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Support protobuf serializer for custom types #523

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115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions Example mod/SerializableBehaviourExample.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
using System;
using BepInEx;
using Nautilus.Assets;
using Nautilus.Assets.PrefabTemplates;
using Nautilus.Handlers;
using ProtoBuf;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Nautilus.Examples;

[BepInPlugin("com.snmodding.nautilus.serializablebehaviour", "Nautilus Serializable Behaviour Example Mod", PluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
internal class SerializableBehaviourExample : BaseUnityPlugin
private void Awake()
// Don't forget to register your serializable types

var stopwatchSign = new CustomPrefab(PrefabInfo.WithTechType("StopwatchSign"));
var stopwatchSignTemplate = new CloneTemplate(stopwatchSign.Info, TechType.Sign);
stopwatchSignTemplate.ModifyPrefab += go => go.AddComponent<StopwatchSignExample>();

internal class RealtimeCounter : MonoBehaviour, IProtoEventListener
public DateTimeOffset StartedCounting { get; private set; } = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

// If you plan on updating your mod and in particular, updating the serialized MonoBehaviours' fields,
// you will need to update the version number and adapt your data in the OnProtoDeserialize method.
// If you're just making a new serializable MonoBehaviour, set version to 1
// If you don't care about updating your mod, you can just ignore everything concerning the version variable
public int version = 2;

// Variable to be serialized
public double totalRealtimeMs;

// This is an example of how you can give a default value to your serialized variables
public long firstLaunchUnixTimeMs = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

// Below are two listeners from the optional interface IProtoEventListener:
// OnProtoDeserialize happens after this MonoBehaviour's GameObject full hierarchy is deserialized
public void OnProtoDeserialize(ProtobufSerializer serializer)
// This happens when this MonoBehaviour is loaded for the first time after being updated (serialized version was 1 but it should be 2)
// You can find another example in Subnautica's code, like WaterParkCreature.OnProtoDeserialize
if (version == 1)
// This has no particular meaning but stands as an example of how you can adapt your data in case of updating your serialized variables
firstLaunchUnixTimeMs = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() - 1000;

StartedCounting = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
Debug.Log($"Deserialized realtime counter with {totalRealtimeMs}ms [first launch at: {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(firstLaunchUnixTimeMs)}]");

// OnProtoSerialize happens before this MonoBehaviour's GameObject full hierarchy is serialized
public void OnProtoSerialize(ProtobufSerializer serializer)
// Ensure the serialized version is the newest one
version = 2;

// Doing some stuff according to your needs
totalRealtimeMs += (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - StartedCounting).TotalMilliseconds;
StartedCounting = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
Debug.Log($"Serialized realtime counter with {totalRealtimeMs}ms [first launch at: {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(firstLaunchUnixTimeMs)}]");

internal class StopwatchSignExample : MonoBehaviour, IProtoEventListener
public int version = 1;

public float timePassed;

public int serializations;

public int deserializations;

private Sign _sign;

private void Start()
_sign = GetComponent<Sign>();

private void Update()
if (_sign) _sign.signInput.inputField.text = timePassed.ToString("#.0") + $"\nSerializations: {serializations}" + $"\nDeserializations: {deserializations}";
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

public void OnProtoDeserialize(ProtobufSerializer serializer)

public void OnProtoSerialize(ProtobufSerializer serializer)
version = 1;
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions Nautilus/Handlers/ProtobufSerializerHandler.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using HarmonyLib;
using Nautilus.Patchers;
using Nautilus.Utility;
using ProtoBuf;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Nautilus.Handlers;

/// <summary>
/// A handler class responsible for implementing Protobuf serialization to new custom types.
/// </summary>
public static class ProtobufSerializerHandler
internal static Dictionary<Type, SerializerEntry> SerializerEntries;

static ProtobufSerializerHandler()

/// <summary>
/// Initialize <see cref="SerializerEntries"/> with Subnautica's known types
/// </summary>
private static void InitializeSerializerEntries(MethodInfo serializeMethodInfo)
SerializerEntries = new();

// We loop through the IL code instructions to find the exact match between a typeId and the method it calls
List<KeyValuePair<OpCode, object>> serializeMethodInstructions = PatchProcessor.ReadMethodBody(serializeMethodInfo).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < serializeMethodInstructions.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<OpCode, object> instruction = serializeMethodInstructions[i];
if (instruction.Key == OpCodes.Call)
// The castclass instruction is always 3 steps before the call instruction
Type objectType = (Type) serializeMethodInstructions[i - 3].Value;
// The ldc.i4 instruction is always 2 steps before the call instruction
int associatedTypeId = (int) serializeMethodInstructions[i - 2].Value;
// To get the methodName we remove the 5 first letters and we cut before the opening parenthese
string serializeMethodName = instruction.Value.ToString()[5..].Split('(')[0];
// The deserialize method name will be the same but with Deserialize[...] instead of Serialize[...]
string deserializeMethodName = serializeMethodName.Replace("S", "Des");

SerializerEntries.Add(objectType, new(objectType, associatedTypeId, serializeMethodName, deserializeMethodName));

/// <summary>
/// Registers a type as serializable for Protobuf.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the only method from <see cref="ProtobufSerializerPrecompiledPatcher"/> which should be used by mods.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="serializableType">Type of the serializable type</param>
private static SerializerEntry RegisterSerializableType(Type serializableType)
ProtobufSerializerPrecompiled.knownTypes.Add(serializableType, 0);

Dictionary<int, FieldInfo> serializedFieldsByTag = GetSerializedFieldsByTag(serializableType);
SerializerEntry serializerEntry = new(serializableType, ((Delegate) Serialize).Method, ((Delegate) Deserialize).Method, serializedFieldsByTag);
SerializerEntries.Add(serializableType, serializerEntry);

InternalLogger.Info($"Registered serializable type {serializableType}");
return serializerEntry;

/// <summary>
/// Searches for all types marked with attribute <see cref="ProtoContractAttribute"/> in the executing assembly,
/// and registers them as serializable by <see cref="RegisterSerializableType"/>.
/// </summary>
public static void RegisterAllSerializableTypesInAssembly()
List<SerializerEntry> serializerEntries = new();
foreach (Type type in Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetTypes())
foreach (Attribute attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes())
if (attribute is ProtoContractAttribute)

foreach (SerializerEntry serializerEntry in serializerEntries)
// If the type inherits (whatever at which depth) a serializable class, make sure to notice it
Type derivedType = serializerEntry.Type.BaseType;
while (derivedType != null && derivedType != typeof(MonoBehaviour))
if (SerializerEntries.TryGetValue(derivedType, out SerializerEntry inheritedSerializerEntry))
InternalLogger.Log($"Found derived type for {serializerEntry.Type}: {derivedType}");
serializerEntry.FirstInheritedSerializerEntry = inheritedSerializerEntry;
derivedType = derivedType.BaseType;

/// <summary>
/// Automatically serializes a registered type from <see cref="SerializerEntries"/> based on its type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Should only be called by <see cref="ProtobufSerializerPrecompiledPatcher.OptimizedSerializePrefix"/>
/// </remarks>
public static void Serialize(object instance, int objId, ProtoWriter writer)
if (SerializerEntries.TryGetValue(instance.GetType(), out SerializerEntry serializerEntry))
SerializeEntry(serializerEntry, instance, writer);

private static void SerializeEntry(SerializerEntry serializerEntry, object instance, ProtoWriter writer)
if (serializerEntry.FirstInheritedSerializerEntry is SerializerEntry inheritedEntry)
if (inheritedEntry.SerializedFieldsByTag != null)
SerializeEntry(inheritedEntry, instance, writer);
inheritedEntry.SerializeInfo.Invoke(writer.model, new object[] { instance, inheritedEntry.TypeId, writer });

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, FieldInfo> pair in serializerEntry.SerializedFieldsByTag)
int tag = pair.Key;
FieldInfo field = pair.Value;

object value = field.GetValue(instance);
writer.model.TrySerializeAuxiliaryType(writer, field.FieldType, DataFormat.Default, tag, value, false);

/// <summary>
/// Automatically deserializes a registered type from <see cref="SerializerEntries"/> based on its type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Should only be called by <see cref="ProtobufSerializerPrecompiledPatcher.OptimizedDeserializePrefix"/>
/// </remarks>
public static object Deserialize(object instance, ProtoReader reader)
if (SerializerEntries.TryGetValue(instance.GetType(), out SerializerEntry serializerEntry))
return DeserializeEntry(serializerEntry, instance, reader);
return null;

private static object DeserializeEntry(SerializerEntry serializerEntry, object instance, ProtoReader reader)
if (serializerEntry.FirstInheritedSerializerEntry is SerializerEntry inheritedEntry)
if (inheritedEntry.SerializedFieldsByTag != null)
DeserializeEntry(inheritedEntry, instance, reader);
inheritedEntry.DeserializeInfo.Invoke(reader.model, new object[] { instance, reader });

object value = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, FieldInfo> pair in serializerEntry.SerializedFieldsByTag)
int tag = pair.Key;
FieldInfo field = pair.Value;
if (reader.model.TryDeserializeAuxiliaryType(reader, DataFormat.Default, tag, field.FieldType, ref value, true, true, false, false))
field.SetValue(instance, value);

return instance;

/// <summary>
/// Automatically generates an ordered list of fields to serialize
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serializableType">Serialized type</param>
private static Dictionary<int, FieldInfo> GetSerializedFieldsByTag(Type serializableType)
// Extract the fields and to be serialized (marked with SubnauticaSerialized)
FieldInfo[] fields = serializableType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);

Dictionary<int, FieldInfo> serializedFieldsByTag = new();

foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
foreach (Attribute attribute in field.GetCustomAttributes())
if (attribute is SubnauticaSerialized subnauticaSerialized)
serializedFieldsByTag.Add(subnauticaSerialized.tag, field);
return serializedFieldsByTag;

/// <summary>
/// Marks the fields to be detectable by <see cref="GetSerializedFieldsByTag"/>.
/// (Encapsulates <see cref="ProtoMemberAttribute"/>)
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class SubnauticaSerialized : ProtoMemberAttribute
/// <inheritdoc cref="ProtoMemberAttribute(int, bool)" />
public SubnauticaSerialized(int tag, bool forced = false) : base(tag, forced) { }

/// <summary>
/// Data structure which holds the method data for serialization and deserialization.
/// </summary>
internal class SerializerEntry
internal Type Type;
internal int TypeId;
internal MethodInfo SerializeInfo;
internal MethodInfo DeserializeInfo;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="SerializerEntry"/> corresponding to the first inherited type which is registered to be serialized.
/// Can be null if there's none.
/// </summary>
internal SerializerEntry FirstInheritedSerializerEntry;
internal IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, FieldInfo>> SerializedFieldsByTag;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor to be commonly used when adding a new serializable type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serializeInfo">A static method ran when Subnautica serializes the <see cref="Type"/></param>
/// <param name="deserializeInfo">A static method ran when Subnautica deserializes the <see cref="Type"/></param>
/// <param name="serializedFieldsByTag">A dictionary containing all fields to be serialized, linked to their tag</param>
/// <param name="type">The type to be serializable</param>
public SerializerEntry(Type type, MethodInfo serializeInfo, MethodInfo deserializeInfo, Dictionary<int, FieldInfo> serializedFieldsByTag)
Type = type;
SerializeInfo = serializeInfo;
DeserializeInfo = deserializeInfo;
SerializedFieldsByTag = serializedFieldsByTag.OrderBy(entry => entry.Key);

/// <summary>
/// Constructor to be used for Subnautica's default known types only.
/// </summary>
public SerializerEntry(Type type, int typeId, string serializeMethodName, string deserializeMethodName)
Type = type;
TypeId = typeId;
SerializeInfo = ReflectionHelper.GetInstanceMethod<ProtobufSerializerPrecompiled>(serializeMethodName);
DeserializeInfo = ReflectionHelper.GetInstanceMethod<ProtobufSerializerPrecompiled>(deserializeMethodName);
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Nautilus/Initializer.cs
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Expand Up @@ -79,5 +79,6 @@ static Initializer()