'setMinDistance', 'getMinDistance', 'setBlockSize', 'getBlockSize', 'setHarrisDetector', 'getHarrisDetector', 'setK', 'getK', 'getDefaultName'],
                  # 'SimpleBlobDetector': ['create'],
                #   'KAZE': ['create', 'setExtended', 'getExtended', 'setUpright', 'getUpright', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'AKAZE': ['create', 'setDescriptorType', 'getDescriptorType', 'setDescriptorSize', 'getDescriptorSize', 'setDescriptorChannels', 'getDescriptorChannels', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'],
                #   'DescriptorMatcher': ['add', 'clear', 'empty', 'isMaskSupported', 'train', 'match', 'knnMatch', 'radiusMatch', 'clone', 'create'],
                #   'BFMatcher': ['isMaskSupported', 'create'],
                  '': [
                        #'drawKeypoints', 'drawMatches', 'drawMatchesKnn'
    photo = {'': [
                    # 'createAlignMTB', 'createCalibrateDebevec', 'createCalibrateRobertson', \
                    # 'createMergeDebevec', 'createMergeMertens', 'createMergeRobertson', \
                    # 'createTonemapDrago', 'createTonemapMantiuk', 'createTonemapReinhard', 'inpaint'
            # 'CalibrateCRF': ['process'],
            # 'AlignMTB' : ['calculateShift', 'shiftMat', 'computeBitmaps', 'getMaxBits', 'setMaxBits', \
            #               'getExcludeRange', 'setExcludeRange', 'getCut', 'setCut'],
            # 'CalibrateDebevec' : ['getLambda', 'setLambda', 'getSamples', 'setSamples', 'getRandom', 'setRandom'],
            # 'CalibrateRobertson' : ['getMaxIter', 'setMaxIter', 'getThreshold', 'setThreshold', 'getRadiance'],
            # 'MergeExposures' : ['process'],
            # 'MergeDebevec' : ['process'],
            # 'MergeMertens' : ['process', 'getContrastWeight', 'setContrastWeight', 'getSaturationWeight', \
            #                   'setSaturationWeight', 'getExposureWeight', 'setExposureWeight'],
            # 'MergeRobertson' : ['process'],
            # 'Tonemap' : ['process' , 'getGamma', 'setGamma'],
            # 'TonemapDrago' : ['getSaturation', 'setSaturation', 'getBias', 'setBias', \
            #                   'getSigmaColor', 'setSigmaColor', 'getSigmaSpace','setSigmaSpace'],
            # 'TonemapMantiuk' : ['getScale', 'setScale', 'getSaturation', 'setSaturation'],
            # 'TonemapReinhard' : ['getIntensity', 'setIntensity', 'getLightAdaptation', 'setLightAdaptation', \
            #                      'getColorAdaptation', 'setColorAdaptation']
    aruco = {'': [
                # 'detectMarkers', 'drawDetectedMarkers', 'drawAxis', 'estimatePoseSingleMarkers', 'estimatePoseBoard', 'estimatePoseCharucoBoard', 'interpolateCornersCharuco', 'drawDetectedCornersCharuco'
            # 'aruco_Dictionary': ['get', 'drawMarker'],
            # 'aruco_Board': ['create'],
            # 'aruco_GridBoard': ['create', 'draw'],
            # 'aruco_CharucoBoard': ['create', 'draw'],
            # 'aruco_DetectorParameters': ['create']
    calib3d = {'': ['solvePnP', 
    white_list = makeWhiteList([core, imgproc, objdetect, video, dnn, features2d, photo, aruco, calib3d])
  2. rebuild your program

    reference to build opencv (Make sure your build_js file or build_wasm is empty)

    and you will get file in build_js/bin or build_wasm/bin

build opencv for wechat

  1. check file

    firts build your opencv and test it work by commond (build__test, run test file and make sure your order function is work)

  2. change code to adapt the environment

    wechat not support keyword like gloabl or window ,so we need to change some content , Thank for here contribution his solution can great run opencv.js under SE6 。

  3. How to run opencv.js under SE5

    we need change a lot , I compared the differences before and after the changes (see wasm.js is the file modified by the author, and here is the origin file opencv.js (4.3.0) )

    at first time i got some error ,when i just change the opencv.wasm( opencv version == 4.3.0) (how to build here) just need change one code when you use commond build_wasm ) and then i realize it may be due to different emscripten versions the build file also were different,which means I need to write a load file (wasm4.js)suitable for my own version,so here is my emscripten version

    iMac:emsdk User$ emcc -v
    emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement + linker emulating GNU ld) 2.0.10
    clang version 12.0.0 (/opt/s/w/ir/cache/git/ 445289aa63e1b82b9eea6497fb2d0443813a9d4e)
    Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /Users/ljl/project/code/emsdk/upstream/bin
    shared:INFO: (Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
  4. how to build opencv.js with single opencv.wasm file
    iMac:opencv User$ cd ./modules
    iMac:opencv User$ cd ./js
    iMac:opencv User$ vim CMakeLists.txt
    Comment out the line 73 and add 

    and then repeat build opencv commond " python ./platforms/js/ your_path_want_build_file --build_wasm "

  5. run opencv.js under SE5 environment

    if you success build opencv.wasm and download opencv.js-wechat program run opencv.js-wechat/miniprogram/ with WeChat Developer Tools, and add file wasm4.js (If you don't have a comparison to modify the file, here is my modified file compare/wasm4.0.js and make sure the version is consistent )

  6. WebAssembly not support in miniprogram replace it by WXWebAssembly

    miniprogram wechat not support webassemly after 8.0.0 and repleace it by WXWebAssembly like this

      WXWebAssembly.instantiate("/utils/opencv314dev.wasm", info).then(receiveInstantiatedSource);
      The first parameter is Package path to .wasm or .br file, and info  is the environment. see code line 461 info = { "env":xxx,"wasi_snapshot_preview1":xxx, }

    and WXWebAssembly also support brotli file(it's A compression algorithm similar to ZIP and RAR,my test opencv.wasm after the compression only 366KB)

    #how to build the br file by brotli
    brew install brotli
    #use it like tar 
    brotli -j -f -q 11 opencv.wasm #(it will cost a lot of time just wait )
    # and you will get the file and  format like this ,use it in wasm.js like this  
    WXWebAssembly.instantiate("/utils/", info).then(receiveInstantiatedSource);

existing problems as i know

1. SE5 --- Function overload table cannot be used normally so I can only use the full parameter overload of the function defined in the opencv library
2. Webassembly is not define --- some basic compilers for WeChat applets not support Webassembly
3. In order to minimize the package size , if your want use function like imread / imwrite / or other function can be easily reproducible , your can add code in line wasm4.js:5737 like this
Module["imread"] = function (imageSource, callback) {
    var cv = Module;
    var canvas=Module["canvas"];
    var ctx =Module["canvascontext"];
    var img = canvas.createImage();
    img.src = imageSource;
    img.onload = function () {
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height)
        var imgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
4. miniprogram wechat not support webassemly after 8.0.0, and replace it by WXWebAssembly
5. how to use WXWebAssembly under Plug-in development pattern ,still don't konw , can't found the file under plugin path
6. FrameworkError Invalid opcode(enable with --experimental-wasm-threads)@+11593

check your version ,3.4.14 opencv will have this problem ,4.3.0 version didn't!!!!!


opencv.js compile for wechat miniprogram







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