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Tags: TDu/docker-odoo-project



Toggle 2.4.0's commit message
**Features and Improvements**

* A maintenance page is published on the same port than Odoo (8069) during the
  marabunta migration (need anthem >= 0.10.0 and marabunta >= 0.7.2)
* Support installation of Odoo addons packaged as Python wheels


* The ``start-entrypoint./000_base_url`` script might fail when we don't run
  marabunta migration and the database does not exist, the script is now
  ignored in such case.


* Upgrade ``anthem`` to 0.10.0
* Upgrade ``marabunta`` to 0.7.2, includes a maintenance page during the upgrade!
* Add ``odoo-autodiscover>=2.0.0b1`` to support Odoo addons packaged as wheels
* Upgrade ``psycopg2`` to with several bugfixes notably "Fixed
  inconsistent state in externally closed connections" in


Toggle 2.3.0's commit message
**Features and Improvements**

* Remove ``DOMAIN_NAME`` environment variable. Only ``ODOO_BASE_URL`` is now used.
* Set a default value for ``ODOO_BASE_URL`` to ``http://localhost:8069``.


* Add ``ofxparse`` as found in odoo's requirements
* Upgrade ``psycopg2`` to 2.7.1
* Add ``pytest-cov`` for tests
* PyChart is no longer installed from (down) but from pypi


Toggle 2.2.0's commit message
**Features and Improvements**

* Upgrade postgres-client to 9.6
* Add before-migrate-entrypoint.d, same principle than the start-entrypoint.d
  but run before the migration


Toggle 2.1.1's commit message

* Remove a remaining occurence of hardcoded 'db' host in the start-entrypoint
  that set the base URL.


Toggle 2.1.0's commit message
**Features and Improvements**

* Possibility to change the hostname for database with ``$DB_HOST`` (default is ``db``)
* Set the ``list_db`` option to ``False`` by default.  This option can be
  unsafe and there is no reason to activate it as the image is designed to run
  on one database by default.


* Upgrade ``anthem`` to 0.7.0
* Upgrade ``dockerize`` to 0.4.0
* Add ``html2text`` (used in ``mail`` module)
* Add ``odfpy`` and ``xlrd`` for xls/xlsx/ods imports


Toggle 2.0.0's commit message

This release might break compatibility with the images using it, it needs some
little modifications in their `Dockerfile`.
The Workdir of the container will be `/opt` instead of `/opt/odoo`.
The reason is that it allows a more natural transition between the project from
the outside of the container and from the inside. Meaning, if we run the following command:


  docker-compose run --rm -e DB_NAME=dbtest odoo pytest -s odoo/local-src/my_addon/tests/


The path `odoo/local-src...` is the path you see in your local project (with auto-completion),
but it is valid from inside the container too.

The implication is that the projects' Dockerfile need to be adapted, for instance:


  COPY ./requirements.txt ./
  RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
  COPY ./ bin/




  COPY ./requirements.txt /opt/odoo/
  RUN cd /opt/odoo && pip install -r requirements.txt

  COPY ./ /opt/odoo/bin/


**Features and Improvements**

* Include pytest
* Add testdb-gen, command that generates a test database to be used with pytest
* Add testdb-update, command to update the addons of a database created with testdb-gen
* 'chown' is executed on the volumes only if the user is different, should make the boot faster
* 'chown' is executed for any command, not only when starting odoo, needed to run testdb-gen
* Customizable `web.base.url` with environment variables `ODOO_BASE_URL` or
* Allow to run custom scripts between `migrate` and the execution of
  `odoo`, by placing them in `/opt/odoo/start-entrypoint.d` (respecting
  `run-parts` naming rules)


* Upgrade marabunta to 0.6.3 (


Toggle 1.7.1's commit message
Important bugfix in marabunta! The changes in the ``marabunta_version…

…`` were

never committed, so migration would run again.


* Upgrade Marabunta to 0.6.1


Toggle 1.7.0's commit message
**Features and Improvements**

* Export PG* environment variables for convenience, so in a shell we can connect
  on the current database with:

  ``docker-compose run --rm odoo psql -l``

  And in Marabunta steps we can execute SQL files with:

  ``psql -f path/to/file.sql``

  Instead of:

  ``sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD psql -h db -U $DB_USER -f path/to/file.sql $DB_NAME'``

* Use unbuffer when calling marabunta, to have the output line by line


* Change 'pip list' invocation to remove a deprecation warning


* Upgrade marabunta to 0.6.0 (


Toggle 1.6.2's commit message

* Set default command to 'odoo' for 9.0 as well
* Run migration if the command is too


* Upgrade marabunta to 0.5.1


Toggle 1.6.1's commit message
1.6.1 (2016-10-24)



* ``runtests`` was calling the wrong path for ``odoo`` in 9.0 version


* Tests on Travis call ``runtests`` during the build to ensure the script works
  as expected