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Learning What and Where to Learn: A New Perspective on Self-supervised Learning


This is a PyTorch implementation of [W2SSL] for self-supervised Learning.

Main Results

The following results are based on ImageNet-1k self-supervised pre-training, followed by ImageNet-1k supervised training for linear evaluation. Epochs and BS suggests the self-supervised training epochs and the batch size of the corresponding methods. In column Mode, the PT, CL, MT indicate traditional pretext task based method, contrastive learning based method, and multi-task based method. In column Pub. and Year, the content (e.g., 0.5X) of our method is the corresponding amount of forward computation compared with others.

Method Pub. and Year Mode Epochs BS Accuracy(%)
Supervised - - - 77.2
Colorization ECCV2016 PT 200 256 39.6
Jigpuz ECCV2016 PT - 256 45.7
Rotation ICLR2018 PT 200 256 48.1
MoCo CVPR2020 CL 200 256 60.6
SimCLR ICML2020 CL 200 256 61.9
SimCLR ICML2020 CL 200 1024 65.3
SimCLR ICML2020 CL 800 4096 68.9
MoCo-v2 Arxiv2020 CL 200 256 67.5
PCL ICLR2021 CL 200 256 61.5
PCL-v2 ICLR2021 CL 200 256 67.6
BYOL NIPs2020 CL 200 4096 70.6
SwAV NIPs2020 CL 400 256 70.1
InstLoc CVPR2021 CL 200 256 61.7
DenseCL CVPR2021 CL 200 256 63.6
MaskCo ICCV2021 CL 200 256 65.1
SCRL CVPR2021 CL 1000 256 70.3
MoCo-v3 ICCV2021 CL 200 256 68.1
MoCo-v3 ICCV2021 CL 300 4096 72.8
SimSiam CVPR2021 CL 200 256 70.0
BarlowTwins ICCV2021 CL 200 256 65.0
BarlowTwins ICCV2021 CL 300 256 70.7
InfoMin ICLR2021 CL 200 256 70.1
RegionCL Arxiv2021 CL 200 256 69.4
XMOCO TCSVT2022 CL 200 256 65.0
BatchFormer CVPR2022 CL 200 256 68.4
HCSC CVPR2022 CL 200 256 69.2
CCrop CVPR2022 CL 200 256 67.8
DUPR TPAMI2022 CL 200 256 63.6
SAT TPAMI2022 CL 200 1024 72.8
Sela ICLR2020 MT 200 256 61.5
DeepCluster ICCV2017 MT 200 256 48.4
JigClu CVPR2021 MT 200 256 66.4
GLNet TCSVT2022 MT 200 256 70.5
LEWEL CVPR2022 MT 200 256 68.4
W^2SSL 0.50X MT 200 256 70.8
W^2SSL 0.50X MT 200 1024 72.8

Pre-trained models and configs can be found at

Usage: Preparation

Install PyTorch and download the ImageNet dataset following the official PyTorch ImageNet training code. Similar to MoCo v3, this repo contains minimal modifications on the official PyTorch ImageNet code.

The code has been tested with CUDA 11.3, PyTorch 1.9.0 and timm 0.4.9.

Usage: Self-supervised Pre-Training

ResNet-50 with 1-node (4-GPU) training, batch 256


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --moco-m-cos --crop-min=.2 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10109' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --print-freq 1000 --batch-size 512 --epochs 200 --loss_crop 1.0 [your imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

ResNet-50 with 1-node (8-GPU) training, batch 1024


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python --moco-m-cos --crop-min=.2 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10109' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --print-freq 1000 --batch-size 2048 --epochs 200 --loss_crop 1.0 [your imagenet-folder with train and val folders]


  1. The batch size specified by -b is the total batch size across all GPUs, and --batch-size divided by 2 is the number of synthetic samples input to the model.
  2. The learning rate specified by --lr is the base lr, and is adjusted by the linear lr scaling rule in this line.
  3. In this repo, only multi-gpu, DistributedDataParallel training is supported; single-gpu or DataParallel training is not supported. This code is improved to better suit the multi-node setting, and by default uses automatic mixed-precision for pre-training.

Usage: Linear Classification

By default, we use momentum-SGD and a batch size of 256 for linear classification on frozen features/weights. This can be done with a single 8-GPU node.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7  python -a resnet50 --batch-size 256 --epochs 100  --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10016'--multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --print-freq 100 --pretrained checkpoint_0199.pth.tar [your imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Transfer Learning

See the instructions in the transfer dir. We provider the self-supervised pre-trained model with batch size 256 and epoch 200.


This project is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. See LICENSE for details.


  author  = {Wenyi Zhao, Weidong Zhang, Yongqin Tian, Wenhe Jia, Huihua Yang, Xipeng Pan, Mu Yang, Chongyi Li},
  title   = {Learning What and Where to Learn: A New Perspective on Self-supervised Learning},
  journal = {Under Review},
  year    = {2023},
  author  = {Xinlei Chen* and Saining Xie* and Kaiming He},
  title   = {An Empirical Study of Training Self-Supervised Vision Transformers},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02057},
  year    = {2021},


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