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Tutor Student Web Interface

This is the student web interface for tutor.


For production please see tutor-docker-student

If you want to try the web interface please consider using the tutor meta package. It contains a complete example setup.

In order to install this you have first install all dependencies via NPM and Bower, run:

npm install
bower install

After this you have to build the web app via gulp.

You will need a RethinkDB instance running and configured in config.cson.


By default starting the server via node index.js will load the config.cson in the CWD. If you want to use a different configuration pass the configuration file as the first argument node index.js myconfig.cson

The config contains the following parts:

# Use this configuration for the development.
# Deployment will replace it with an appropriate one
#  host : database host name. [SET VIA DOCKER LINK ENV RETHINKDB_PORT_28015_TCP_ADDR]
#  port : database port. [SET VIA DOCKER LINK ENV RETHINKDB_PORT_28015_TCP_PORT]
# Table name
  name : "TutorDB"
#  secret: the session secret to store them persistent in the DB and on the users browser. [SET VIA TUTOR_SESSION_SECRET]
  restrict: "/api"
#  privateKey: Local PK for SAML authentification. [SET VIA TUTOR_SAML_KEY]
#  certificate: Local cert for SAML authentification. SET VIA TUTOR_SAML_CERT
# Path to the SAML metadata.xml
  entityPath: ''
# Where the SAML server should forward the user to, if the login was successful.
  assertEndpoint: '/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST'
#  idpLoginUrl: Login URL for the IDP. [SET VIA TUTOR_IDP_LOGIN_URL] 
#  idpCertificate: Certificate of the IDP. [SET VIA TUTOR_IDP_CERT]

The parts in squared brackets are the environment variables for production. In production the sensitive parts of the configuration come via environment variables and are not stored in the configuration file.


This repository contains the server and the frontend component. You find the front end code in 'app/. The server resides in src/and in theindex.js. The gulpfile will create a build/` folder that is used for delivering files.


You should definitely start with the tutor meta package if you want to start developing for tutor. Most of the internals are done in other packages like markdown processing etc.

For UI development you can start the watch task in gulp to auto compile new files.

gulp watch