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I have noticed a lack of writing on node-based user interfaces and I aim to fix it! This website aims to be a place to dump all that I have learned about the subject so that it can hopefully be of use to others. If you have found this website helpful, want to contribute your thoughts, or have complaints please let me know! My contact information can be found on my website.


This website uses Jekyll, get that here.

cd to the git repo

bundle install to install all the dependencies

bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental to start Jekyll @ localhost:4000

Navigate to in the browser and get going!


License & Credits

The vast majority of original content (and code) here is licensed under a very free CC-BY 4.0 license. All I ask for is proper attribution, how nice!

Website licensing is difficult though and so not everything included or used in this repo is licensed this way. Here's a list of things to look out for if you wish to use the content for your own projects.

1. My logo

That W in the top left on the nav bar, it's not your logo, please don't use it as your own. It is not licensed under a CC-BY license and stealing somebody else's logo would be bad for your brand anyways??? Bad move!


SASS MQ is included in this repo but it is distributed under the MIT license.

3. Boxicons

Boxicons is not distributed in this repo but is also available under the CC-BY 4.0 license. Trademarks are property of their respective owners.

4. Plex

Plex is not distributed in this repo but is available under the SIL Open Font License.