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This is a project for the course Cognitive Computational Modeling of Language and Web Interaction from the Radboud University (Nijmegen). The goal of this project was to reproduce the work by Hendrickx et al. (2016) but give it our own twist. We were mostly interested in trying to predict the score for a specific wine given an expert's review.

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Artificial Sommelier

This is a project for the course Cognitive Computational Modeling of Language and Web Interaction from the Radboud University (Nijmegen). The goal of this project was to reproduce the work by Hendrickx et al.1 but give it our own twist. We were mostly interested in trying to predict the score for a specific wine given an expert's review.

This page will explain our way of working. We will go into more detail on the precise preprocessing steps we took, the way we split the data and how we defined our feature vectors. Then finally, we will show what classifier we trained, with what settings and how we evaluated its performance.

We worked with Python and Jupyter. This is why this repository contains code in both formats. However, all our work was done in Jupyter notebooks. The code in the .py files is simply copied from these notebooks and put in these files for convenience. There is no guarantee that the .py files will work.

This blog has the following structure:

1: Hendrickx et al.

The Data

The data we will be working with dataset we collected from Kaggle. Kaggle is a platform that facilitates machine learning related competitions and enables users to share datasets. One of these datasets was the wine review dataset. This dataset contains ~130k different wine reviews written by wine experts. The wine reviews were originally posted on

The dataset contains attributes like the wine variety, country, price, description, and points. The work by Hendrikx et al. focused on the attributes color, grape variety, countries and price. Therefore, we will be looking at the points per wine. To be more precise: we will be trying to classify what points/score belongs to a specific description of a wine.

The descriptions, as said, are written by wine experts and are thus filled with very descriptive terms. Here a short example:

Aromas include tropical fruit, broom, brimstone and dried herb. The palate isn't overly expressive, offering unripened apple, citrus and dried sage alongside brisk acidity.

Our first guess is that the usage of specific adjectives already tells a lot about the amount of points a wine might get. Therefore, we will be working with different Natural Language Processing methods to be able to classify these different reviews.


Lets start with how we loaded and preprocessed the data before we move on to the actual classifying.

The data was provided in a .json format, which makes it very easy to load the data by making use of pandas DataFrames:

from import json_normalize
import json
import pandas as pd

file_path = "data/winemag-data-130k-v2.json"

with open(file_path) as f:
    data = json.load(f)
    dataset = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_normalize(data), orient='columns')

descriptions = dataset['description'].tolist()

Next we start by computing the Part-of-Speech tags per word in the dataset. This is needed as we want to reproduce the work by Hendrikx et al. as closely as possible and in their work they filter on content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives). Therefore, before we split the data or remove any terms from the reviews, we first need to perform pos-tagging. Luckily there exist libraries for this:

import nltk
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

def retrievePOS(descriptions):
    tags = []
    for description in tqdm(descriptions):
        text = nltk.word_tokenize(description)
        pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(text)
        pos_dict = {}
        for (word,pos) in pos_tags:
            pos_dict[word.lower()] = pos
    return tags
tags = retrievePOS(descriptions)

Now we can start with the actual preprocessing:

from nltk.corpus import stopwords

def hasNumbers(inputString):
    return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)

def getTokens(descriptions):
    dataset_tokens = []
    dataset_pos_tags = []
    for description in tqdm(descriptions):
        # tokenize
        description_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(description)
        # remove tokens with length of 1 and digits
        description_tokens = [t for t in description_tokens if len(t) > 1 and not hasNumbers(t)]
        # compute part-of-speech tags
        pos = nltk.pos_tag(description_tokens)
        tokens = []
        pos_tags = []
        stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
        for (word,pos_tag) in pos:
            if not word.lower() in stop_words:
        return dataset_tokens, dataset_pos_tags

tokens, pos_tags = getTokens(descriptions)

dataset['tokens'] = tokens
dataset['pos_tags'] = pos_tags

First we tokenize the reviews to obtain a list of words and then we remove words of length 1 or that contain digits. After this cleaning we start with the part of speech tagging. Finally, we remove stop words and make every word lowercase.

To skip this step in the future, we make use of pickle to save variables.

import pickle


This were all the preprocessing steps we performed on the actual reviews. Next sections will explain how we filter each review on content words, how we turn the continuous points into one of six labels and how we compute the Bag-of-word Corpus for the entire dataset.

Compute Content Words

Hendrikx et al. defined content words as either nouns, verbs or adjectives. So it seems as if we should filter on those three labels. However, when we performed the pos-tagging we worked with the Standford NLTK library which makes use of way more labels then just these three. Therefore we worked with the following code:

def isContentWord(pos_tag):
    content_tags = ["JJ", "JJR", "JJS", "NN", "NNP", "NNS", "VB", "VBD", "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ"]
    if pos_tag in content_tags:
        return True
        return False

By making use of this custom function we can determine if a certain word has one of many content-word labels. This way only content words are kept.

content_words = []
for i, token_list in enumerate(tokens):
    pos_tag_list = pos_tags[i]
    for j, word in enumerate(token_list):
        pos_tag = pos_tag_list[j]
        if isContentWord(pos_tag):

We then use a Counter to count how many times each content word occurred in the dataset.

content_counts = Counter(content_words)

Next we filter on content words that have more than 2 occurrences in the dataset. This is different from Hendrikx et al. as they filtered on more than 1 occurrences. We decided on more than 2 to reduce the total amount of content words, something that was necessary to decrease the size of our feature vectors and to fasten training time.

filtered_content_words = []
for word in tqdm(content_words):
    if content_counts[word] > 2:
        if not word in filtered_content_words:
CONTENT_COUNT = len(np.unique(filtered_content_words))

Here we initialize a dictionary where each content word is a key and its value is an unique index that will help to create the Bag-of-words feature vector.

content_word_dict = {}
for i, word in enumerate(filtered_content_words):
    content_word_dict[word] = i

Finally, go over all reviews and only keep the content words.

content_tokens = []
for token_list in tqdm(tokens):
    filtered_tokens = []
    for token in token_list:
        if token in content_word_dict:

Each new review (only containing content words) are then appended to the entire dataset.

dataset['content_tokens'] = content_tokens

Compute Labels

As we will try to classify the label of a description instead of the actual score, we first need to convert these scores into categories. Luckily, had their own labels.

winemag labels

There are 7 labels, but does not publish reviews with a score below 80.

scores = dataset['points'].tolist()
def getCategory(scores):
    category_string = []
    category_int = []
    for score in scores:
        score = int(score)
        if score < 80:
        elif score >= 80 and score <= 82:
        elif score >= 83 and score <= 86:
        elif score >= 87 and score <= 89:
            category_string.append("very good")
        elif score >= 90 and score <= 93:
        elif score >= 94 and score <= 97:
        elif score >= 98 and score <= 100:
    return category_string, category_int
categories, labels = getCategory(scores)

dataset['category'] = categories
dataset['labels'] = labels

Compute BoW Corpus

The final step we need to perform before we filter and split the dataset into training and test is to compute the Bag-of-Word corpus.

def createCorpus(tokens):
    corpus = []
    for token_list in tqdm(tokens):
        content_tokens = []
        for token in token_list:
            if token not in content_counts:
        doc = " ".join(content_tokens)
    return corpus
corpus = createCorpus(tokens)
bag_of_words_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=2)
bow_feature_vector = bag_of_words_vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)

We first create a string of each review by joining the individual content words. Then we store all these strings inside a list which we then fit to a CountVectorizer. Important thing to note is that we use fit_transform on the entire corpus. When we split the data into training and test we will use only fit(). As the vectorizer is already prepared with the entire dataset.

Data Filtering

Like Hendrikx et al. we will be filtering out certain reviews. We filter based on the number of reviews per wine. The threshold is set to 200.

varieties = dataset['variety'].tolist()
wine_count = Counter(varieties)
nr_reviews = len(varieties)
threshold = 200
filtered_keys = []
for key, item in wine_count.items():
    if item < threshold:
idx = 0
indices = []
for v in varieties:
    if v in filtered_keys:
    idx += 1
dataset_filtered = dataset.drop(dataset.index[indices]).copy()
dataset_filtered = dataset_filtered.reset_index()

print("New Total reviews: %s"%(len(dataset_filtered)))

After filtering, we are left with 118263 reviews.

Data Splitting

Next we split the data into a training and test set. We decided to turn 80% into training and 20% into test and we try to balance both sets on the different wines.

wines = np.unique(dataset_filtered['variety'].tolist())

We create a dictionary with the different wines as keys and there indices in the dataset as values.

wine_indices = {}
for wine in wines:
    indices = dataset_filtered.index[dataset_filtered['variety'] == wine].tolist()
    wine_indices[wine] = indices

Then we use this dictionary to decide which dataset indices will go to the trainingset and which will go to the testset.

train_indices = {}
test_indices = {}
for wine in wines:
    indices = wine_indices[wine]
    nr_indices = len(indices)
    train_indices[wine] = indices[:round(nr_indices*0.8)]
    test_indices[wine] = indices[round(nr_indices*0.8):]
    nr_train_indices = len(indices[:round(nr_indices*0.8)])
    nr_test_indices = len(indices[round(nr_indices*0.8):])

Finally, as we worked per wine we need to put all training and test indices into one big list. This list can then we used to copy a subset of the original dataset.

tr_indices = []
for _, indices in train_indices.items():
    tr_indices = tr_indices + indices
t_indices = []
for _, indices in test_indices.items():
    t_indices = t_indices + indices
trainset = dataset_filtered.iloc[tr_indices,:].copy()
testset = dataset_filtered.iloc[t_indices,:].copy()

Define SVM

We will be working with a Support Vector Machine to classify the different reviews. This section provides the different methods used and the parameter settings we used for our SVM. These settings were obtained by performing grid search, which we will explain in more detail in the following section. Just like Hendrikx et al. we made use of the RBF kernel instead of a linear one.


def classify(train_features,train_labels,test_features):
    clf = SVC(kernel='rbf', C=5, gamma=0.02, verbose=True), train_labels)
    print("\ndone fitting classifier\n")
    return clf.predict(test_features)
def evaluate(y_true,y_pred):
    recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro')
    print("Recall: %f" % recall)

    precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro')
    print("Precision: %f" % precision)

    f1_score = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro')
    print("F1-score: %f" % f1_score)

    return recall, precision, f1_score
def main(train_features,train_data,test_features,test_data):
    train_labels = train_data['labels'].tolist()

    test_labels = test_data['labels'].tolist()
    y_pred = classify(train_features,train_labels,test_features)
    recall, precision, f1_score = evaluate(test_labels, y_pred)
    print("recall: %s"%(recall))
    print("precision: %s"%(precision))
    print("f1 score: %s"%(f1_score))
    return recall, precision, f1_score

In order to evaluate the performance of our SVM we are using f1-score. F1-score takes both recall and precision into consideration.

Perform Grid Search

To figure out the optimal parameter settings for our SVM we decided to perform Grid Search. This is a method were the user specifies different parameter settings and where the classifier is tested for the amount of possible parameter combinations to figure out the most optimal setting.

random_sample = trainset.sample(5000)
random_tokens = random_sample['tokens'].tolist()
random_corpus = createCorpus(random_tokens)
random_features = bag_of_words_vectorizer.transform(random_corpus)
random_labels = random_sample['labels'].tolist()

As we did not have that much time left until the deadline, we decided on the following parameters to reduce running time:

parameters = {'kernel':['rbf'], 'C': np.arange(1,40,2), 'gamma': np.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 11)}
svc = SVC()
clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters, verbose=10, n_jobs=4),random_labels)
params = clf.best_params_

The best parameter settings were: {'kernel': 'rbf', 'gamma': 0.02, 'C': 5}.

Obtain BoW Features

The first experiment we would like to run with the SVM is by feeding it Bag-of-word feature vectors of the dataset. Here we show how we obtain these feature vectors.

train_tokens = trainset['tokens'].tolist()
train_corpus = createCorpus(train_tokens)
train_features = bag_of_words_vectorizer.transform(train_corpus)
test_tokens = testset['tokens'].tolist()
test_corpus = createCorpus(test_tokens)
test_features = bag_of_words_vectorizer.transform(test_corpus)

We create the feature vectors by making use of the earlier mentioned vectorizer on which the entire dataset was fit. The output format is a csr matrix which can be fed to a SVM.

Obtain LDA Features

Another experiment we would like to run includes defining feature vectors based on a topic distribution. This topic distribution is obtained by making use of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm. This algorithm is fed a corpus with documents/texts and is told how many topics are to be expected and then computes which terms belong to which topic. After training, a new/old document can be given to the lda model, which will then compute the topic distribution for that specific document. This is just a list of probabilities per topic. these lists can be viewed as feature vectors and be fed to a SVM.

def createCorpusLDA(tokens):
    dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(tokens)
    corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(token_list) for token_list in tokens]
    return (dictionary,corpus)

First we train the LDA model on the entire dataset. We perform just one pass in order to reduce running time and set the minimum probability to 0.01. This means that a topic needs to be represented for >= 1% in a document for it to be assigned that topic. The number of topics is set to 100.

tokens = dataset['tokens'].tolist()
(dictionary,corpus2) = createCorpus2(tokens)

start =
ldamodel = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus2, num_topics=100, id2word = dictionary, passes=1, minimum_probability=0.01)
end =


Next we create the training and test feature vectors.

train_lda_dictionary, train_lda_corpus = createCorpusLDA(train_tokens)

train_lda_features = dok_matrix((len(train_lda_corpus),100))

for i in tqdm(range(len(train_lda_corpus))):
    topic_distribution = lda_model[train_lda_corpus[i]]
    for (topic_nr,prob) in topic_distribution:
        train_lda_features[i, topic_nr] = prob
train_lda_features_csr = train_lda_features.tocsr()
test_lda_dictionary, test_lda_corpus = createCorpusLDA(test_tokens)

test_lda_features = dok_matrix((len(test_lda_corpus),100))

for i in tqdm(range(len(test_lda_corpus))):
    topic_distribution = lda_model[test_lda_corpus[i]]
    for (topic_nr,prob) in topic_distribution:
        test_lda_features[i, topic_nr] = prob
test_lda_features_csr = test_lda_features.tocsr()

Obtain W2V Features

To create the Word2Vec feature vectors, we had to perform several steps. First we had to train our own word embeddings making use of the word2vec library. Then to stick to the work of Hendrikx et al. we had to perform KMeans clustering on the word embeddings. The resulting clusters could then be used to compute the feature vectors.

First lets see how we trained our own word embeddings:

vector_dimension = 200
context_size = 8
sentences = dataset['content_tokens'].tolist()
# sentences = lijst content woorden voor fitten van W2V model
# workers = aantal threads voor trainen W2V (hangt af van aantal cores van PC)
# sg = 1 voor skip-gram (beter low-freq words), 0 voor CBOW (sneller, beter voor high-freq words)
# For full documentation see
model = Word2Vec(sentences,size=vector_dimension,window=context_size,workers=4,min_count=2,sg=1)

We decided on skip-gram as the dataset contained a lot of low frequency words.

Next the KMeans clustering:

kmeans = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=NR_CLUSTERS)
X = model[model.wv.vocab]
labels = kmeans.labels_
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_

Now that we have the different clusters, we can start creating feature vectors:

NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS = len(train_tokens)
NR_TEST_REVIEWS = len(test_tokens)

train_w2v_features = dok_matrix((NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS,100))
test_w2v_features = dok_matrix((NR_TEST_REVIEWS,100))

content_tokens = dataset['content_tokens'].tolist()

for i in tqdm(range(NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS)):
    content_token_list = content_tokens[i]
    for content_token in content_token_list:
        content_index = content_word_dict[content_token]
        cluster_id = w2v_labels[content_index]
        train_w2v_features[i, cluster_id] = 1
for i in tqdm(range(NR_TEST_REVIEWS)):
    content_token_list = content_tokens[i]
    for content_token in content_token_list:
        content_index = content_word_dict[content_token]
        cluster_id = w2v_labels[content_index]
        test_w2v_features[i, cluster_id] = 1
train_w2v_features_csr = train_w2v_features.tocsr()
test_w2v_features_csr = test_w2v_features.tocsr()

Obtain GLOVE Features

Creating the GLOVE feature vectors is done quite similar to that of the w2v feature vectors. But this time instead of training or own word embeddings, we could simply load the GLOVE ones.

# Load embedding and return a directory of words mapped to the vectors in NumPy format
# Set header true if there is a header
def load_embedding(filename,header):
    # Load embedding into memory and skip first line (which is a header)
    file = open(filename,'r', encoding="utf8")
    if header:
        lines = file.readlines()[1:]
        lines = file.readlines()
    # Create map of words to vectors
    embedding = dict()
    for line in lines:
        parts = line.split()
        # Key is string word, value is numpy array for vector
        embedding[parts[0]] = asarray(parts[1:],dtype='float32')
    return embedding

# Create a weight matrix for the embedding layer from a loaded embedding
# Glove is to be True when using the GloVe data; words are skipped that do
# not have a corresponding vector in the GloVe data
def get_weight_matrix(embedding,vocabulary,glove):
    # Total vocabulary size plus 0 for unknown words
    vocabulary_size = len(vocabulary)
    # Define weight matrix dimensions with all 0
    weight_matrix = zeros((vocabulary_size,200))
    counter = 0
    # Step vocabulary, store vectors using Tokenizers integer mapping
    for i, word in enumerate(vocabulary):
        if glove:
            vector = embedding.get(word)
            if vector is None:
                counter += 1
            if vector is not None:
                weight_matrix[i] = vector
            weight_matrix[i] = embedding.get(word)
    return weight_matrix
raw_embedding = load_embedding('data/glove.6B.200d.txt',False)

# Glove set to True (Skips words that aren't in GloVe data)
embedding_matrix = get_weight_matrix(raw_embedding,words,True)

Again we perform KMeans clustering:

kmeans = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=NR_CLUSTERS)
X = embedding_matrix
labels = kmeans.labels_
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_

And we can compute the feature vectors:

NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS = len(train_tokens)
NR_TEST_REVIEWS = len(test_tokens)

train_glove_features = dok_matrix((NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS,100))
test_glove_features = dok_matrix((NR_TEST_REVIEWS,100))

content_tokens = dataset['content_tokens'].tolist()

for i in tqdm(range(NR_TRAIN_REVIEWS)):
    content_token_list = content_tokens[i]
    for content_token in content_token_list:
        content_index = content_word_dict[content_token]
        cluster_id = glove_labels[content_index]
        train_glove_features[i, cluster_id] = 1

for i in tqdm(range(NR_TEST_REVIEWS)):
    content_token_list = content_tokens[i]
    for content_token in content_token_list:
        content_index = content_word_dict[content_token]
        cluster_id = glove_labels[content_index]
        test_glove_features[i, cluster_id] = 1
train_glove_features_csr = train_glove_features.tocsr()
test_glove_features_csr = test_glove_features.tocsr()

An important note on the feature vectors. The word embedding feature vectors are binary, meaning that if a word in the review belongs to a certain cluster. Then this position in the feature vector is set to 1 otherwise its 0. The LDA feature vector contains values between 0-1 as its a probability distribution. Finally, the BoW feature vectors contains the term count. So if a content word is mentioned multiple times in the same text it can have a value higher than 1.


Our results and conclusions can be read in our project report:


This concludes this blog on our work with the wine review dataset.


This is a project for the course Cognitive Computational Modeling of Language and Web Interaction from the Radboud University (Nijmegen). The goal of this project was to reproduce the work by Hendrickx et al. (2016) but give it our own twist. We were mostly interested in trying to predict the score for a specific wine given an expert's review.







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