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OpenTok WebRTC on iOS SDK

This SDK lets you use OpenTok on WebRTC video sessions in apps you build for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.

To get started, sign up for a Developer Account and get your API Key.

You can use OpenTok video sessions across iOS devices AND web clients that use OpenTok on WebRTC. For details about using this SDK with web clients, see the JavaScript documentation at the TokBox website.

Using the OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK

See the reference documentation for the OpenTok iOS SDK.

There are important differences to keep in mind when working with the OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK (compared with the non-WebRTC version of the OpenTok iOS SDK):

  • With the latest release of the OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK, multipoint face-to-face video sessions are now possible. To enable, multipoint face-to-face video sessions please email [email protected] and include your API key and use case. You can continue to use peer-to-peer video calling by enabling peer-to-peer sessions using your server-side library.

  • You must use a peer-to-peer streaming enabled OpenTok Session. You can enable p2p when creating a session using the Project Tools on your Developer Dashboard or enable it for any Session created with our supported server-side libraries.

    Peer-to-peer streaming helps reduce latency by letting the media stream skip a hop to an external server, resulting in better performance. A few limitations introduced by this technique are discussed below.

  • At this time you cannot run your application in the iOS Simulator. Just run it on your device for testing. We will be addressing this in a future release.

Supported devices

The OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK is supported on the following devices:

  • iPhone 4S / 5
  • iPad 2 / 3 / 4 / mini

Web browsers supported:

  • Google Chrome, Google Chrome Beta
  • Mozilla Firefox 22+

The OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK is supported on wifi connections.

Release notes

August 7, 2013 - Version 2.1.4

  • Dynamic traffic shaping -- In non-peer-to peer sessions, OpenTok now dynamically shapes audio and video to maximize the experience for every participant in a multi-point conversation. For more information, see our blog. In a non-peer-to peer session, setting [OTSubscriber subscribeToAudio] or [OTSubscriber subscribeToAudio] to NO reduces the bandwidth consumed by the app. (The app does only receives audio and video streams that it subscribes to.)
  • The [OTSubscriber subscribeToAudio] and [OTSubscriber subscribeToVideo] messages are now supported.
  • Background support improvements -- This version fixes some issues related to apps running in the background
  • Other improvements -- This version includes other fixes for performance and stability.

July 3, 2013 - Version 2.1.3

  • Fixed an issue preventing [OTVideoView getImageWithBlock:] from working correctly
  • Added support for peer-to-peer sessions connecting with Firefox 22
  • Fixed some reported crashes
  • Fixed an issue with subscriber video quality introduced in 2.1.2

May 16, 2013 - Version 2.1.2

  • Support for non-peer-to-peer sessions, using the OpenTok media server for WebRTC.
  • Fixed some issues that were occurring when the OpenTok library ran in the background.
  • Added native support for armv7s architecture.
  • Fixed a bug that causes inconsistent UI when manipulating media track functions (e.g. publishVideo, subscribeToAudio, etc.)

April 24, 2013

  • OpenTok on WebRTC now provides increased connectivity. WebRTC is a peer-to-peer protocol that does not work on some restricted networks. Many environments, especially cellular and corporate networks, have strict network policies that prevent WebRTC apps from working. OpenTok on WebRTC now overcomes these restrictions to connect clients, even in environments that have NAT-style firewalls. However, an app cannot use WebRTC if UDP is completely blocked on the network.

April 9, 2013

  • This is version 2.1.1 of the OpenTok iOS SDK.
  • We have corrected the name of the [OTPublisherDelegate publisher:didChangeCameraPosition:] message. (See the notes for April 5, 2013.)

April 5, 2013

  • This is version 2.1 of the OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK.
  • You can now specify the camera a publisher uses by setting the [OTPublisher cameraPosition] property. The OTPublisherDelegate sends the [OTPublisherDelegate publisherDidChange:cameraPosition:] message in response to a camera change.
  • Publishers and subscribers now continue to publish and subscribe to streams when running in the background.
  • This release improves connectivity between WebRTC clients.
  • This release includes bug fixes to improve performance and stability.

Known issues

  • Some features available in the OpenTok SDK for other platforms (such as JavaScript) are not supported in the OpenTok iOS SDK. These unsupported features include peer-to-peer streaming and archiving.

  • The OpenTok iOS SDK supports iOS 5 and later only.

  • Our graphics rendering pipeline causes this error to be logged when debugging: "CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0." This should not affect the performance of your app. If you experience video quality issues, please let us know.

  • You cannot target the iOS Simulator. Build and deploy to a supported iOS device.

Peer-to-peer Streaming Limitations

If you use a session that does not support peer-to-peer streaming, calling [OTSession connectWithApiKey:token:] results in the [OTSessionDelegate session:didFailWithError:] message. The error message is defined by the OTP2PSessionRequired enum in the OTError.h file.

If a session already has two connected clients, calling [OTSession connectWithApiKey:token:] results in the [OTSessionDelegate session:didFailWithError:] message. The error message is defined by the OTP2PSessionMaxParticipants enum in the OTError.h file.

You cannot subscribe to a stream published by your own app. If you call [OTSubscriber initWithStream:delegate:] passing in a stream you publish, the OTSubscriberDelegate sends the [OTSubscriberDelegate subscriber:didFailWithError:] message. The error message is defined by the OTSelfSubscribeFailure enum in the OTError.h file.

Developer and client requirements

  • The OpenTok iOS SDK requires XCode 4.2 or later. XCode 4.2 requires Mac OS 10.6.8 or later.

  • You need to test OpenTok apps on an iOS device running iOS 5. The OpenTok iOS SDK supports iPhone 3GS (subscribing only), iPhone 4 and higher, iPod touch 4th generation and higher, and all iPad versions.

  • To test OpenTok apps on an iOS device, you will need to register as an Apple iOS developer at

Setting up your development environment

Download the webrtc branch of the OpenTokHelloWorld sample app and the OpenTok iOS SDK. Use git clone --recursive -b webrtc

The OpenTokHelloWorld app publishes to a demo session, and subscribes to its own stream (or any other stream in the session). Included in the OpenTok on WebRTC iOS SDK are files you will need to develop your own apps:

  • Opentok.framework -- Add this framework to your project. Note that to use the library you must also include the opentok.bundle file and the headers included in in the Frameworks directory of the OpenTokHelloWorld sample app.

  • opentok.bundle -- Add the opentok.bundle file to your project. The opentok.bundle file is located in the Opentok.framework/Versions/A/Resources subdirectory of the OpenTok iOS SDK.

  • Frameworks directory -- The OpenTok iOS library uses linked frameworks and dynamic libraries provided by iOS. We cannot pre-link them in the OpenTok framework, so your project must link them. Expand the "Frameworks" directory of the sample application in XCode project browser. Drag and drop the contents of this directory into your own iOS project.

You can connect to the same OpenTok session that the OpenTokHello sample app uses by going to You can generate a new session ID at this URL:

Be sure to create a peer-to-peer session.

You can also create a web page that connects to the same session as the app.

Using the sample apps

  • The webrtc branch of the OpenTokHello sample app shows the most basic functionality of the OpenTok iOS SDK: connecting to sessions, publishing streams, and subscribing to streams.

    Use git clone --recursive -b webrtc to obtain the webrtc branch of the OpenTokHello Sample App project.

  • The OpenTokBasic sample app uses more of the OpenTok iOS SDK than the OpenTokHello sample app does.

Creating your own app using the OpenTok iOS SDK

Here are the basic steps in creating your own app:

  1. In XCode, create a new project. The simplest application is a Single-View application.

  2. Open the project navigator in Xcode.

  3. Drag the Opentok.framework directory from the Mac OS Finder to the Frameworks directory for for your project in XCode.

  4. Drag the opentok.bundle file from the Mac OS Finder to root directory for your project in XCode.

    The opentok.bundle file is located in the Opentok.framework/Versions/A/Resources subdirectory of the OpenTok iOS SDK.

  5. The OpenTok framework requires a few other frameworks and libraries to be added to your project. The easiest way to add them is to copy them from the OpenTokHello sample app.

    Open the OpenTokHello sample app in XCode. Drag all of the additional frameworks from the frameworks folder (in the project navigator) of the OpenTokHello project into the frameworks folder of your project.

    The additional frameworks and libraries include the following: AudioToolbox.framework, AVFoundation.framework, CFNetwork.framework, CoreAudio.framework, CoreMedia.framework, CoreTelephony.framework, CoreVideo.framework, libz.dylib, libstdc++.dylib, MobileCoreServices.framework, OpenGLES.framework, QuartzCore.framework, Security.framework, SystemConfiguration.framework.

  6. When running in the background, the OpenTok SDK requires certain Info.pList settings to continue publishing and subscribing to audio video streams. In XCode, open Info tab for your app's target and add a Required Background Modes entry (if it does not already exist). Add the following to the list of required background modes:

    • App plays audio
    • App provides Voice over IP services

Next steps:

  1. In the ViewController.h file, add the following line (after import <UIKit/UIKit.h>):

     #import <Opentok/Opentok.h>
  2. Assuming that your ViewController will implement the OTSessionDelegate, OTPublisherDelegate, and OTSubscriberDelegate protocols, edit the @interface declaration in the ViewController.h file to the following:

     @interface ViewController : UIViewController <OTSessionDelegate, OTSubscriberDelegate, OTPublisherDelegate>
  3. You will need to implement the required method in each protocol that you add (OTSessionDelegate, OTSubscriberDelegate, OTPublisherDelegate).

  4. Add code to initialize and connect to an OpenTok session. And add code to publish and subscribe to streams. See the code in the OpenTokHello application.

Connect with TokBox and with other OpenTok developers

Your comments and questions are welcome. Come join the conversation at the OpenTok iOS SDK forum.


OpenTok iOS video SDK for WebRTC







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