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svmiller committed Sep 11, 2020
1 parent d4c0400 commit 4655f1b
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,066 additions and 0 deletions.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions article2-example/svm-article2-example.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
latex_engine: xelatex
keep_tex: true
dev: cairo_pdf
template: ../svm-latex-article2.tex
biblio-style: apsr
title: "Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template"
thanks: "Replication files are available on the author's Github account ( **Current version**: `r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`; **Corresponding author**: [email protected]."
- name: Steven V. Miller
affiliation: Clemson University
- name: A Second Author Who Did Less Work
affiliation: The Ohio State University
- name: A Graduate Student
affiliation: University of Alabama
abstract: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet libero justo. Pellentesque eget nibh ex. Aliquam tincidunt egestas lectus id ullamcorper. Proin tellus orci, posuere sed cursus at, bibendum ac odio. Nam consequat non ante eget aliquam. Nulla facilisis tincidunt elit. Nunc hendrerit pellentesque quam, eu imperdiet ipsum porttitor ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vitae nibh mauris. Duis nec sem sit amet ante dictum mattis. Suspendisse diam velit, maximus eget commodo at, faucibus et nisi. Ut a pellentesque eros, sit amet suscipit eros. Nunc tincidunt quis risus suscipit vestibulum. Quisque eu fringilla massa."
keywords: "pandoc, r markdown, knitr"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
geometry: margin=1in
#fontfamily: libertineotf
mainfont: cochineal
sansfont: Linux Biolinum O
fontsize: 11pt
# spacing: double
endnote: no
# pandocparas: TRUE
sansitup: TRUE

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

# R Markdown


This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <>.

## Another Subsection From Kant, Who Writes as If He Does Not Want to Be Read


When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:

```{r cars}

## Including Plots

You can also embed plots, for example:

```{r pressure, echo=FALSE}

Note that the `echo = FALSE` parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.

Binary file added article2-example/svm-article2-example.pdf
Binary file not shown.
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions article2-example/svm-article2-example.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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pdftitle={Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template},
pdfkeywords={pandoc, r markdown, knitr},
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
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% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
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\title{Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template\thanks{Replication files are available on the author's Github account
\textbf{Current version}: September 11, 2020; \textbf{Corresponding
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\nolinkurl{[email protected]}}.}}
\author{true \and true \and true}
\date{September 11, 2020}

% Jesus, okay, everything above this comment is default Pandoc LaTeX template. -----
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% I think I had assumed beamer and LaTex were somehow different templates.


\renewcommand{\abstractname}{} % clear the title
\renewcommand{\absnamepos}{empty} % originally center


% \null
% \vskip 2em%
% \begin{center}%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\fontsize{14.5}{20}\selectfont\bfseries\sffamily\raggedright \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \@title \par}%

\title{Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template \thanks{Replication files are available on the author's Github account
\textbf{Current version}: September 11, 2020; \textbf{Corresponding
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\nolinkurl{[email protected]}}.} }

%\author{\Large Steven V. Miller\vspace{0.05in} \newline\normalsize\emph{Clemson University} \and \Large A Second Author Who Did Less Work\vspace{0.05in} \newline\normalsize\emph{The Ohio State University} \and \Large A Graduate Student\vspace{0.05in} \newline\normalsize\emph{University of Alabama} }



% \sffamily

% add some other packages ----------

% \usepackage{multicol}
% This should regulate where figures float
% See:

\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url}\usepackage[setpagesize=false, % page size defined by xetex
unicode=false, % unicode breaks when used with xetex

pdfauthor={Steven V. Miller (Clemson University) and A Second Author Who Did Less Work (The Ohio State University) and A Graduate Student (University of Alabama)},
pdfkeywords = {pandoc, r markdown, knitr},
pdftitle={Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template},
pdfborder={0 0 0}}
\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls

% Add an option for endnotes. -----


% \textsf{\textbf{This is sans-serif bold text.}}
% \textbf{\textsf{This is bold sans-serif text.}}

% \maketitle

{% \usefont{T1}{pnc}{m}{n}
\maketitle % title \par


%\textbf{\textsf{\Large Another Pandoc Markdown Article Starter and Template}}

\vskip 13.5pt\relax \normalsize\fontsize{11}{12}
\MakeUppercase{\textsf{\Large Steven V. Miller}}, \small{Clemson University} \par \vskip -5.5pt \MakeUppercase{\textsf{\Large A Second Author Who Did Less Work}}, \small{The Ohio State University} \par \vskip -5.5pt \MakeUppercase{\textsf{\Large A Graduate Student}}, \small{University of Alabama}




% \hbox{\vrule height .2pt width 39.14pc}

\vskip 8.5pt % \small

\noindent \small{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet
libero justo. Pellentesque eget nibh ex. Aliquam tincidunt egestas
lectus id ullamcorper. Proin tellus orci, posuere sed cursus at,
bibendum ac odio. Nam consequat non ante eget aliquam. Nulla facilisis
tincidunt elit. Nunc hendrerit pellentesque quam, eu imperdiet ipsum
porttitor ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in
faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vitae nibh mauris. Duis nec sem sit
amet ante dictum mattis. Suspendisse diam velit, maximus eget commodo
at, faucibus et nisi. Ut a pellentesque eros, sit amet suscipit eros.
Nunc tincidunt quis risus suscipit vestibulum. Quisque eu fringilla

\vskip 8.5pt \noindent \emph{Keywords}: pandoc, r markdown, knitr \par

% \hbox{\vrule height .2pt width 39.14pc}


\vskip -8.5pt

% removetitleabstract


\section{R Markdown}\label{r-markdown}}


This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax
for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on
using R Markdown see \url{}.

\subsection{Another Subsection From Kant, Who Writes as If He Does Not
Want to Be


When you click the \textbf{Knit} button a document will be generated
that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code
chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:


## speed dist
## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00
## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00
## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00
## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98
## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56.00
## Max. :25.0 Max. :120.00

\subsection{Including Plots}\label{including-plots}}

You can also embed plots, for example:


Note that the \texttt{echo\ =\ FALSE} parameter was added to the code
chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.




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